Calidad en la enseñanza de la ética en el nivel de quinto de primaria de la institución educativa colegio Comfanorte
Huerfano Jaimes, Samara
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Los procesos educativos tienen la finalidad de formar integralmente al individuo, es decir, que esté sea capaz de desarrollar y fortalecer las habilidades necesarias que le permitan integrarse en una sociedad cada vez más exigente. De acuerdo a lo anterior, se ha realizado diversos estudios que fundamentan la importancia de investigar la ética, desde las instituciones educativas, en la cual encontramos algunos trabajos como: “Educación moral en Sudamérica: un sistema pedagógico de transversalidad”, el objetivo es comprender qué es la educación de la moralidad, sus elementos constitutivos y su relevancia en los sistemas pedagógicos, como también explicar y comentar el estado de la educación moral en los países del Cono Sur de América.
Seguidamente encontramos un estudio nacional “Fortalecimiento en la práctica de valores para la convivencia y paz” el objetivo diseñar una propuesta en formación de valores que ayude a fortalecer la convivencia escolar en los niños y niñas de quinto grado de las sedes b y c. Esta información se recogió a partir de grupos focales con estudiantes, profesores con grados de implicación distinta, además de entrevista semiestructurada con familias.
Finalmente tenemos un estudio local “La enseñanza de los valores como estrategia para fortalecer el proyecto de vida de los estudiantes del grado segundo b del centro educativo Carrusel” esta investigación condujo a la construcción de una cartilla didáctica “Eli y su proyecto de vida desde la enseñanza de los valores” el objeto, permite que el docente interesado, la utilice como herramienta eficaz para la construcción del proyecto de vida a temprana edad.
Por lo tanto, el alcance de este trabajo se basó en interpretar a través de la interacción con estudiantes docentes y revisión documental institucional, la calidad de la ética, en quinto de primaria de la institución educativa colegio Comfanorte, con la implementación de varios instrumentos, tanto físicos como interactivos. Se justifica puesto que, en cuanto a lo pedagógico, “ser” para llegar a “hacer” es fundamental en los procesos educativos. Esto con el fin de saber profundizar dentro de los campos de estudio cuál es esa calidad qué hay dentro de la aplicación de la asignatura de ética en 5°, se estableció como objetivo general: Determinar el nivel de la calidad de la enseñanza de la ética en los niños y niñas de grado quinto de Educación primaria de la institución educativa comfanorte.
En la metodología se desarrolló con un paradigma interpretativo con un enfoque cualitativo de tipo exploratorio y un diseño de investigación acción, dónde la muestra estuvo delimitada por 5 docentes y 10 estudiantes de 5°, para la recolección de información se diseñó: una matriz análisis documental, entrevista semiestructurada y una además se aplicó una evaluación interactiva de preguntas abiertas para corroborar lo que está planteado dentro de los documentos institucionales, se pudo interpretar qué en los hallazgos se presentan una falencia en cuanto a la estructura pedagógica. En cuanto a la formación docente se evidencio falta de conocimiento conceptual. En la actividad interactiva los niños tienen la apropiación de los temas existentes, pero falta fortalecer algunas temáticas.
Por lo anterior podemos concluir que En estructura pedagógica, falta más capacitación documental, aplicado a los docentes que se asignan al inicio de año, para dictar esta asignatura. Esto lo sustenta el análisis de los lineamientos curriculares y los planes de estudio en la institución educativa analizados en una matriz, partiendo de los datos arrojados, se pudo apreciar que según el nivel de concordancia entre componentes y ejes temáticos con la competencias y desempeños existe una falta de coherencia y complementos temáticos en la institución.
En cuanto a la formación del docente se evidencio que tiene conocimientos sobre la ética profesional y con base su aplicación pedagógica; siendo profesores de otras áreas, se evidencia falta de capacitaciones de forma didáctica y documental en esta área.
En cuanto la aprobación de los conocimientos de los niños, se evidencia que la estructura didáctica, y metodología en esta área, tiene falencias en cuanto algunas temáticas existentes.
Education has the purpose of forming people integrally, that is to say, humans are able to develop abilities that allow them to be part of a demanding society. According to this, there are several studies about the importance of researching ethics, from educational institutions, such as: "Moral education in South America: a pedagogical system of transversality", the aim is to understand what is the education of morality, elements and relevance in pedagogical systems, as well as explain and comment on the state of moral education in the countries of the Southern Cone of America. Besides, there are some national studies, for instance: "Strengthening the practice of values for coexistence and peace", the main objective is to design a proposal in values that helps to strengthen and improve the students´ behavior in fifth graders in two different locations. This information was collected from focus groups with students, teachers with different degrees of involvement, as well as semi-structured interviews with families. As a matter of fact, we have a local study "The teaching of values as a strategy to strengthen the life project of the second B graders of the educational center Carrusel" this research led to the construction of a didactic booklet "Eli and his life project from the teaching of values”, it allows the teacher use it as an effective tool for the construction of the life project at an early age. Therefore, this work was based on interpreting, through interaction with student and teachers and institutional documentary review, the quality of ethics in fifth graders in Comfanorte, with the implementation of several tools, both physical and interactive. In terms of pedagogy, "be" to get to "do" is fundamental in an educational process. In order to know the fields of study what is the quality of the application of the subject of ethics in 5th grade, the general objective was established: To determine the level of quality of teaching of ethics in fifth graders in comfanorte. The methodology was developed with an interpretative paradigm with an exploratory qualitative approach and an action research design, where the sample was delimited by 5 teachers and 10 students of 5th grade, to gather the information and data was designed: a documentary analysis matrix, a semi-structured interview and an interactive evaluation of open questions which it was applied to corroborate what is was set in the institutional files. In terms of teachers training, there was a lack of conceptual knowledge. In the interactive activity, children have the appropriation of the existing topics, but some topics need to be strengthened. Therefore, we can conclude, there is a lack of documentary training to the teachers who are assigned at the beginning of the year to teach this subject. This is supported by the analysis of the curricular guidelines and study plans in the educational institution analyzed in a matrix, based on the data obtained, it could be seen that according to the level of agreement between components and thematic axes with the competencies and performances, there is a lack of coherence and thematic complements in the institution. Regarding the teacher's training, some of them have knowledge about ethics and based on their pedagogical application; being teachers of different areas, there is a lack of didactic and documentary training in this area. As for the approval of the children's knowledge, it is evident that the didactic structure and methodology in this area, has shortcomings in terms of some existing topics.
Education has the purpose of forming people integrally, that is to say, humans are able to develop abilities that allow them to be part of a demanding society. According to this, there are several studies about the importance of researching ethics, from educational institutions, such as: "Moral education in South America: a pedagogical system of transversality", the aim is to understand what is the education of morality, elements and relevance in pedagogical systems, as well as explain and comment on the state of moral education in the countries of the Southern Cone of America. Besides, there are some national studies, for instance: "Strengthening the practice of values for coexistence and peace", the main objective is to design a proposal in values that helps to strengthen and improve the students´ behavior in fifth graders in two different locations. This information was collected from focus groups with students, teachers with different degrees of involvement, as well as semi-structured interviews with families. As a matter of fact, we have a local study "The teaching of values as a strategy to strengthen the life project of the second B graders of the educational center Carrusel" this research led to the construction of a didactic booklet "Eli and his life project from the teaching of values”, it allows the teacher use it as an effective tool for the construction of the life project at an early age. Therefore, this work was based on interpreting, through interaction with student and teachers and institutional documentary review, the quality of ethics in fifth graders in Comfanorte, with the implementation of several tools, both physical and interactive. In terms of pedagogy, "be" to get to "do" is fundamental in an educational process. In order to know the fields of study what is the quality of the application of the subject of ethics in 5th grade, the general objective was established: To determine the level of quality of teaching of ethics in fifth graders in comfanorte. The methodology was developed with an interpretative paradigm with an exploratory qualitative approach and an action research design, where the sample was delimited by 5 teachers and 10 students of 5th grade, to gather the information and data was designed: a documentary analysis matrix, a semi-structured interview and an interactive evaluation of open questions which it was applied to corroborate what is was set in the institutional files. In terms of teachers training, there was a lack of conceptual knowledge. In the interactive activity, children have the appropriation of the existing topics, but some topics need to be strengthened. Therefore, we can conclude, there is a lack of documentary training to the teachers who are assigned at the beginning of the year to teach this subject. This is supported by the analysis of the curricular guidelines and study plans in the educational institution analyzed in a matrix, based on the data obtained, it could be seen that according to the level of agreement between components and thematic axes with the competencies and performances, there is a lack of coherence and thematic complements in the institution. Regarding the teacher's training, some of them have knowledge about ethics and based on their pedagogical application; being teachers of different areas, there is a lack of didactic and documentary training in this area. As for the approval of the children's knowledge, it is evident that the didactic structure and methodology in this area, has shortcomings in terms of some existing topics.
Palabras clave
Ética, Calidad, Formación, Antecedente, Educación, Ethics, Quality, Training, Background, Education