Comportamiento epidemiológico de la hepatitis A en Barranquilla-Colombia, durante los años 2013 a 2017
Suarez-Palacio, Damaris
Muñoz-Garzón, Andrés
Parra-Pérez, Marco
Rodríguez-Villa, Nefer
Prieto-Suarez, Edgar
Maestre-Serrano, Ronald
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Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Objetivo Analizar el comportamiento epidemiológico de la hepatitis A en el Distrito de
Barranquilla (Colombia), durante los años 2013 a 2017.
Metodología Estudio descriptivo, en el que se revisó de forma retrospectiva la base de
datos de todos los casos de hepatitis A notificados en el Distrito de Barranquilla durante
el periodo de observación.
Resultados Se notificaron 293 casos nuevos de hepatitis A en el Distrito de Barranquilla, de los cuales el 62,4% eran hombres y el 37,6% restantes mujeres. Los grupos
etarios más afectados fueron los adultos con el 39,6% de los casos, seguido de jóvenes y niños en etapa escolar con el 15% respectivamente. En cuanto a la incidencia de
hepatitis A en el Distrito de Barranquilla se observó un descenso entre los años 2013 a
2016 al pasar de 10,9 a 1,5 casos por 100 000 habitantes; sin embargo, en el 2017 se
observó un leve aumento en la incidencia a 2,5 por 100 000 habitantes.
Conclusiones La Hepatitis A es un evento de interés en salud pública para el Distrito
de Barranquilla, que ha mantenido un comportamiento a la baja de su incidencia en
los últimos años.
Objective To analyze the epidemiological behavior of hepatitis A in the district of Barranquilla (Colombia), in the period 2013-2017. Materials and Methods Descriptive study, in which the database of all hepatitis A cases reported in the district of Barranquilla during the observation period were retrospectively reviewed. Results There were 293 new cases of hepatitis A reported in the district of Barranquilla, of which 62.4% occurred in men and 37.6% in women. The age groups most affected by the disease were adults (39.6%), followed by young people and schoolchildren (15%, respectively). The incidence of hepatitis A in the district of Barranquilla decreased between 2013 and 2016 from 10.9 to 1.5 cases per 100 000 inhabitants; however, in 2017 there was a slight increase to 2.5 cases per 100 000 inhabitants. Conclusions Hepatitis A is an event of interest for public health in the district of Barranquilla, and the behavior of its incidence has had a downward trend in recent years.
Objective To analyze the epidemiological behavior of hepatitis A in the district of Barranquilla (Colombia), in the period 2013-2017. Materials and Methods Descriptive study, in which the database of all hepatitis A cases reported in the district of Barranquilla during the observation period were retrospectively reviewed. Results There were 293 new cases of hepatitis A reported in the district of Barranquilla, of which 62.4% occurred in men and 37.6% in women. The age groups most affected by the disease were adults (39.6%), followed by young people and schoolchildren (15%, respectively). The incidence of hepatitis A in the district of Barranquilla decreased between 2013 and 2016 from 10.9 to 1.5 cases per 100 000 inhabitants; however, in 2017 there was a slight increase to 2.5 cases per 100 000 inhabitants. Conclusions Hepatitis A is an event of interest for public health in the district of Barranquilla, and the behavior of its incidence has had a downward trend in recent years.
Palabras clave
Hepatitis A, Epidemiología, Colombia (fuente: DeCS, BIREME), Hepatitis A, Epidemiology, Colombia (source: MeSH, NLM)