Las causas socio jurídicas del fenómeno del feminicidio en Colombia
Villa Villalba, Genesis Paola
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La violencia en contra de la mujer hace parte de la historia de la humanidad, desde tiempos remotos. Hasta el día de hoy, los maltratos sexuales, físicos, psicológicos y verbales han sido innumerables dentro de la civilización. En efecto existen incontables ejemplos de cómo las mujeres han sido humilladas y despojadas de su dignidad y derechos. Objetivo general: Analizar el delito de feminicidio y sus causas, a partir de la Ley 1761 de 2015. Materiales y métodos: Esta investigación es cualitativa y se fundamenta en la pretensión de cualificar, categorizar, describir, analizar e interpretar el fenómeno de el feminicidio y seleccionar el análisis documental como la técnica de recolección de información, en documentos, libros, revistas, entre otros textos relacionados con la temática estudiada en el presente trabajo.
Violence against women is as long as the history of humanity, from ancient times to the present day sexual, physical, psychological and verbal abuses have been innumerable within civilization, there are countless examples of how women have been humiliated and stripped of their dignity and rights. General objective: To analyze the crime of femicide and its causes. Materials and methods: this research is qualitative, it uses data collection and analysis, that is why the research used in this investigation is based on the claim to qualify, categorize, describe, analyze and interpret the phenomenon of femicide, the technique used for data collection is the documentary analysis that is responsible for collecting and selecting information through the reading of documents, books, magazines, etc., related to the subject studied in this work, i.e. femicide.
Violence against women is as long as the history of humanity, from ancient times to the present day sexual, physical, psychological and verbal abuses have been innumerable within civilization, there are countless examples of how women have been humiliated and stripped of their dignity and rights. General objective: To analyze the crime of femicide and its causes. Materials and methods: this research is qualitative, it uses data collection and analysis, that is why the research used in this investigation is based on the claim to qualify, categorize, describe, analyze and interpret the phenomenon of femicide, the technique used for data collection is the documentary analysis that is responsible for collecting and selecting information through the reading of documents, books, magazines, etc., related to the subject studied in this work, i.e. femicide.
Palabras clave
Condena, Causas, Derechos humanos, Feminicidio, Maltrato, Problema social, Violencia de género, Condemnation, Causes, Human rights, Feminicides, Abuse, Social problem, Gender violence