Responsabilidad social empresarial literatura y avances de su desarrollo
Figueroa Varela, Lloids Kevin
Tejeda Santamaría, Jennifer
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Debido a la importancia sobre el concepto de responsabilidad social en el mundo de los negocios, es primordial tratar de comprenderlo y darle un matiz para determinar las acciones que hay que tomar al momento ser responsable con los agentes que integran el concepto, de ahí el objetivo del presente artículo, consiste en analizar por medio de una revisión bibliográfica la conceptualización sobre responsabilidad social empresarial (RSE). Como metodología, se parte de una revisión bibliográfica a través del uso de bases de datos especializadas. Como resultado se obtuvieron 60 artículos de investigación relacionados con la responsabilidad social empresarial. Respecto a esto podemos inferir que más allá de sus premurosos procesos que embargan a la humanidad debe prevalecer la responsabilidad social empresarial desde donde se permita la contribución o aporte por parte de las organizaciones al desarrollo sostenible, en el que a través de la ética y desde el compromiso y la confianza se apunten al equilibro entre el desarrollo económico, humano y ambiental.
Due to the importance of the concept of social responsibility in the business world, it is essential to try to understand it and give it a nuance to determine the actions that must be taken at the moment to be responsible with the agents that make up the concept, hence the objective of this article, consists of analyzing through a bibliographic review the conceptualization of corporate social responsibility (CSR). As a methodology, it starts from a bibliographic review through the use of specialized databases. As a result, 60 research articles related to corporate social responsibility were obtained. Regarding this, we can infer that beyond its pressing processes that affect humanity, corporate social responsibility must prevail from where the contribution or contribution by organizations to sustainable development is allowed, in which through ethics and from commitment and trust are aimed at the balance between economic, human and environmental development.
Due to the importance of the concept of social responsibility in the business world, it is essential to try to understand it and give it a nuance to determine the actions that must be taken at the moment to be responsible with the agents that make up the concept, hence the objective of this article, consists of analyzing through a bibliographic review the conceptualization of corporate social responsibility (CSR). As a methodology, it starts from a bibliographic review through the use of specialized databases. As a result, 60 research articles related to corporate social responsibility were obtained. Regarding this, we can infer that beyond its pressing processes that affect humanity, corporate social responsibility must prevail from where the contribution or contribution by organizations to sustainable development is allowed, in which through ethics and from commitment and trust are aimed at the balance between economic, human and environmental development.
Palabras clave
Responsabilidad social empresarial, Organizaciones, Práctica, Cooperación, Corporate social responsibility organization, Organizations, Practice, Cooperation