Análisis de la deserción de los asociados al fondo de empleados de la alcaldía de Barranquilla
Tapias Vizcaino, Marcela Patricia
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración Y Negocios
Facultad de Administración Y Negocios
Partiendo de que la solidaridad es un proceso dinámico en las cuales las personas, que se
encuentran marginadas se insertan en un movimiento de unidad identificado en sentimientos,
necesidades, metas e interés comunes en el que se genera unidad y fortaleza, en este sentido, el
Fondo de Empleados del Distrito de Barranquilla contribuye permanentemente al mejoramiento
de la calidad de vida en los aspectos sociales, culturales, y económico, de sus asociados, a
través de servicios de ahorro, crédito, educación, recreación y bienestar social, enmarcados
dentro de los principios y prácticas solidarias. Este estudio de caso tiene como objetivo analizar
la deserción masiva de los socios del fondo de empleados del Distrito de Barranquilla. Listar la
situación esperada al resolver el problema, se expresa por la manifestación contraria al
problema identificado.
Starting from the fact that solidarity is a dynamic process in which people, who are marginalized, are inserted into a movement of unity identified in feelings, needs, goals and common interest in which unity and strength are generated, in this sense, the The Employee Fund of the District of Barranquilla permanently contributes to the improvement of the quality of life in the social, cultural, and economic aspects of its associates, through savings, credit, education, recreation and social welfare services, framed within the principles and practices of solidarity. This case study aims to analyze the mass attrition of the employee fund partners of the District of Barranquilla. List the expected situation when solving the problem, is expressed by the manifestation contrary to the problem identified.
Starting from the fact that solidarity is a dynamic process in which people, who are marginalized, are inserted into a movement of unity identified in feelings, needs, goals and common interest in which unity and strength are generated, in this sense, the The Employee Fund of the District of Barranquilla permanently contributes to the improvement of the quality of life in the social, cultural, and economic aspects of its associates, through savings, credit, education, recreation and social welfare services, framed within the principles and practices of solidarity. This case study aims to analyze the mass attrition of the employee fund partners of the District of Barranquilla. List the expected situation when solving the problem, is expressed by the manifestation contrary to the problem identified.
Palabras clave
Fondo de empleados, Solidaridad, Cooperativismo, Employee fund, Solidarity, Cooperativism