Análisis en la valoración de los indicios por parte de los jueces frente a la garantía de la presunción de inocencia del acusado de acuerdo con la jurisprudencia de la Sala de Casación Penal
Mejia Ramirez, Reinner Alejandro
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La presente investigación se centra en el análisis de la aplicación de indicios y garantías al
acusado dentro del contexto del Sistema Penal Acusatorio en Colombia. El objetivo principal es
evaluar cómo los operadores judiciales abordan este aspecto crucial del sistema penal y cómo se
relaciona con el principio del garantismo penal, que es esencial para asegurar la protección de los
derechos fundamentales del acusado y la seguridad jurídica del proceso.
El marco teórico de la investigación se construye a partir de dos pilares fundamentales: la
doctrina penal y el garantismo penal. La doctrina penal proporciona la base conceptual y legal para
comprender los indicios como elementos probatorios en los procesos penales. Por otro lado, el
garantismo penal se presenta como un principio rector que busca asegurar que el proceso penal sea
justo y respete los derechos humanos, evitando abusos y arbitrariedades.
Para llevar a cabo este estudio, se empleó un método hermenéutico con un enfoque
cualitativo. La elección de este enfoque permite una interpretación profunda de las normativas
legales, la jurisprudencia y las prácticas judiciales relacionadas con la aplicación de indicios y
garantías al acusado en el contexto colombiano. Se realizaron análisis de casos concretos, revisión
de decisiones judiciales relevantes y entrevistas con operadores judiciales, como jueces, fiscales y
defensores, para obtener una comprensión holística de la situación.
Los hallazgos de esta investigación pretenden contribuir al debate académico y jurídico
sobre la efectividad y el cumplimiento de los principios del garantismo penal en el Sistema Penal
Acusatorio colombiano.
This investigation focuses on the analysis of the application of evidence and guarantees to the accused within the context of the Accusatory Criminal System in Colombia. The main objective is to evaluate how judicial operators approach this crucial aspect of the criminal system and how it relates to the principle of criminal guarantees, which is essential to ensure the protection of the fundamental rights of the accused and the legal security of the process. The theoretical framework of the investigation is built from two fundamental pillars: criminal doctrine and criminal guarantees. Criminal doctrine provides the conceptual and legal basis to understand evidence as evidentiary elements in criminal proceedings. On the other hand, criminal guarantees are presented as a guiding principle that seeks to ensure that the criminal process is fair and respects human rights, avoiding abuses and arbitrariness.} To carry out this study, a hermeneutic method with a qualitative approach was used. The choice of this approach allows for a deep interpretation of legal regulations, jurisprudence and judicial practices related to the application of evidence and guarantees to the accused in the Colombian context. Analysis of specific cases, review of relevant judicial decisions and interviews with judicial operators, such as judges, prosecutors and defenders, were carried out to obtain a holistic understanding of the situation. The findings of this research aim to contribute to the academic and legal debate on the effectiveness and compliance of the principles of criminal guarantee in the Colombian Accusatory Criminal System.
This investigation focuses on the analysis of the application of evidence and guarantees to the accused within the context of the Accusatory Criminal System in Colombia. The main objective is to evaluate how judicial operators approach this crucial aspect of the criminal system and how it relates to the principle of criminal guarantees, which is essential to ensure the protection of the fundamental rights of the accused and the legal security of the process. The theoretical framework of the investigation is built from two fundamental pillars: criminal doctrine and criminal guarantees. Criminal doctrine provides the conceptual and legal basis to understand evidence as evidentiary elements in criminal proceedings. On the other hand, criminal guarantees are presented as a guiding principle that seeks to ensure that the criminal process is fair and respects human rights, avoiding abuses and arbitrariness.} To carry out this study, a hermeneutic method with a qualitative approach was used. The choice of this approach allows for a deep interpretation of legal regulations, jurisprudence and judicial practices related to the application of evidence and guarantees to the accused in the Colombian context. Analysis of specific cases, review of relevant judicial decisions and interviews with judicial operators, such as judges, prosecutors and defenders, were carried out to obtain a holistic understanding of the situation. The findings of this research aim to contribute to the academic and legal debate on the effectiveness and compliance of the principles of criminal guarantee in the Colombian Accusatory Criminal System.
Palabras clave
Indicios, Operadores judiciales, Garantismo penal, Clues, Judicial operators, Criminal guarantee