Ansiedad, depresión y estrés percibido en los estudiantes de medicina en una universidad en el regreso a la presencialidad postpandemia Covid-19
Gualteros Barbosa, Luisa María
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Introducción: El manejo de las emociones hace parte del devenir diario, sin embargo, la pandemia por Covid-19 cambio nuestra manera de ver el mundo y genero estados mentales confusos, ansiosos y hasta depresivos, estados que podría afectar el regreso a la cotidianidad.
Objetivo: Evaluar la relación entre Trastorno de Ansiedad, Depresión y Estrés Percibido en nuestra población estudiantil del programa de Medicina de una Universidad de Barranquilla durante el primer semestre de año 2022.
Metodología: Se aplicaron los test de Trastorno de Ansiedad, Depresión desarrollados por Zung y la escala de estrés percibido (SSP-14), acá test se le realizó la baremación correspondiente y se ajustaron de acuerdo con el manual del test. Los datos fueron agrupados en tablas de frecuencia y gráficos. Se realizó estadística descriptiva y la asociación fue realizada mediante un χ² o Test exacto de Fisher.
Resultados: Se evaluaron 190 estudiantes divididos en tres niveles Básicas: Biomédicas (1 - 4 Sem), Básicas clínicas (5 - 6 sem), Ciencias Clínica (7 - 10 sem).
La edad promedio fue de 20.7±2.5 años, los hombres fueron el 38% de la población. La depresión tuvo un puntaje de 47.4±7.3pts, con diferencia entre sexos (p: 0.0003). La ansiedad obtuvo un puntaje de 39.7±9.3 sin diferencia entre los sexos, grupo etario, nivel de ingreso económico, procedencia o ciclo académico. El estrés percibido tuvo 27.8±9pts, se encontró diferencia por sexos (p: 0.0291).
Conclusiones: El estrés tuvo una alta manifestación en cuanto a su impresión clínica. La ansiedad estuvo marcada en el sexo femenino y en el rango etario Joven (18 - 26 años) y que el ciclo académico no fue un generador de estrés, ni ansiedad o Depresión, lo cual lleva a pensar que la población es moderadamente sana.
Managing emotions is part of daily life, however, the Covid-19 pandemic changed our way of seeing the world and generated confused, anxious and even depressive mental states, states that could affect the return to everyday life. Objective: To evaluate the relationship between Anxiety Disorder, Depression and Perceived Stress in our student population of the Medicine program of a University of Barranquilla during the first semester of 2022. Methodology: The Anxiety Disorder, Depression tests developed by Zung and the scale of perceived stress (SSP-14) were applied, here the corresponding scale was performed and adjusted according to the test manual. The data was grouped in frequency tables and graphs. Descriptive statistics were performed and the association was made using a χ² or Fisher's exact test. Results: 190 students divided into three Basic levels were evaluated: Biomedical (1 - 4 Sem), Clinical Basic (5 - 6 Sem), Clinical Sciences (7 - 10 Sem). The average age was 20.7±2.5 years, men were 38% of the population. Depression had a score of 47.4±7.3pts, with a difference between the sexes (p: 0.0003). Anxiety obtained a score of 39.7±9.3 with no difference between genders, age group, economic income level, origin or academic cycle. The perceived stress had 27.8±9pts, a difference was found by sex (p: 0.0291). Conclusions: Stress had a high manifestation in terms of its clinical impression. Anxiety was marked in the female sex and in the Young age range (18 - 26 years old) and that the academic cycle was not a generator of stress, anxiety or Depression, which leads us to think that the population is moderately healthy.
Managing emotions is part of daily life, however, the Covid-19 pandemic changed our way of seeing the world and generated confused, anxious and even depressive mental states, states that could affect the return to everyday life. Objective: To evaluate the relationship between Anxiety Disorder, Depression and Perceived Stress in our student population of the Medicine program of a University of Barranquilla during the first semester of 2022. Methodology: The Anxiety Disorder, Depression tests developed by Zung and the scale of perceived stress (SSP-14) were applied, here the corresponding scale was performed and adjusted according to the test manual. The data was grouped in frequency tables and graphs. Descriptive statistics were performed and the association was made using a χ² or Fisher's exact test. Results: 190 students divided into three Basic levels were evaluated: Biomedical (1 - 4 Sem), Clinical Basic (5 - 6 Sem), Clinical Sciences (7 - 10 Sem). The average age was 20.7±2.5 years, men were 38% of the population. Depression had a score of 47.4±7.3pts, with a difference between the sexes (p: 0.0003). Anxiety obtained a score of 39.7±9.3 with no difference between genders, age group, economic income level, origin or academic cycle. The perceived stress had 27.8±9pts, a difference was found by sex (p: 0.0291). Conclusions: Stress had a high manifestation in terms of its clinical impression. Anxiety was marked in the female sex and in the Young age range (18 - 26 years old) and that the academic cycle was not a generator of stress, anxiety or Depression, which leads us to think that the population is moderately healthy.
Palabras clave
Depresión, Ansiedad, Estrés percibido, Universitarios, Salud mental, Depression, Anxiety, Perceived stress, University students, Mental health