Problemáticas y situaciones de discriminación de los jóvenes LGBTIQ y el derecho a la ciudadanía sexual
Medina Triana, Andrea
Pereira Miranda, María Fernanda
Charris Ruiz, María Fernanda
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La siguiente investigación tiene como objetivo identificar cuáles son las problemáticas y situaciones de discriminación que afrontan los jóvenes LGBTIQ en cuanto a su derecho a la ciudadanía sexual y desde un punto de vista que consideran ellos/ellas/elles como ciudadanía sexual. De igual forma, se busca explicar cómo esos juicios de valor afectan la vida de los jóvenes pertenecientes a la población. Esta investigación se realizó bajo un enfoque cualitativo, bajo la aplicación de la encuesta para la exploración de significados y experiencias, donde se proponen unas categorías de análisis como lo son: la identidad, sexualidad, violencia, racionalidad sexual y ciudadanía sexual, debido a que son categorías relevantes que contribuyen a dar una mirada desde la misma conceptualización de la población LGBTIQ. Para la aplicación de la encuesta, se tomó como población objeto de estudio a los estudiantes de pregrado de todos los programas de la Universidad Simón Bolívar en la ciudad de Barranquilla – Atlántico, obteniendo así una muestra de 970 respuestas.
En las cuales, se permite evidenciar la realidad que vive esta población, al poder acercarnos a sus perspectivas y experiencias, permitiendo además, realizar una comparación sobre los patrones de violencia, incluyendo las problemáticas y situaciones de discriminación encontradas, así como la creación de una base de datos que posibilite recoger los resultados obtenidos por parte de la población estudiantil de la Universidad Simón Bolívar y así contribuir a la promoción de la temática de inclusión dentro la Institución. Donde se pretende generar espacios donde se visibilice el respeto, la empatía, la tolerancia y sobre todo la no violencia.
En conclusión, encontramos que la población estudiantil en general no percibe que se presente dentro de la universidad problemáticas o situaciones de discriminación, sin embargo, si hay parte de la población que reconoce que es poco frecuente que se vea con libertad las expresiones de afecto de personas LGBTIQ; también, más de la mitad de los encuestados no conoce la política institucional de equidad de género e inclusión. De los resultados encontrados en los encuestados que se consideran parte de la población LGBTIQ, se pudo apreciar que en momentos previos a la universidad se vieron en la necesidad de reprimir lo que sentían y el cómo se identifican, al escuchar comentarios ofensivos o presenciar este tipo de situaciones de discriminación. De igual forma, resaltan en gran medida que es en la familia donde llegan a recibir mayor discriminación.
The following research aims to identify the problems and situations of discrimination faced by LGBTIQ youth in terms of their right to sexual citizenship and from a point of view that they consider as sexual citizenship. Similarly, it seeks to explain how these value judgments relate the lives of young people belonging to the population. This research was carried out under a qualitative approach, under the application of the survey for the exploration of meanings and experiences, where categories of analysis are proposed such as: identity, sexuality, violence, sexual rationality and sexual citizenship, because They are relevant categories that need to take a look from the same conceptualization of the LGBTIQ population. For all the application of the survey, the undergraduate students of the Simón Bolívar University programs in the city of Barranquilla - Atlántico were taken as the study population, thus obtaining a sample of 970 responses. In which, it is possible to show the reality that this population lives, by being able to get closer to their perspectives and experiences, also allowing a comparison to be made on the patterns of violence, including the problems and situations of discrimination found, as well as the creation of a database that makes it possible to collect the results obtained by the student population of the Simón Bolívar University and thus contribute to the promotion of inclusion within the Institution. Where it is intended to generate spaces where respect, empathy, tolerance and above all non-violence are visible. In conclusion, we find that the student population in general does not perceive that there are problems or situations of discrimination within the university, however, if there is part of the population that recognizes that it is rare that expressions of affection from LGBTIQ people; Also, more than half of those surveyed are unaware of the institutional gender equity and inclusion policy. From the results found in the respondents who consider themselves to be part of the LGBTIQ population, it could be seen that in moments before the university they felt the need to repress what they felt and how they identify, when hearing offensive comments or presence of this type of discrimination situations. In the same way, they emphasize to a great extent that it is in the family where they receive the greatest discrimination.
The following research aims to identify the problems and situations of discrimination faced by LGBTIQ youth in terms of their right to sexual citizenship and from a point of view that they consider as sexual citizenship. Similarly, it seeks to explain how these value judgments relate the lives of young people belonging to the population. This research was carried out under a qualitative approach, under the application of the survey for the exploration of meanings and experiences, where categories of analysis are proposed such as: identity, sexuality, violence, sexual rationality and sexual citizenship, because They are relevant categories that need to take a look from the same conceptualization of the LGBTIQ population. For all the application of the survey, the undergraduate students of the Simón Bolívar University programs in the city of Barranquilla - Atlántico were taken as the study population, thus obtaining a sample of 970 responses. In which, it is possible to show the reality that this population lives, by being able to get closer to their perspectives and experiences, also allowing a comparison to be made on the patterns of violence, including the problems and situations of discrimination found, as well as the creation of a database that makes it possible to collect the results obtained by the student population of the Simón Bolívar University and thus contribute to the promotion of inclusion within the Institution. Where it is intended to generate spaces where respect, empathy, tolerance and above all non-violence are visible. In conclusion, we find that the student population in general does not perceive that there are problems or situations of discrimination within the university, however, if there is part of the population that recognizes that it is rare that expressions of affection from LGBTIQ people; Also, more than half of those surveyed are unaware of the institutional gender equity and inclusion policy. From the results found in the respondents who consider themselves to be part of the LGBTIQ population, it could be seen that in moments before the university they felt the need to repress what they felt and how they identify, when hearing offensive comments or presence of this type of discrimination situations. In the same way, they emphasize to a great extent that it is in the family where they receive the greatest discrimination.
Palabras clave
Identidad, Sexualidad, Violencia, Racionalidad sexual, Ciudadanía sexual, Identity, Sexuality, Violence, Sexual rationality, Sexual citizenship