Modelo de gestión de innovación para la sostenibilidad empresarial de las microempresas de moda autor
De la Cruz Siado, Mariangelica
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
La moda ha representado un papel fundamental a la hora de expresar los cambios históricos y culturales de la sociedad, son las nuevas generaciones de creadores de moda los que hacen evolucionar las dinámicas del sector, aportando valor a los procesos creativos y de innovación a través de la cultura y las expresiones sociales. De manera que, a medida que ha evolucionado el sistema moda, también lo han hecho los creadores que la componen, de allí nace la necesidad de los nuevos diseñadores de crear narrativas distintas a las acostumbradas para diferenciarse de los homónimos que los han antecedido.
A partir de lo anterior, nacen los diseñadores de moda autor o emergente, creadores de marcas de la moda que realizan un proceso altamente creativo con un alto componente de innovación y creatividad, además de manifestar en sus creaciones relatos propios o a manera de visibilización de una cultura y sociedad, alejándose de las tendencias y proponiendo universos de su propio imaginario que encanten a un nicho de mercado.
Estos entes económicos hacen parte de las microempresas y actualmente las cifras de supervivencia no son favorables, por lo tanto, el presente proyecto de investigación tiene como objetivo proponer un modelo de gestión de innovación en microempresas de moda autor mediante el estudio de caso para su sostenibilidad empresarial a fin de contribuir al fortalecimiento de la innovación en el sector. Identificando a través de la revisión de la literatura y del estudio de caso de tres microempresas que pertenecen a este sector tan particular y que han generado innovación con recursos limitados, los factores y procesos que han derivado en su sostenibilidad empresarial.
Fashion has played a fundamental role in expressing the historical and cultural changes of society; It´s the new generations of fashion creators who help make this sector by adding value to the creative and innovation processes through culture and social expressions. So, as the fashion system has evolved, so have the creators that compose it. As a result, designers need to create narratives different from the usual ones in order to differentiate themselves from the namesakes that have preceded them. From the above, emerging or author fashion designers are born, creating fashion brands that perform a highly creative process with a high component of innovation and creativity, as well as manifesting in their creations their own stories or by way visibility of a culture and society, away from the trends and offering universes of their own imaginary that enchant a niche markets. These economic entities are part of the microenterprises and currently the survival figures are not favorable, therefore, this research project aims to propose a model of innovation management in fashion microenterprises author through the case study for business sustainability in order to contribute to strengthening innovation in the sector. Through the review of the literature and the case study of three microenterprises that belong to this particular sector and that have generated innovation with limited resources, the factors and processes that have led to their business sustainability will be identified.
Fashion has played a fundamental role in expressing the historical and cultural changes of society; It´s the new generations of fashion creators who help make this sector by adding value to the creative and innovation processes through culture and social expressions. So, as the fashion system has evolved, so have the creators that compose it. As a result, designers need to create narratives different from the usual ones in order to differentiate themselves from the namesakes that have preceded them. From the above, emerging or author fashion designers are born, creating fashion brands that perform a highly creative process with a high component of innovation and creativity, as well as manifesting in their creations their own stories or by way visibility of a culture and society, away from the trends and offering universes of their own imaginary that enchant a niche markets. These economic entities are part of the microenterprises and currently the survival figures are not favorable, therefore, this research project aims to propose a model of innovation management in fashion microenterprises author through the case study for business sustainability in order to contribute to strengthening innovation in the sector. Through the review of the literature and the case study of three microenterprises that belong to this particular sector and that have generated innovation with limited resources, the factors and processes that have led to their business sustainability will be identified.
Palabras clave
Modelo de gestión, Sostenibilidad empresarial, Innovación, Moda autor, Microempresas, Management model, Business sustainability, Innovation, Emerging fashion brands, Fashion industry system