Reflexiones teóricas -jurídicas de los efectos prejudicialidad en la jurisdicción ordinaria laboral y de la seguridad social en Colombia
Ramírez Salgado, Jair Enrique
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Se entiende la prejudicialidad como la existencia de una situación judicial en trámite o pendiente de resolución a cargo de otra autoridad judicial. Aunque también se da en procesos separados pero ante un mismo juez, así como es posible que se necesario la suspensión de un proceso mientras se decida en el otro. El objetivo es analizar si la prejudicialidad en materia laboral afecta de manera negativa o positiva. Para lo cual se realizó un estudio analítico desde la línea de investigación jurídica básica, de alcance exploratorio. La recolección de información se llevó a cabo mediante revisión bibliográfica a través de los buscadores Scielo, Dialnet, Redalyc, Ecopus, Sciencie, Academia, entre otros, bajo los descriptores prejudicialidad, proceso laboral, afectación, derecho procesal, de cuyos resultados se pudo determinar la escasa literatura en torno a prejudicialidad laboral, no así en prejudicialidad penal, civil, administrativa.
Los resultados indican que, un proceso laboral puede ser suspendido por la existencia de un evento de prejudicialidad o una petición por mutuo acuerdo, con la finalidad de evitar decisiones controversiales en la administración de justicia y favorecer la seguridad jurídica. La decisión de tal suspensión solo es competencia del juez. En conclusión, los efectos de la prejudicialidad en el proceso laboral, pueden ser tanto negativos como positivos, según sean las circunstancias debatidas en el proceso y la fuerza jurídica que tenga la decisión de un proceso sobre el otro.
Prejudiciality is understood as the existence of a judicial situation in process or pending resolution by another judicial authority. Although it also occurs in separate processes but before the same judge, it is also possible that the suspension of one process is necessary while the other is decided. The objective of this essay is to analyze if the prejudice in labor matters affects negatively or positively. For which an analytical study was carried out from the line of basic legal research, with an exploratory scope. The collection of information was carried out through bibliographic review through the search engines Scielo, Dialnet, Redalyc, Ecopus, Sciencie, Academia, among others, under the descriptors prejudiciality, labor process, affectation, procedural law, from whose results it was possible to determine the scarce literature around labor prejudiciality, but not in penal, civil, administrative prejudiciality. The results indicate that a labor process can be suspended due to the existence of a prejudicial event or a request by mutual agreement, in order to avoid controversial decisions in the administration of justice and favor legal certainty. The decision of such suspension is only the competence of the judge. In conclusion, the effects of prejudiciality in the labor process can be both negative and positive, depending on the circumstances discussed in the process and the legal force that the decision of one process has over the other.
Prejudiciality is understood as the existence of a judicial situation in process or pending resolution by another judicial authority. Although it also occurs in separate processes but before the same judge, it is also possible that the suspension of one process is necessary while the other is decided. The objective of this essay is to analyze if the prejudice in labor matters affects negatively or positively. For which an analytical study was carried out from the line of basic legal research, with an exploratory scope. The collection of information was carried out through bibliographic review through the search engines Scielo, Dialnet, Redalyc, Ecopus, Sciencie, Academia, among others, under the descriptors prejudiciality, labor process, affectation, procedural law, from whose results it was possible to determine the scarce literature around labor prejudiciality, but not in penal, civil, administrative prejudiciality. The results indicate that a labor process can be suspended due to the existence of a prejudicial event or a request by mutual agreement, in order to avoid controversial decisions in the administration of justice and favor legal certainty. The decision of such suspension is only the competence of the judge. In conclusion, the effects of prejudiciality in the labor process can be both negative and positive, depending on the circumstances discussed in the process and the legal force that the decision of one process has over the other.
Palabras clave
Prejudicialidad, Proceso laboral, Suspensión, Juez, Competencia, Prejudiciality, Labor process, Suspension, Judge, Competition