Fabricación de tapetes de caucho a partir del neumático de llantas recicladas aplicado a vehículos de la ciudad de Barranquilla
Campanella Castillo, Giambattista
Osorio Torres, Luis Fernando
Figueroa Sarmiento, María Camila
Henríquez Gómez, María Cecilia
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ingenierías
Facultad de Ingenierías
En el siguiente documento se presenta el desarrollo de un proyecto, el cual pretende generar un impacto ambiental y sostenible por medio del reciclaje de materiales una vez lleguen al final de su vida útil, en este caso la reutilización de neumáticos de llantas usadas como una iniciativa innovadora respecto al aprovechamiento del material que las compone, específicamente el caucho proveniente de estas, que a la vez permita la motivación de la comunidad al desarrollo de alternativas sustentables a partir de materiales reciclables, buscando así un mejoramiento en la calidad de vida.
Para contribuir con esta iniciativa y en la solución de la problemática ambiental generada por el desecho de llantas en desuso, surgió la idea de emprendimiento cuyo objetivo es elaborar tapetes de caucho a partir del reciclaje de los neumáticos y esto aplicado a los vehículos de la ciudad de Barranquilla, minimizando la contaminación ambiental, prolongando su vida útil y aprovechando la recuperación de recursos desperdiciados.
La fabricación de este producto, se basará principalmente en el desarrollo sostenible, representando una oportunidad de negocio rentable que permitirá la obtención de beneficios económicos, ambientales y sociales; con el fin de mitigar riesgos tanto para el ambiente como para el ser humano. Así mismo reducir la producción de residuos, reciclando y revalorizando la mayor cantidad de recursos como materia prima y obteniendo beneficios a través de estos.
The following document presents the development of a project, which aims to generate an environmental and sustainable impact through the recycling of materials once they reach the end of their useful life, in this case the reuse of used tires as an innovative initiative regarding the use of the material that composes them, specifically the rubber from these, which in turn allows the motivation of the community to the development of sustainable alternatives from recyclable materials, thus seeking an improvement in the quality of life. In order to contribute with this initiative and in the solution of the environmental problem generated by the disposal of unused tires, the idea of the enterprise arose, whose objective is to elaborate rubber mats from the recycling of tires and this applied to vehicles in the city of Barranquilla, minimizing environmental pollution, prolonging their useful life and taking advantage of the recovery of wasted resources. The manufacture of this product will be based mainly on sustainable development, representing a profitable business opportunity that will allow obtaining economic, environmental and social benefits; in order to mitigate risks for both the environment and human beings. Likewise, to reduce the production of waste, recycling and revaluing the greatest amount of resources as raw material and obtaining benefits through these.
The following document presents the development of a project, which aims to generate an environmental and sustainable impact through the recycling of materials once they reach the end of their useful life, in this case the reuse of used tires as an innovative initiative regarding the use of the material that composes them, specifically the rubber from these, which in turn allows the motivation of the community to the development of sustainable alternatives from recyclable materials, thus seeking an improvement in the quality of life. In order to contribute with this initiative and in the solution of the environmental problem generated by the disposal of unused tires, the idea of the enterprise arose, whose objective is to elaborate rubber mats from the recycling of tires and this applied to vehicles in the city of Barranquilla, minimizing environmental pollution, prolonging their useful life and taking advantage of the recovery of wasted resources. The manufacture of this product will be based mainly on sustainable development, representing a profitable business opportunity that will allow obtaining economic, environmental and social benefits; in order to mitigate risks for both the environment and human beings. Likewise, to reduce the production of waste, recycling and revaluing the greatest amount of resources as raw material and obtaining benefits through these.
Palabras clave
Reciclaje, Sostenibilidad, Medio ambiente, Llantas usadas, Caucho reciclado, Tapetes de caucho, Recycling, Sustainability, Environment, Used tires, Recycled rubber, Rubber mats