Estimación de la relación entre el perfil de la onda del pulso cardíaco y la presión arterial a través de un sistema digital de monitoreo de pulsaciones por minutos
Ramos Carranza, María J.
De los Reyes Varela, Yuranis
Lerma Arango, Leslie
Moreno Ortiz, Evelyn
Pacheco Londoño, Leonardo C.
Villareal, Reynaldo
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
El presente proyecto pretende establecer una
estimación de la relación entre la frecuencia
cardiaca y la presión arterial. Esto mediante un
algoritmo desarrollado en la plataforma Arduino,
con la adaptación de un sensor de pulso. Dentro
de los métodos tradicionales que se emplean
para realizar esta estimación se encuentran los
brazaletes inflatorios, conocido comúnmente
como tensiómetro.
Sin embargo, el uso de estos dispositivos tiene
algunas desventajas se necesita un personal
calificado para su utilización y en término del
tamaño (necesitan una bomba para insuflar el
brazalete) lo cual puede obstruir la arteria al
efectuar la medición. A pesar de que los métodos
tradicionales resultan ser eficaces y seguros para
el diagnóstico de la hipertensión, lo que se busca
es un sistema simple, pequeño e integral. Por
esto es necesario la realización de este proyecto,
el cual, por medio del sensor de pulso permita
recopilar datos y los tiempos en que estos fueron
tomados, siendo esta una manera más sencilla
de medir la presión arterial.
Método: Este estudio es de tipo experimental,
con una población de 106 personas mayores de
18 años de edad. A ellos se les realizó una
encuesta sobre el estilo de vida y se les midió la
presión arterial con un sistema de medición
integrado diseñado en el laboratorio de
prototipado (MacondoLab) de la Universidad
Simón Bolívar, el cual fue validado con medición
de un tensiómetro convencional.
Resultados: El sedentarismo, enfermedades de
base y los antecedentes familiares de HTA de
nuestra población de estudio es uno de los
principales factores de riesgo para desarrollar
hipertensión ya que teniendo en cuenta las
encuesta y los datos obtenidos por medio de
sensor de pulso cardiaco se evidencia que hay
Estimation of the relation between the profile of the heart pulse wave and blood pressure through a digital
monitoring system for pulsation control by minutes
Estimación de la relación entre el perfil de la onda del pulso cardiaco y la presión arterial a través de
un sistema digital de monitoreo de pulsaciones por minutos
- María J. Ramos Carranza1, Yuranis De los Reyes Varela1, Leslie Lerma Arango1, Evelyn Moreno Ortiz1,
Nataly J. GalánFreyle2, Leonardo C. Pacheco Londoño2, Reynaldo Villareal2
Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Barranquilla, Colombia.
School of Basic and Biomedical Science, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Barranquilla, Colombia.
MacondoLab, Laboratorio de prototipado, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Barranquilla, Colombia.
una relación entre las alteraciones
hemodinámicas cardiovasculares con las
condiciones del estilo de vida del paciente para el
desarrollo de la HTA.
The present project aims to establish an estimate of the relationship between heart pulse wave and blood pressure through a digital monitoring system for pulsation control by minutes. This is done through an algorithm developed on the Arduino platform, with the adaptation of a pulse sensor. That’s why it’s necessary an investigation made of the traditional methods used to make this estimate, such as the inflation bracelets. However, the use of these devices has some disadvantages in terms of size (they need a pump to inflate the cuff) and for the very fact of obstructing the artery when measuring. On the other hand, these methods have been widely used for the monitoring of blood pressure in patients who require immediate attention in health centers. Although traditional methods are effective and safe for the diagnosis of hypertension, what is sought is a simple, small and comprehensive system. That’s why it’s necessary the development of this project because the sensor allows us collect information and the exactly time they were taken, this way it could be easier measure blood pressure Methods: This is an experimental study, with a population of people from 18 years old. They were surveyed about their lifestyle and their blood pressure was taken with the sphygmomanometer and the device designed by MacondoLab engineers from the Simón Bolívar University. Results: sedentary lifestyle, underlying diseases and family history of hypertension in our study population is one of the main risk factors for developing hypertension, since taking into account the surveys and the data obtained by means of a cardiac pulse sensor, it is evident that there are a relationship between cardiovascular hemodynamic changes with the patient's lifestyle conditions for the development of HTA.
The present project aims to establish an estimate of the relationship between heart pulse wave and blood pressure through a digital monitoring system for pulsation control by minutes. This is done through an algorithm developed on the Arduino platform, with the adaptation of a pulse sensor. That’s why it’s necessary an investigation made of the traditional methods used to make this estimate, such as the inflation bracelets. However, the use of these devices has some disadvantages in terms of size (they need a pump to inflate the cuff) and for the very fact of obstructing the artery when measuring. On the other hand, these methods have been widely used for the monitoring of blood pressure in patients who require immediate attention in health centers. Although traditional methods are effective and safe for the diagnosis of hypertension, what is sought is a simple, small and comprehensive system. That’s why it’s necessary the development of this project because the sensor allows us collect information and the exactly time they were taken, this way it could be easier measure blood pressure Methods: This is an experimental study, with a population of people from 18 years old. They were surveyed about their lifestyle and their blood pressure was taken with the sphygmomanometer and the device designed by MacondoLab engineers from the Simón Bolívar University. Results: sedentary lifestyle, underlying diseases and family history of hypertension in our study population is one of the main risk factors for developing hypertension, since taking into account the surveys and the data obtained by means of a cardiac pulse sensor, it is evident that there are a relationship between cardiovascular hemodynamic changes with the patient's lifestyle conditions for the development of HTA.
Palabras clave
Presión arterial, Sensor, Pulso, Frecuencia cardiaca, Hipertensión, Blood pressure, Pulse, Sensor, Heart rate, Arterial hypertension