Actitud ante la psiquiatría
Medina Ortiz, Oscar
Oses Gil, Alejandro
Sánchez Frank, José
Sánchez Infante, Mario
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Sociedad Venezolana de Psiquiatría
Introducción: El programa de medicina de la
Universidad de Santander en Colombia hace
énfasis en la salud mental y en la salud pública,
esto podría influir positivamente en la actitud de
los estudiantes hacia la psiquiatría. Objetivo:
determinar la actitud de los estudiantes del X
semestre de medicina de la Universidad de
Santander del Campus de Cúcuta hacía la
psiquiatría. Método: Se aplicó la encuesta de
actitud ante la psiquiatría de Balon. Se añadieron
dos preguntas adicionales: ¿hasta qué punto ha
pensado seguir psiquiatría como especialidad? y
¿cuál es la especialidad que seguirá una vez
graduado de médico?. Resultados: la muestra
quedó conformada por 26 sujetos (65,4%
femenino). Promedio de edad 22,92 años (DE:
2,02) y promedio de notas 3,92 puntos (DE: 0,12).
El 65,4% de los estudiantes consideró que la
psiquiatría tiene bajo prestigio entre el público
en general, el 53,8% que si un estudiante expresa
interés por la psiquiatría podía ser visto como
raro. El 92,6% que el tratamiento psiquiátrico es
bastante útil para los pacientes. El 23,1% ha
pensado seguir psiquiatría como especialidad, un
30,8% cirugía y un 19,2% ginecología. Las mujeres
se inclinaron más por psiquiatría (P=0,052), los
hombres que su familia les saca de la cabeza
hacer psiquiatría (P=0,056), al igual que los
mayores de 23 años (P=0,043). Discusión: la
actitud hacia la psiquiatría ha sido buena. Esto
puede deberse a que el programa de medicina
está orientado en gran parte hacia la salud
mental. Conclusión: Un contacto temprano con
los pacientes psiquiátricos puede influir de
manera positiva en la actitud de los estudiantes.
Introduction: The medicine program of the University of Santander in Colombia emphasizes mental health and public health, this could positively influence the attitude of students towards psychiatry. Objective: determine the attitude toward psychiatry of tenth semester medical students at the University of Santander, campus Cucuta. Method: Balon's Attitudes to Psychiatry Scale was used. Two questions were added, to what extent have you thought about choosing psychiatry as a specialty? and, what specialty will you pursue after graduating? Results: the sample comprised 26 students (65.4% females). The average age was 22.92 (SD: 2.02) and the average grade 3.92 (SD: 0.12). 65.4% of students thought psychiatry has low prestige among the public; 53.8% of participants believe that if students show interest in psychiatry they could be seen as strange; 92.6% of participants claim that psychiatric treatment is quite useful for patients; 23.1% of students have considered pursuing psychiatry as a specialty, whereas 30.8% of participants have thought of choosing surgery, and 19.2% would choose gynecology. Women were more inclined to pursue psychiatry (P=0.052). Men claimed that their families get psychiatry out of their minds (P=0.056); the same happened to those older than 23 (P=0.043). Discussion: attitude toward psychiatry has been positive. This could be explained by the fact that the medicine program focuses a great deal on mental health. Conclusion: early contact with psychiatric patients may have a positive impact on the students' attitude.
Introduction: The medicine program of the University of Santander in Colombia emphasizes mental health and public health, this could positively influence the attitude of students towards psychiatry. Objective: determine the attitude toward psychiatry of tenth semester medical students at the University of Santander, campus Cucuta. Method: Balon's Attitudes to Psychiatry Scale was used. Two questions were added, to what extent have you thought about choosing psychiatry as a specialty? and, what specialty will you pursue after graduating? Results: the sample comprised 26 students (65.4% females). The average age was 22.92 (SD: 2.02) and the average grade 3.92 (SD: 0.12). 65.4% of students thought psychiatry has low prestige among the public; 53.8% of participants believe that if students show interest in psychiatry they could be seen as strange; 92.6% of participants claim that psychiatric treatment is quite useful for patients; 23.1% of students have considered pursuing psychiatry as a specialty, whereas 30.8% of participants have thought of choosing surgery, and 19.2% would choose gynecology. Women were more inclined to pursue psychiatry (P=0.052). Men claimed that their families get psychiatry out of their minds (P=0.056); the same happened to those older than 23 (P=0.043). Discussion: attitude toward psychiatry has been positive. This could be explained by the fact that the medicine program focuses a great deal on mental health. Conclusion: early contact with psychiatric patients may have a positive impact on the students' attitude.
Palabras clave
Estudiante de medicina, Actitud, Psiquiatría, Escogencia de la especialidad, Medical Student, Attitude, Psychiatry, Specialty Choose