Factores laborales que influyen en los problemas de salud mental en los trabajadores de una empresa distribuidora de productos farmacéuticos en la ciudad de San Andrés Islas Colombia
Marchena Marriaga, Daniela
Rivera Jiménez, Camila
Marriaga Ortega, Yuranis
Camargo Candanoza, Keyla
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Según la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), la salud mental es un estado de
bienestar mental que permite a las personas hacer frente a los momentos de estrés
de la vida, desarrollar todas sus habilidades, poder aprender y trabajar
adecuadamente y contribuir a la mejora de su comunidad, se da en un proceso
complejo, que cada persona experimenta de una manera diferente, con diversos
grados de dificultad y angustia y resultados sociales y clínicos que pueden ser muy
diferentes. La depresión es el problema mental que más afecta a la población en el
mundo, igualmente, en América Latina y el Caribe, es la más común (5%), seguida
por los trastornos de ansiedad (3,4%).
El objetivo del presente proyecto de investigación es Identificar los factores
laborales que influyen en los problemas de salud mental en los trabajadores de una
empresa distribuidora de productos farmacéuticos en la ciudad de san Andrés Islas
Este proyecto es un estudio de corte transversal realizado a 80 trabajadores de una
distribuidora de farmacia en San Andrés Islas Colombia. Se evalúo la salud mental
mediante del cuestionario DASS-21 que mide depresión, ansiedad y estrés en las
personas. Se determinaron las características sociodemográficas; identificando los
factores laborales, familiares y de salud de los sujetos de estudio; categorizando el
nivel de estrés, ansiedad y depresión de los trabajadores.
Esta investigación es de tipo descriptivo y de corte transversal. El enfoque será de
tipo cuantitativo el cual se caracteriza por una recolección de datos a través de una
encuesta que evidencia la salud mental y factores laborales de los empleados.
Teniendo en cuenta los resultados obtenidos, sé evidencio que el 18 % de la
población presenta depresión, el 23 % presenta ansiedad y un 23 % de la población
presenta estrés.Los resultados indican que la mayor parte de la población que refirió
sentir síntomas están relacionados principalmente por ansiedad y estrés; ansiedad
(23%) con prevalencia de leve, moderado, severo y extremadamente severo (22%,
56%, 6% y 17%), con estrés (23%) en niveles leve, moderado, severo y
extremadamente severo (33%, 44%, 17% y 6%). En la presente investigación
realizada se puede concluir que la mayoría de los trabajadores no manifestaron
presentar síntomas de depresión y un leve porcentaje manifestaron presentarlo
ubicándose la mayor parte en los cargos administrativos¸ en comparación de un
moderado porcentaje de la población que manifiesta sentir ansiedad y estrés en su
jornada laboral. los resultados generales fueron positivos, ya que la mayoría
ostentaron no sentir depresión, ansiedad y estrés. estos factores de riesgo
psicosocial, se pueden prevenir y si existen se deben evaluar e intervenirlos. Este
riesgo es una gran preocupación, que hoy en día tienen muchas organizaciones,
porque además de afectar la calidad de vida de los trabajadores, impacta en el
rendimiento y directamente en la productividad de las empresas. Estos factores
conllevan a la desmotivación laboral, manifestación de enfermedades laborales de
tipo mental, ocurrencias de accidentes laborales problemas de interrelación con el
equipo de trabajo.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mental health is a state of mental well-being that allows people to cope with life's stressful moments, develop all their abilities, be able to learn and work properly, and contribute to the improvement of their community, occurs in a complex process, which each person experiences in a different way, with varying degrees of difficulty and anguish and social and clinical results that can be very different. Depression is the mental problem that most affects the population in the world, likewise, in Latin America and the Caribbean, it is the most common (5%), followed by anxiety disorders (3.4%). The objective of this research project is to identify the labor factors that influence mental health problems in the workers of a pharmaceutical products distribution company in the city of San Andrés Islas Colombia. This project is a cross-sectional study carried out on 80 workers of a pharmacy distributor in San Andrés Islands, Colombia. Mental health was evaluated using the DASS-21 questionnaire that measures depression, anxiety and stress in people. Sociodemographic characteristics were determined; identifying work, family and health factors of the study subjects; categorizing the level of stress, anxiety and depression of workers. This research is descriptive and cross-sectional. The approach will be quantitative, which is characterized by data collection through a survey that shows the mental health and labor factors of employees. Taking into account the results obtained, I know evidence that 18% of the population presents depression, 23% presents anxiety and 23% of the population presents stress. The results indicate that most of the population who reported feeling symptoms are related mainly for anxiety and stress; anxiety (23%) with a prevalence of mild, moderate, severe and extremely severe (22%, 56%, 6% and 17%), with stress (23%) at mild, moderate, severe and extremely severe levels (33%, 44%, 17% and 6%). In the present investigation carried out, it can be concluded that the majority of the workers did not manifest symptoms of depression and a slight percentage stated that they presented it, placing the majority in administrative positions, compared to a moderate percentage of the population that manifests feeling anxiety and stress. in your working day. the general results were positive, since the majority claimed not to feel depression, anxiety and stress. These psychosocial risk factors can be prevented and, if they exist, they must be evaluated and intervened. This risk is a great concern that many organizations have today, because in addition to affecting the quality of life of workers, it has an impact on the performance and directly on the productivity of companies. These factors lead to labor demotivation, manifestation of occupational mental illnesses, occurrences of occupational accidents, problems of interrelation with the work team.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mental health is a state of mental well-being that allows people to cope with life's stressful moments, develop all their abilities, be able to learn and work properly, and contribute to the improvement of their community, occurs in a complex process, which each person experiences in a different way, with varying degrees of difficulty and anguish and social and clinical results that can be very different. Depression is the mental problem that most affects the population in the world, likewise, in Latin America and the Caribbean, it is the most common (5%), followed by anxiety disorders (3.4%). The objective of this research project is to identify the labor factors that influence mental health problems in the workers of a pharmaceutical products distribution company in the city of San Andrés Islas Colombia. This project is a cross-sectional study carried out on 80 workers of a pharmacy distributor in San Andrés Islands, Colombia. Mental health was evaluated using the DASS-21 questionnaire that measures depression, anxiety and stress in people. Sociodemographic characteristics were determined; identifying work, family and health factors of the study subjects; categorizing the level of stress, anxiety and depression of workers. This research is descriptive and cross-sectional. The approach will be quantitative, which is characterized by data collection through a survey that shows the mental health and labor factors of employees. Taking into account the results obtained, I know evidence that 18% of the population presents depression, 23% presents anxiety and 23% of the population presents stress. The results indicate that most of the population who reported feeling symptoms are related mainly for anxiety and stress; anxiety (23%) with a prevalence of mild, moderate, severe and extremely severe (22%, 56%, 6% and 17%), with stress (23%) at mild, moderate, severe and extremely severe levels (33%, 44%, 17% and 6%). In the present investigation carried out, it can be concluded that the majority of the workers did not manifest symptoms of depression and a slight percentage stated that they presented it, placing the majority in administrative positions, compared to a moderate percentage of the population that manifests feeling anxiety and stress. in your working day. the general results were positive, since the majority claimed not to feel depression, anxiety and stress. These psychosocial risk factors can be prevented and, if they exist, they must be evaluated and intervened. This risk is a great concern that many organizations have today, because in addition to affecting the quality of life of workers, it has an impact on the performance and directly on the productivity of companies. These factors lead to labor demotivation, manifestation of occupational mental illnesses, occurrences of occupational accidents, problems of interrelation with the work team.
Palabras clave
Salud mental, Trabajadores, Factores laborales, Mental health, Workers, Labor factors