La importancia de la evaluación de la fragilidad en el adulto mayor con enfermedad cardiovascular
Quintero-Cruz, María Victoria
Mantilla-Morrón, Mirary
Urina-Triana, Miguel
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Cooperativa servicios y suministros 212518 RS
La fragilidad se considera como un síndrome
biológico que afecta a múltiples sistemas y
órganos que conduce a la dependencia e incluso
la muerte; de allí la importancia de su medición en el
adulto mayor, particularmente en el sujeto con enfermedad
cardiovascular. Este estudio se realizó con el objeto de
determinar la prevalencia de la fragilidad y pre- fragilidad
del adulto mayor que acude a un programa de rehabilitación
Materiales y Métodos: Estudio observacional descriptivo
transversal realizado en adultos mayores con enfermedad
cardiovascular que asistían al programa de rehabilitación
cardiovascular. La evaluación de la fragilidad se hizo
mediante los cinco criterios propuestos por Fried: pérdida
involuntaria de peso, baja energía o agotamiento, debilidad
muscular, lentitud de la marcha y baja actividad física.
Los datos se estudiaron mediante el análisis de varianza
de una y dos vías y se consideró significativo estadísticamente
una p<0,05.
Resultados: Se incluyeron 35 adultos mayores de 60
años. Se encontró una prevalencia de fragilidad de 23% y
pre-fragilidad de 54% con mayor frecuencia en mujeres,
las personas frágiles y pre-frágiles se encuentran entre 60
y 75 años, las mayores de 76 años son frágiles. La mayoría
de los sujetos presentan entre 1 y 2 criterios siendo los
de mayor prevalencia la lentitud para la marcha y la baja
fuerza muscular (51,4%).
Conclusión: Evaluar la fragilidad es importante en todo
paciente con enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV) para detectarla
y evitar dependencia. Es necesario mayor número
de estudios sobre el tema con el fin de conocer la situación
de estos pacientes en Barranquilla.
Frailty is considered as a biological syndrome that affects multiple systems and organs that leads to dependence and even death; hence the importance of its measurement in the elderly and particularly in the subject with cardiovascular disease. This study was conducted in order to determine the prevalence of frailty and pre-frailty of the elderly who attend a cardiac rehabilitation program. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive observational study was carried out in older adults with cardiovascular disease who attended the cardiovascular rehabilitation program. The assessment of frailty was made by the five criteria proposed by Fried: involuntary weight loss, low energy or exhaustion, muscle weakness, slowness of walking and low physical activity. The data were analyzed by one or two way ANOVA and a value of p<0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: Thirty-five adults over 60 years old were included. We found a prevalence of frailty of 23% and prefraility of 54% with greater frequency in women, fragile and pre-fragil people are between 60 and 75 years old, and those older than 76 years are fragile. The majority of subjects show one or two criteria, being the most prevalent slowness and weakness (5.4%). Conclusion: Assessing frailty is important in all patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD) to detect it and avoid dependence. It is necessary a greater number of studies on the subject in order to know the situation of these patients in Barranquilla.
Frailty is considered as a biological syndrome that affects multiple systems and organs that leads to dependence and even death; hence the importance of its measurement in the elderly and particularly in the subject with cardiovascular disease. This study was conducted in order to determine the prevalence of frailty and pre-frailty of the elderly who attend a cardiac rehabilitation program. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive observational study was carried out in older adults with cardiovascular disease who attended the cardiovascular rehabilitation program. The assessment of frailty was made by the five criteria proposed by Fried: involuntary weight loss, low energy or exhaustion, muscle weakness, slowness of walking and low physical activity. The data were analyzed by one or two way ANOVA and a value of p<0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: Thirty-five adults over 60 years old were included. We found a prevalence of frailty of 23% and prefraility of 54% with greater frequency in women, fragile and pre-fragil people are between 60 and 75 years old, and those older than 76 years are fragile. The majority of subjects show one or two criteria, being the most prevalent slowness and weakness (5.4%). Conclusion: Assessing frailty is important in all patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD) to detect it and avoid dependence. It is necessary a greater number of studies on the subject in order to know the situation of these patients in Barranquilla.
Palabras clave
Adulto mayor, Enfermedades cardíacas, Anciano frágil, Elderly, Heart disease, Frail elderly