Tratamiento con oxigenoterapia de alto flujo en pacientes pediátricos con bronquiolitis: Revisión sistemática
Aja, Sebastián
Jiménez, Daniel
Palacio, Kelly
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
La bronquiolitis es una enfermedad infecciosa, aguda e inflamatoria del tracto
respiratorio superior e inferior, que resulta en obstrucción de las vías aéreas pequeñas (1). Esta patología afecta una gran cantidad de lactantes en el mundo, principalmente en las épocas invernales. Anualmente 3.4 millones de admisiones hospitalarias y 199,000 muertes en los países en vía de desarrollo (2). El tratamiento no farmacológico abarca buena parte de la cobertura, sin embargo, es común el uso de broncodilatadores y corticoesteroides. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizo una revisión sistemática que consistió en la búsqueda en la base de datos de PubMed y Scopus, la búsqueda se realizó en idioma inglés, adoptando la denominación lingüística de MeSH, para las siguientes entradas: bronchiolitis, oxygentherapy Benefit, adverse event, response time; Se encamino la búsqueda de entradas que describieran los tratamientos de bronquiolitis de interés para este trabajo, se encontraron estudios multicéntricos, revisiones de casos y ensayos clínicos, también se incluyen revisiones sistemáticas y metaanálisis realizados por otros autores. Resultados: Los resultados obtenidos, se dividieron, en 3 apartados relacionados a la eficacia del tratamiento con oxigenoterapia de alto flujo y al tratamiento con broncodilatadores. un apartado de beneficios (Tabla 3); Otro apartado de efectos adversos (Tabla 4), el cual arrojo los siguientes datos; 7 artículos, referentes a la oxigenoterapia de alto flujo; Por último, un apartado de tiempo de respuesta (Tabla 5), en el cual se cuantificaron los siguientes datos; 13 artículos, referentes a la oxigenoterapia de alto flujo. Conclusión: el uso de oxigenoterapia reflejó un mayor índice de beneficios comparado con los broncodilatadores, sin embargo, mostro un mayor efecto en prolongar la estancia hospitalaria y una mayor tasa en el fracaso del tratamiento, respecto al uso de broncodilatadores.
Bronchiolitis is an infectious, acute and inflammatory disease of the upper and lower respiratory tract, which results in small airway obstruction (1). This pathology affects many infants in the world, mainly in winter. Annually 3.4 million hospital admissions and 199,000 deaths in developing countries (2). Nonpharmacological treatment covers a good part of the coverage; however, the use of bronchodilators and corticosteroids is common. Materials and Methods: A systematic review was carried out that consisted of a search in the PubMed and Scopus databases, the search was carried out in English, adopting the linguistic name of MeSH, for the following entries: bronchiolitis, oxygentherapy Benefit, adverse event, response time; A search was made for entries that described the bronchiolitis treatments of interest for this work, multicenter studies, case reviews and clinical trials were found, systematic reviews and meta-analyzes carried out by other authors were also included. Results: The results obtained were divided into 3 sections related to the efficacy of treatment with high-flow oxygen therapy and treatment with bronchodilators. a section on benefits (Table 3); Another section of adverse effects (Table 4), which yielded the following data: 7 articles, referring to high-flow oxygen therapy; Finally, a section on response time (Table 5), in which the following data were quantified; 13 articles, referring to high-flow oxygen therapy. Conclusion: the use of oxygen therapy reflected a higher rate of benefits compared to bronchodilators; however, it showed a greater effect in prolonging hospital stay and a higher rate of treatment failure, compared to the use of bronchodilators.
Bronchiolitis is an infectious, acute and inflammatory disease of the upper and lower respiratory tract, which results in small airway obstruction (1). This pathology affects many infants in the world, mainly in winter. Annually 3.4 million hospital admissions and 199,000 deaths in developing countries (2). Nonpharmacological treatment covers a good part of the coverage; however, the use of bronchodilators and corticosteroids is common. Materials and Methods: A systematic review was carried out that consisted of a search in the PubMed and Scopus databases, the search was carried out in English, adopting the linguistic name of MeSH, for the following entries: bronchiolitis, oxygentherapy Benefit, adverse event, response time; A search was made for entries that described the bronchiolitis treatments of interest for this work, multicenter studies, case reviews and clinical trials were found, systematic reviews and meta-analyzes carried out by other authors were also included. Results: The results obtained were divided into 3 sections related to the efficacy of treatment with high-flow oxygen therapy and treatment with bronchodilators. a section on benefits (Table 3); Another section of adverse effects (Table 4), which yielded the following data: 7 articles, referring to high-flow oxygen therapy; Finally, a section on response time (Table 5), in which the following data were quantified; 13 articles, referring to high-flow oxygen therapy. Conclusion: the use of oxygen therapy reflected a higher rate of benefits compared to bronchodilators; however, it showed a greater effect in prolonging hospital stay and a higher rate of treatment failure, compared to the use of bronchodilators.
Palabras clave
Bronquiolitis, Oxigenoterapia, Broncodilatadores, Bronchiolitis, Oxygentherapy, Bronchodilator