Práctica pedagógica interdisciplinar para la ruralidad, potenciadora del arraigo y la identidad socio cultural
Téllez Siabato, Sandra Liliana
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La relevancia de una práctica pedagógica articulada con el contexto de la escuela
cobra especial importancia en los entornos rurales de características específicas en
relación a su identidad social y cultural.
El transmisionismo, el asignaturismo y la fragmentación del saber son frecuentes en
el abordaje del conocimiento (Morin, 2003), así como la atención desmedida al
entrenamiento de pruebas estandarizadas y las problemáticas exacerbadas por la
crisis del COVID 19: Deserción, bajos índices de aprobación, altas tasas de
repitencia y estudiantes en extra edad. (De Sousa, 2020).
La interdisciplinariedad y atención a las problemáticas del entorno educativo,
vislumbran un camino que ilumina los horizontes institucionales (Correa de Molina,
2020), contextualizando los proyectos educativos institucionales de tipo social,
crítico o constructivista desde una perspectiva más holística, sistémica y ecológica.
Se presenta una propuesta basada en la investigación acción participación, que se
constituye en alternativa para la ampliación de la jornada única, a través de una
práctica de aula que desarrolle iniciativas pedagógicas interdisciplinares que
propendan por un mayor acercamiento al acontecer del contexto ruralizado y
consideren el arraigo e identidad cultural, sin perder de vista que el mundo actual
se caracteriza por interconexiones a un nivel planetario, con fenómenos
recíprocamente interdependientes.
The relevance of a pedagogical practice articulated with the context of the school takes on special importance in rural environments with specific characteristics in relation to their social and cultural identity. Transmissionism, teaching by area, and the fragmentation of knowledge are frequent in the approach to knowledge (Morin, 2003). Excessive attention to the training of standardized tests and problems exacerbated by the COVID-19 crisis, such as dropouts, low approval rates, high repetition rates, and "extra-age students" are typical (De Sousa, 2020). Interdisciplinarity and attention to the problems of the educational environment, glimpse a path that illuminates the institutional horizons (Correa de Molina, 2020), contextualizing institutional educational projects of a social, critical, or constructivist type from a more holistic, systemic, and ecological perspective. Next, a proposal based on participation action research is presented, which constitutes an alternative for the extension of the “full school day” through a classroom practice that develops interdisciplinary pedagogical initiatives that promote a greater approach to the events of the rural context and consider cultural roots and identity, without losing the fact that today's world is characterized by interconnections at a planetary level, with reciprocally interdependent phenomena.
The relevance of a pedagogical practice articulated with the context of the school takes on special importance in rural environments with specific characteristics in relation to their social and cultural identity. Transmissionism, teaching by area, and the fragmentation of knowledge are frequent in the approach to knowledge (Morin, 2003). Excessive attention to the training of standardized tests and problems exacerbated by the COVID-19 crisis, such as dropouts, low approval rates, high repetition rates, and "extra-age students" are typical (De Sousa, 2020). Interdisciplinarity and attention to the problems of the educational environment, glimpse a path that illuminates the institutional horizons (Correa de Molina, 2020), contextualizing institutional educational projects of a social, critical, or constructivist type from a more holistic, systemic, and ecological perspective. Next, a proposal based on participation action research is presented, which constitutes an alternative for the extension of the “full school day” through a classroom practice that develops interdisciplinary pedagogical initiatives that promote a greater approach to the events of the rural context and consider cultural roots and identity, without losing the fact that today's world is characterized by interconnections at a planetary level, with reciprocally interdependent phenomena.
Palabras clave
Práctica pedagógica, Interdisciplinariedad, Ruralidad, Pedagogical practice, Interdisciplinarity, Rurality