Tendencias en el estudio de la depresión y el bajo rendimiento académico en estudiantes universitarios
Niebles Carroll, Linda Rosa
González Arnedo, Humberto José
Picalua Benítez, Andrea Carolina
Rodelo Zapata, Daniela Natalith
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Abordar la depresión y el bajo rendimiento en los estudiantes universitarios contribuye a promover la igualdad de oportunidades en la educación. Al brindar el apoyo necesario para superar estos desafíos, se reduce la brecha entre quienes tienen acceso a recursos y apoyo y
quienes no, ya que al brindarles un apoyo integral a los estudiantes que atraviesan alguna dificultad académica, se les da la oportunidad de alcanzar su máximo potencial educativo.
Los principales hallazgos revelan una amplia investigación sobre la prevalencia de síntomas depresivos y ansiosos en estudiantes, así como su impacto negativo en el rendimiento académico. Se destacan los factores asociados, como aspectos sociodemográficos, familiares, académicos y psicosociales, resaltando la multicausalidad del problema.La pandemia de COVID-19 se identifica como un factor exacerbante de los problemas de salud mental en este grupo vulnerable.
Además, se aborda la influencia de patrones de alimentación, actividad física, sueño y uso de sustancias en el desarrollo de depresión y ansiedad. La investigación destaca la importancia de implementar programas de prevención, detección temprana y atención a la salud mental en las instituciones de educación superior, para promover el bienestar psicológico de los estudiantes y apoyo.
En conclusión, este trabajo contribuye a una mejor comprensión de las tendencias y características de la investigación sobre la depresión y el bajo rendimiento académico en estudiantes universitarios latinoamericanos, aportando información valiosa para el desarrollo de estrategias y políticas adaptadas a su realidad.
Addressing depression and underachievement in college students helps promote equal opportunity in education. By providing the support necessary to overcome these challenges, the gap between those who have access to resources and support and those who do not is reduced, since by providing comprehensive support to students who are experiencing academic difficulties, they are given the opportunity to achieve their maximum educational potential. And by addressing these challenges, retention rates in Latin America can be improved. This is especially relevant, since there are significant socioeconomic disparities in this area. The main findings reveal extensive research on the prevalence of depressive and anxious symptoms in students, as well as their negative impact on academic performance. Associated factors are highlighted, such as sociodemographic, family, academic and psychosocial aspects, highlighting the multicausality of the problem. The COVID-19 pandemic is identified as an exacerbating factor in mental health problems in this vulnerable group. Additionally, the influence of eating patterns, physical activity, sleep, and substance use on the development of depression and anxiety is addressed. The research highlights the importance of implementing prevention, early detection and mental health care programs in higher education institutions, to promote and support the psychological well-being of students. In conclusion, this work contributes to a better understanding of the trends and characteristics of research on depression and poor academic performance in Latin American university students, providing valuable information for the development of strategies and policies adapted to their reality.
Addressing depression and underachievement in college students helps promote equal opportunity in education. By providing the support necessary to overcome these challenges, the gap between those who have access to resources and support and those who do not is reduced, since by providing comprehensive support to students who are experiencing academic difficulties, they are given the opportunity to achieve their maximum educational potential. And by addressing these challenges, retention rates in Latin America can be improved. This is especially relevant, since there are significant socioeconomic disparities in this area. The main findings reveal extensive research on the prevalence of depressive and anxious symptoms in students, as well as their negative impact on academic performance. Associated factors are highlighted, such as sociodemographic, family, academic and psychosocial aspects, highlighting the multicausality of the problem. The COVID-19 pandemic is identified as an exacerbating factor in mental health problems in this vulnerable group. Additionally, the influence of eating patterns, physical activity, sleep, and substance use on the development of depression and anxiety is addressed. The research highlights the importance of implementing prevention, early detection and mental health care programs in higher education institutions, to promote and support the psychological well-being of students. In conclusion, this work contributes to a better understanding of the trends and characteristics of research on depression and poor academic performance in Latin American university students, providing valuable information for the development of strategies and policies adapted to their reality.
Palabras clave
Depresión, Rendimiento académico, Estudiantes universitarios, Salud mental, COVID 19