Análisis medioambiental con el cual se promueve la mitigación de contaminantes en talleres automotrices en el barrio Chiquinquirá de la ciudad de Barranquilla
Cordero Arrieta, Brayan Miguel
Tapias Sinning, Humberto Carlos
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ingenierías
Facultad de Ingenierías
La investigación a continuación tiene como objetivo presentar y dar a conocer a los talleres mecánicos, dar a conocer las condiciones y los efectos que este tiene en cuanto al impacto que tiene la generación
de los desechos sólidos y líquidos. Se ejecuta una investigación de campo, dando a conocer la gestión
que tienen estos talleres mecánicos, en donde se evidencia su gran o poca contaminación que este
ocasiona para el medio ambiente. Se dan a conocer múltiples conceptos para dar a conocer y
contextualizar que se está tratando.
Los problemas ambientales asociados a las actividades de un taller mecánico son ocasionados principalmente por el uso inadecuado de sustancias peligrosas, de la mala capacitación del personal que
labora en estos talleres y que no saben que ruta o procedimiento se tiene que realizar al momento de
tratar con residuos contaminantes, es por eso que el presente articulo da a conocer esta problemática, también les proporciona ,los manuales a tener en cuenta para el correcto manejo, control y manipulación
de los residuos contaminantes.
The objective of the following research is to present and make known the conditions and effects that the mechanical workshops have on the impact of the generation of solid and liquid wastes. A field investigation is carried out, showing the management of these garages, where it is evident the great or little contamination that this causes to the environment. Multiple concepts are presented in order to make known and contextualize what is being dealt with. The environmental problems associated with the activities of a mechanical workshop are mainly caused by the improper use of hazardous substances, poor training of personnel working in these workshops who do not know the route or procedure to be performed when dealing with polluting waste, which is why this article makes known this problem, also provides them, the manuals to be taken into account for the proper handling, control and handling of polluting waste.
The objective of the following research is to present and make known the conditions and effects that the mechanical workshops have on the impact of the generation of solid and liquid wastes. A field investigation is carried out, showing the management of these garages, where it is evident the great or little contamination that this causes to the environment. Multiple concepts are presented in order to make known and contextualize what is being dealt with. The environmental problems associated with the activities of a mechanical workshop are mainly caused by the improper use of hazardous substances, poor training of personnel working in these workshops who do not know the route or procedure to be performed when dealing with polluting waste, which is why this article makes known this problem, also provides them, the manuals to be taken into account for the proper handling, control and handling of polluting waste.
Palabras clave
Medio ambiente, Contaminación, Desechos, Taller, Automotriz, Vehículos, Peligro, Environment, Pollution, Waste, Workshop, Automotive, Vehicles, Hazard