Diseño del proceso gestión administrativa basado en la norma ISO 9001 del 2015 y otros requisitos legales en una microempresa de cultivos hidropónicos en Barranquilla
Pineda Mesa, Darlis Carolina
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolivar
Facultad Ciencias Básicas y Biomédicas
Facultad Ciencias Básicas y Biomédicas
Los cultivos hidropónicos son siembras que se realizan en agua, es decir, no utilizan tierra para cultivar, sólo necesitan ser depositados en el agua todos los nutrientes que necesita una planta para crecer; en este proyecto se trabajó en una microempresa de cultivos hidropónicos en la cual se buscó aplicar el diseño del proceso Gestión Administrativa basado en la norma ISO 9001:2015, las Buenas Prácticas de Manufactura y Buenas Prácticas Agrícolas para obtener un seguimiento adecuado en los procesos ejecutados dentro de la microempresa. La metodología se basó en elaborar una lista de chequeo teniendo en cuenta los requisitos de injerencia de gestión administrativa de la norma ISO 9001:2015 para evaluar el grado de cumplimiento inicial que permitiría generar el plan de acción dentro de la microempresa, que finalmente permitió obtener como resultado los formatos y documentos según las necesidades de la microempresa, además se estructuró una documentación de los procesos en gestión administrativa, las cuales contienen: hojas de vida actualizadas del aspirante que se desea ingresar a la microempresa, perfiles de cargo que especifican la función y la responsabilidad
deben poseer en la labor que ejercen, un formato del procedimiento que se debe ejecutar para el ingreso y reingreso del personal, además, se diseñó un programa de capacitación con el propósito de incrementar el conocimiento, desarrollar habilidades individuales y grupales para obtener un mejor rendimiento, eficiencia y mayor responsabilidad por parte de los colaboradores, incluyendo el cronograma de capacitación en la cual se tratarán temas a través de charlas con referencia a las Buenas Prácticas Agrícolas y otros requisitos de las normas ISO 9001 con el fin de fortalecer el conocimiento y mejorar las habilidades de aquellos colaboradores que pertenecen a la microempresa; posterior a ello se crearon formatos que mencionen el registro de asistencia de los que asistieron a la capacitación y otro formato en el que se evalúa el grado de satisfacción de la capacitación realizada; por ultimo para llevar a cabo un seguimiento y medición en procesos de Gestión Administrativa se creó un programa de auditoría. Las normas de Sistemas de Gestión de Calidad siempre serán de gran importancia implementarlas ya que ayuda a todo tipo de organizaciones a mejorar la gestión de sus procesos, de igual manera permite que estas sean más eficientes y competitivos en el mercado ofreciendo productos y/o servicios con altos estándares de calidad garantizando la satisfacción del cliente y la mejora continua.
Hydroponic crops are sowings that are carried out in water, that is, they do not use soil to cultivate, they only need to be deposited in the water all the nutrients that a plant needs to grow; In this project, we worked in a hydroponic microenterprise in which we sought to apply the design of the Administrative Management process based on the ISO 9001: 2015 standard, Good Manufacturing Practices and Good Agricultural Practices to obtain adequate monitoring in the processes carried out. within the microenterprise. The methodology was based on preparing a checklist taking into account the administrative management interference requirements of the ISO 9001: 2015 standard to assess the degree of initial compliance that would allow the generation of the action plan within the micro-enterprise, which finally allowed obtaining As a result, the formats and documents according to the needs of the microenterprise, in addition a documentation of the processes in administrative management was structured, which contain: updated resumes of the applicant who wishes to enter the microenterprise, job profiles that specify the function and responsibility must have in the work they perform, a format of the procedure that must be executed for the entry and re-entry of personnel, in addition, a training program was designed with the purpose of increasing knowledge, developing individual and group skills to obtain better performance, efficiency and greater responsibility on the part of the col speakers, including the training schedule in which topics will be discussed through talks with reference to Good Agricultural Practices and other requirements of the ISO 9001 standards in order to strengthen the knowledge and improve the skills of those collaborators who belong to the micro-business; After that, formats were created that mention the atiéndanse récord of those who attended the training and another format in which the degree of satisfaction with the training carried out is evaluated; Finally, to carry out monitoring and measurement in Administrative Management processes, an audit program was created. The standards of Quality Management Systems will always be of great importance to implement them since it helps all types of organizations to improve the management of their processes, in the same way it allows them to be more efficient and competitive in the market by offering products and / or services. with high quality standards guaranteeing customer satisfaction and continuous improvement.
Hydroponic crops are sowings that are carried out in water, that is, they do not use soil to cultivate, they only need to be deposited in the water all the nutrients that a plant needs to grow; In this project, we worked in a hydroponic microenterprise in which we sought to apply the design of the Administrative Management process based on the ISO 9001: 2015 standard, Good Manufacturing Practices and Good Agricultural Practices to obtain adequate monitoring in the processes carried out. within the microenterprise. The methodology was based on preparing a checklist taking into account the administrative management interference requirements of the ISO 9001: 2015 standard to assess the degree of initial compliance that would allow the generation of the action plan within the micro-enterprise, which finally allowed obtaining As a result, the formats and documents according to the needs of the microenterprise, in addition a documentation of the processes in administrative management was structured, which contain: updated resumes of the applicant who wishes to enter the microenterprise, job profiles that specify the function and responsibility must have in the work they perform, a format of the procedure that must be executed for the entry and re-entry of personnel, in addition, a training program was designed with the purpose of increasing knowledge, developing individual and group skills to obtain better performance, efficiency and greater responsibility on the part of the col speakers, including the training schedule in which topics will be discussed through talks with reference to Good Agricultural Practices and other requirements of the ISO 9001 standards in order to strengthen the knowledge and improve the skills of those collaborators who belong to the micro-business; After that, formats were created that mention the atiéndanse récord of those who attended the training and another format in which the degree of satisfaction with the training carried out is evaluated; Finally, to carry out monitoring and measurement in Administrative Management processes, an audit program was created. The standards of Quality Management Systems will always be of great importance to implement them since it helps all types of organizations to improve the management of their processes, in the same way it allows them to be more efficient and competitive in the market by offering products and / or services. with high quality standards guaranteeing customer satisfaction and continuous improvement.
Palabras clave
Administrativa, Calidad, Capacitación, Diseño, Gestión, Lista, Mejora, Microempresa, Procesos, Administrative, Quality, Training, Design, Management, List, Improvement, Micro-enterprise, Processes