Metodologías innovadoras como estrategia didáctica dirigida al fortalecimiento del proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje en niños con TDAH
Arango Mariño, Jacqueline
Clavijo Pérez, Ingrid Viviana
Yáñez Botello, Ingrid Yudith
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La educación es un tema de gran importancia para la sociedad; puesto que, en la actualidad se encuentra afectada por las disposiciones tomadas por los entes gubernamentales a raíz de la pandemia del COVID- 19; lo cual ha traído consigo ciertas alteraciones en el vivir cotidiano como por ejemplo: las secuelas dejadas por el confinamiento o cuarentena, donde el gobierno en busca de ofrecer seguridad, bienestar y velar por la salud, han enviado a todas las personas para sus casas, por supuesto eso ha conllevado a que la acción pedagógica cambie desde una educación presencial a una educación a distancia apoyada en la modalidad de educación mediada por tecnología; a lo que se adiciona en este caso las caracterizaciones de algunos integrantes de la población escolar como lo son, los niños diagnosticados con trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad (TDAH); a los cuales se debe seguir atendiendo en función de que no se rompa el ritmo de formación y capacitación; por lo tanto, el objetivo general converge en: analizar las estrategias didácticas apoyadas en las metodologías innovadoras dirigidas al fortalecimiento del proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de los niños diagnosticados con trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad (TDAH) en el Instituto Técnico Guaimaral de Cúcuta – Norte de Santander. El trabajo investigativo se realizó enmarcado en el paradigma interpretativo, bajo el enfoque de la investigación cualitativa apoyada en el método fenomenológico, en el cual se logró como resultado develar el impacto de las estrategias didácticas y su complementariedad con las metodologías innovadoras que se convierten en herramientas para que el docente con sus conocimientos, habilidades, destrezas y experiencias pueda coadyuvar al mejoramiento del rendimiento académico de los estudiantes que son diagnosticados con TDAH. Por lo tanto, se concluye que los maestros hacen esfuerzos significativos por buscar medios y alternativas para enseñar a los niños y jóvenes diagnosticados con TDAH, quienes planifican lo concerniente a las estrategias y recursos con la intención de llevar los conocimientos de una manera efectiva.
Education is an issue of great importance for society, since it is currently affected by the provisions taken by governmental entities as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has brought with it certain alterations in daily life, such as, for example, the aftermath left by the confinement or quarantine, where the government, seeking to provide security, welfare and health care, has sent all people to their homes, of course this has led to the pedagogical action to change from a classroom education to a distance education supported by the modality of education mediated by technology; In this case, the characterization of some members of the school population, such as children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), must be added, which must continue to be attended in order not to break the rhythm of education and training; therefore, the general objective converges in: To analyze didactic strategies supported by innovative methodologies aimed at strengthening the teaching and learning process of children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) at the Guaimaral Technical Institute of Cúcuta - Norte de Santander. The research work was carried out framed in the interpretive paradigm, under the approach of qualitative research supported by the phenomenological method, in which it was achieved as a result to reveal the impact of teaching strategies and their complementarity with innovative methodologies that become tools for the teacher with their knowledge, skills, abilities and experiences can contribute to the improvement of the academic performance of students who are diagnosed with ADHD. Therefore, it is concluded that teachers make significant efforts to seek means and alternatives to teach children and young people diagnosed with ADHD, who plan strategies and resources with the intention of bringing knowledge in an effective way.
Education is an issue of great importance for society, since it is currently affected by the provisions taken by governmental entities as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has brought with it certain alterations in daily life, such as, for example, the aftermath left by the confinement or quarantine, where the government, seeking to provide security, welfare and health care, has sent all people to their homes, of course this has led to the pedagogical action to change from a classroom education to a distance education supported by the modality of education mediated by technology; In this case, the characterization of some members of the school population, such as children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), must be added, which must continue to be attended in order not to break the rhythm of education and training; therefore, the general objective converges in: To analyze didactic strategies supported by innovative methodologies aimed at strengthening the teaching and learning process of children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) at the Guaimaral Technical Institute of Cúcuta - Norte de Santander. The research work was carried out framed in the interpretive paradigm, under the approach of qualitative research supported by the phenomenological method, in which it was achieved as a result to reveal the impact of teaching strategies and their complementarity with innovative methodologies that become tools for the teacher with their knowledge, skills, abilities and experiences can contribute to the improvement of the academic performance of students who are diagnosed with ADHD. Therefore, it is concluded that teachers make significant efforts to seek means and alternatives to teach children and young people diagnosed with ADHD, who plan strategies and resources with the intention of bringing knowledge in an effective way.
Palabras clave
Ambientes de aprendizaje, Educación a distancia, Educación virtual, Metodologías innovadoras, Trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad, Learning environments, Distance education, Virtual education, Innovative methodologies, Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder