Representaciones sociales de conductas violentas en el contexto educativo en estudiantes de la Universidad Simón Bolívar, Sede Cúcuta
Cardenas Sánchez, Erika
Parada Sánchez, Jasaryth Viviana
Carrascal Pérez, Neisy Paola
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La presente investigación propicia un campo de estudio novedoso respecto a cómo se representan los estudiantes de un contexto educativo, las conductas violentas, por lo cual se sugiere mayores iniciativas de estudio orientadas a la identificación de los factores de riesgo de la violencia para tomar medidas preventivas que garantice la seguridad de la comunidad universitaria, de igual forma, estudios de acciones de bienestar, que le apunten a identificar el acoso, la intimidación y el abuso.Seguidamente, se resalta que dicho estudio de investigación tiene como objetivo analizar las representaciones sociales de conductas violentas en el contexto educativo en estudiantes de la Universidad Simón Bolívar de la Ciudad de Cúcuta. Los instrumentos utilizados en este estudio fueron de carácter cualitativo haciendo uso de un consentimiento informado en donde se indicó a los estudiantes que la información se manejaba bajo confidencialidad, consecutivamente se aplicó una ficha sociodemográfica y finalmente para la recolección de datos se procedió aplicar el guion de entrevista semiestructurada a 18 estudiantes de diferentes programas de psicología, trabajo social e ingeniería industrial, aplicada mediante la técnica grupo focal; lo cual obtuvo como resultados relevantes una similitud en cuanto a la información y jerarquización de las conductas violentas en los participantes de los programas de las ciencias sociales, teniendo claro la compresión de la agresividad como un fenómeno a fin a la violencia, en cuanto los de ingeniería industrial asocian fuertemente la agresión con la discusión oral, se logra obtener que todos los participantes coincidieron en que la agresividad física más grave no es un fenómeno frecuente en la universidad y concluyendo que evidenciar este tipo de actos dentro de la institución es algo que causa sorpresa.
The present investigation propitiates a novel field of study regarding how the students of an educational context represent violent behaviors, for which it is suggested greater study initiatives oriented to the identification of the risk factors of violence to take preventive measures that guarantee the security of the university community, in the same way, studies of welfare actions, which aim to identify harassment, intimidation and abuse. Next, it is highlighted that this research study aims to analyze the social representations of violent behaviors in the educational context in students of the Universidad Simón Bolívar in the city of Cúcuta. The instruments used in this study were qualitative in nature, making use of an informed consent in which the students were informed that the information was handled under confidentiality, consecutively a sociodemographic form was applied and finally for data collection, a semi-structured interview script was applied to 18 students from different programs of psychology, social work and industrial engineering, applied by means of the focus group technique; which obtained as relevant results a similarity in terms of information and hierarchization of violent behaviors in the participants of the social sciences programs, having clear understanding of aggressiveness as a phenomenon in order to violence, as those of industrial engineering strongly associate aggression with oral discussion, it is obtained that all participants agreed that the most serious physical aggression is not a frequent phenomenon in the university and concluding that evidencing this type of acts within the institution is something that causes surprise.
The present investigation propitiates a novel field of study regarding how the students of an educational context represent violent behaviors, for which it is suggested greater study initiatives oriented to the identification of the risk factors of violence to take preventive measures that guarantee the security of the university community, in the same way, studies of welfare actions, which aim to identify harassment, intimidation and abuse. Next, it is highlighted that this research study aims to analyze the social representations of violent behaviors in the educational context in students of the Universidad Simón Bolívar in the city of Cúcuta. The instruments used in this study were qualitative in nature, making use of an informed consent in which the students were informed that the information was handled under confidentiality, consecutively a sociodemographic form was applied and finally for data collection, a semi-structured interview script was applied to 18 students from different programs of psychology, social work and industrial engineering, applied by means of the focus group technique; which obtained as relevant results a similarity in terms of information and hierarchization of violent behaviors in the participants of the social sciences programs, having clear understanding of aggressiveness as a phenomenon in order to violence, as those of industrial engineering strongly associate aggression with oral discussion, it is obtained that all participants agreed that the most serious physical aggression is not a frequent phenomenon in the university and concluding that evidencing this type of acts within the institution is something that causes surprise.
Palabras clave
Representaciones sociales, Conductas violentas, Contexto educativo, Estudiantes universitarios, Social representations, Violent behaviors, Educational context, University students