Prácticas pedagógicas interdisciplinares para la inclusión de poblaciones diversas
Serrano Rodríguez, Arelis
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Las sociedades actuales experimentan una dicotomía manifestada en la
homogenización de la humanidad, en función de un prototipo de humano estandarizado, en
yuxtaposición con la aceptación e interacción con la diversidad inherente a la condición
humana. Tal diversidad es abordada desde prácticas pedagógicas regularmente permeadas
por la disminución en las expectativas sobre los desempeños de los estudiantes con
características significativamente diversas, orientándose por la selección, organización y
desarrollo de contenidos centralizados en estándares de competencia. Estos se gestan
desde la individualidad de los docentes, quienes adolecen de espacios para disertar sobre
sus experiencias, desilusiones, aciertos, incertidumbres y dilemas. Se requiere sensibilidad
y formación para acoger la diversidad desde una mirada positiva, urgida del diálogo
permanente entre docentes- saberes-experiencia, en contexto. En esta investigación se
acogen como categorías las prácticas pedagógicas interdisciplinares, la diversidad
(específicamente aquella derivada de la condición de discapacidad intelectual) y la inclusión
en contextos educativos. Se orientó a caracterizar las prácticas pedagógicas desarrolladas
por los actores socioeducativos, confrontándolas con los fundamentos epistemológicos,
teóricos y metodológicos que las sustentan. Además, se apostó a identificar colectivamente
las posibilidades de una práctica pedagógica interdisciplinar y se propició el interés por la
transformación de las prácticas pedagógicas, orientadas hacia las necesidades emergentes
en la diversidad de estudiantes. A fin de alcanzar los objetivos, la metodología estuvo
centrada en la investigación-acción-participante, para lo cual se implementaron los ciclos y
fases que esta requirió. La sistematización del presente estudio se constituye en un referente
teórico y metodológico para los académicos y sujetos o grupos que transitan por (o aspiran
a) el mejoramiento de sus prácticas pedagógicas, ante la diversidad presente en sus
Current societies experience a dichotomy manifested in the homogenization of humanity, based on a standardized human prototype, in juxtaposition with acceptance and interaction with the diversity inherent to the human condition. Such diversity is approached from pedagogical practices regularly permeated by the decrease in expectations about the performance of students with significantly different characteristics, orienting itself by the selection, organization and development of content centralized in competence standards, which are gestated from the individuality of the teacher , who lack spaces to discuss their experiences, disappointments, successes, uncertainties and dilemmas; requiring sensitivity and training to embrace diversity from a positive perspective, urged by permanent dialogue between teachers-knowledge-experience, in context. In this research, interdisciplinary pedagogical practices are accepted as categories, specifically diversity derived from the condition of intellectual disability; as well as inclusion in educational contexts. It is intended to characterize the pedagogical practices developed by the socio-educational actors; in contrast to the epistemological, theoretical and methodological foundations that sustain it. In addition, it is committed to collectively identify the possibilities for an interdisciplinary pedagogical practice and it is expected to promote interest in the transformation of pedagogical practices, oriented to the emerging needs in the diversity of students. It is expected to achieve the objectives, using Action Research as a methodology, implementing the cycles and phases that it requires. The systematization of this study will become a theoretical and methodological reference for academics and subjects or groups, who go through or aspire to improve their pedagogical practices, given the diversity present in their contexts.
Current societies experience a dichotomy manifested in the homogenization of humanity, based on a standardized human prototype, in juxtaposition with acceptance and interaction with the diversity inherent to the human condition. Such diversity is approached from pedagogical practices regularly permeated by the decrease in expectations about the performance of students with significantly different characteristics, orienting itself by the selection, organization and development of content centralized in competence standards, which are gestated from the individuality of the teacher , who lack spaces to discuss their experiences, disappointments, successes, uncertainties and dilemmas; requiring sensitivity and training to embrace diversity from a positive perspective, urged by permanent dialogue between teachers-knowledge-experience, in context. In this research, interdisciplinary pedagogical practices are accepted as categories, specifically diversity derived from the condition of intellectual disability; as well as inclusion in educational contexts. It is intended to characterize the pedagogical practices developed by the socio-educational actors; in contrast to the epistemological, theoretical and methodological foundations that sustain it. In addition, it is committed to collectively identify the possibilities for an interdisciplinary pedagogical practice and it is expected to promote interest in the transformation of pedagogical practices, oriented to the emerging needs in the diversity of students. It is expected to achieve the objectives, using Action Research as a methodology, implementing the cycles and phases that it requires. The systematization of this study will become a theoretical and methodological reference for academics and subjects or groups, who go through or aspire to improve their pedagogical practices, given the diversity present in their contexts.
Palabras clave
Prácticas pedagógicas, Interdisciplinariedad, Diversidad, Inclusión, Pedagogical practices, Interdisciplinarity, Diversity, Inclusiveness