Cuáles son las barreras de acceso en los derechos sexuales y reproductivos de la mujer bajo la luz de la violencia de género, sexual, social, económico, educativo, cultural y religión
Molina Arias, Marisol
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
En Colombia podemos denotar la gran problemática social y de género que se desarrolla en
la sociedad con respecto a las mujeres, su rol y la relación con su cuerpo, sus derechos
sexuales y reproductivos. Sobre si la mujer puede y tiene el derecho a tener hijos o no. Por
ejemplo, a través de la historia, las costumbres y paradigmas en ocasiones religiosos,
económicos, educativos, sociales, culturales y de género que se trasladan de generación en
generación sobre lo que significa ser mujer y su rol ante la sociedad. Si es su propósito
tener hijos independientemente de que quiera o no; por el simple hecho de que es su
naturaleza y en ocasiones por presión social. A esta problemática se le suma que hasta hace
algunos años esa decisión en Colombia la tomaba el hombre, a la mujer no se le permitía
acceder a ningún método de planificación y mucho menos a información reproductiva ya
que esto era considerado un pecado y un tabú entre la sociedad ello implementado por el
sistema patriarcal que aún se vive en Colombia. La falta de educación sexual y reproductiva
desde jóvenes es nula y eso con lleva a muchas problemáticas y barreras de acceso.
In Colombia we can denote the great social and gender problems that are developed in society with respect to women, their role and the relationship with their body, their sexual and reproductive rights. On whether women can and have the right to have children or not. For example, throughout history, the customs and paradigms that are sometimes religious, economic, educational, social, cultural and gender-based that are passed down from generation to generation about what it means to be a woman and her role in society. If it is your purpose to have children regardless of whether you want to or not; for the simple fact that it is their nature and sometimes due to social pressure. Added to this problem is the fact that until a few years ago that decision in Colombia was made by men, women were not allowed access to any planning method, much less reproductive information, since this was considered a sin and a taboo among women. society this implemented by the patriarchal system that still exists in Colombia. The lack of sexual and reproductive education from young people is null and this leads to many problems and barriers to access.
In Colombia we can denote the great social and gender problems that are developed in society with respect to women, their role and the relationship with their body, their sexual and reproductive rights. On whether women can and have the right to have children or not. For example, throughout history, the customs and paradigms that are sometimes religious, economic, educational, social, cultural and gender-based that are passed down from generation to generation about what it means to be a woman and her role in society. If it is your purpose to have children regardless of whether you want to or not; for the simple fact that it is their nature and sometimes due to social pressure. Added to this problem is the fact that until a few years ago that decision in Colombia was made by men, women were not allowed access to any planning method, much less reproductive information, since this was considered a sin and a taboo among women. society this implemented by the patriarchal system that still exists in Colombia. The lack of sexual and reproductive education from young people is null and this leads to many problems and barriers to access.
Palabras clave
Mujer, Derecho sexual, Derecho reproductivo, Violencia de genero, Woman, Sexual Right, Reproductive Right, Gender violence