Estar emancipados. Cuestiones en tomo al horizonte pedagógico sociocritico en los procesos de transformación social en estudiantes universitarios
García Padilla, Arlington Antonio
Porto Escorcia, Ana Isabel
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo determinar de qué manera el Horizonte Pedagógico Sociocritico contribuye al desarrollo de los procesos de transformación social en los estudiantes universitarios, para generar una cultura critica .
universitaria. La reflexión en tomo a la producción investigativa, toma como referente metodológico el paradigma critico social, su finalidad es la transformación de la estructura de las relaciones sociales y dar respuesta a determinados problemas generados por estas,
partiendo de la acción-reflexión de los integrantes de la comunidad educativa. En el análisis de la información, se identificó, que puede presentarse algunos distanciamientos entre el HPSC, la práctica docente y los procesos de transformación social. Como conclusión, se
estableció que el HPSC debe velar por el desarrollo de un interés emancipador; su currículo, su didáctica y su evaluación, deben estar orientados hacia una visión critica transformadora, lo cual, debe partir de una interrelación dialógica y critica entre cada uno
de los actores vinculados en el proceso de enseñanza - aprendizaje.
The present investigation has as aim determine of what way the Horizonte Pedagógico sociocritico (HPSC) contributes to the development of the processes of social transfonnation in the university students, to generate a critica! university culture. Toe reflection about the investigative production, takes as a methodological modal the critical social paradigm, its purpose is the transformation of the structure of the social relations and to give response to certain problems generated by these, departing from the action - reflection of the members of the educational community. In the analysis of the infonnation, there was identified, that can appear sorne distancing between the HPSC, the educational practice and the processes of social transformation. As conclusion, it was found that the HPSC must guard over the development of an emancipating interest; its currículum, its didactics and its evaluation, must be orientated towards a transformative critical vision, which, it must depart from a dialógica! and criticizes interrelationship among each of the related actors in the teaching - learning process.
The present investigation has as aim determine of what way the Horizonte Pedagógico sociocritico (HPSC) contributes to the development of the processes of social transfonnation in the university students, to generate a critica! university culture. Toe reflection about the investigative production, takes as a methodological modal the critical social paradigm, its purpose is the transformation of the structure of the social relations and to give response to certain problems generated by these, departing from the action - reflection of the members of the educational community. In the analysis of the infonnation, there was identified, that can appear sorne distancing between the HPSC, the educational practice and the processes of social transformation. As conclusion, it was found that the HPSC must guard over the development of an emancipating interest; its currículum, its didactics and its evaluation, must be orientated towards a transformative critical vision, which, it must depart from a dialógica! and criticizes interrelationship among each of the related actors in the teaching - learning process.
Palabras clave
HPSC, Transformación social, Práctica docente, Educación critica transformadora, HPSC, Social transformation, Teaching practices, Critical transfonnative education