Análisis socio jurídico para la posible formalización del empleo de los domiciliarios de Rappi en Barranquilla en el año 2022
Escorcia Ospino, Andrés Elías
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La investigación está dirigida identificar las condiciones laborales que existen entre los
domiciliarios de las empresas rappi y la formalización de los contratos a estos medios
de aplicaciones virtuales, con la legislación colombiana para mejor la dignidad de la
vida de estas personas ya que esa transición vulnera los derechos de las personas y
ponen en riesgo su integridad social ya que no tiene acceso a un salud o fondo pensional
por no estar regulado este tipo de contrataciones. Como bien sabemos los contratos de
trabajos siempre han tenido un lugar en evolución a lo largo de la historia de la
humanidad, desde el tiempo antiguos solo que aún no estaba regulada por el estado los
contratos eran visto como la prestación de un servicio a cambio de remuneración o
intercambio por comida u objetos pero todo esto fue cambiando a medida que el mundo
fue evolucionando y la relación entre empleado y empleador fue evolucionando ya que
con la llegada de la edad media el sector de campo se necesitaba más mano de obra y
con la que la relación empleado- empleador se vio un avance en la contratación de
mano de obra y con la llegada de la revolución industrial se abrió más este campo y
luego llego la parte del estado a regular esta nuevas formas de contratos que empezaron
a surgir y luego más adelante empezaron a llegar los derechos que adquirieron los
trabajadores y todo esto fue un avance para el mundo que hoy conocemos donde se
respeta la dignidad humana y fomenta el derecho al empleo con prestaciones y su
derecho a la salud sus garantías y su honra.
The investigation is aimed at identifying the working conditions that exist between the domiciliaries of rappi companies and the formalization of contracts for these means of virtual applications, with Colombian legislation to improve the dignity of life of these people since this transition violates the people's rights and put their social integrity at risk since they do not have access to a health or pension fund because this type of contracting is not regulated. As we well know, employment contracts have always had a place in evolution throughout the history of humanity, since ancient times, only when it was not yet regulated by the state, contracts were seen as the provision of a service in exchange for remuneration or exchange for food or objects but all this was changing as the world evolved and the relationship between employee and employer evolved since with the arrival of the Middle Ages the field sector needed more labor and with the that the employee-employer relationship saw an advance in the hiring of labor and with the arrival of the industrial revolution this field was opened up more and then the part of the state came to regulate these new forms of contracts that began to emerge and then later the rights that workers acquired began to arrive and all this was progress for the world we know today where human dignity is respected and the right is promoted. today to employment with benefits and their right to health, their guarantees and their honor.
The investigation is aimed at identifying the working conditions that exist between the domiciliaries of rappi companies and the formalization of contracts for these means of virtual applications, with Colombian legislation to improve the dignity of life of these people since this transition violates the people's rights and put their social integrity at risk since they do not have access to a health or pension fund because this type of contracting is not regulated. As we well know, employment contracts have always had a place in evolution throughout the history of humanity, since ancient times, only when it was not yet regulated by the state, contracts were seen as the provision of a service in exchange for remuneration or exchange for food or objects but all this was changing as the world evolved and the relationship between employee and employer evolved since with the arrival of the Middle Ages the field sector needed more labor and with the that the employee-employer relationship saw an advance in the hiring of labor and with the arrival of the industrial revolution this field was opened up more and then the part of the state came to regulate these new forms of contracts that began to emerge and then later the rights that workers acquired began to arrive and all this was progress for the world we know today where human dignity is respected and the right is promoted. today to employment with benefits and their right to health, their guarantees and their honor.
Palabras clave
Comparar, Identificar, Contratos laborales, Compare, Identify, Labor contracts