Didáctica interdisciplinar en la educación virtual pos gradual
Sandoval Valero, Erika María
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La investigación “Didáctica Interdisciplinar en la Educación Virtual Pos Gradual” surge del interés
investigativo de dar respuesta a la necesidad de mejorar la calidad de los posgrados virtuales de
la Universidad de Boyacá en Colombia. Su objetivo estuvo dirigido a desarrollar una propuesta
de didáctica interdisciplinar que impulse la formación integral fortaleciendo la educación virtual
posgradual en dicha institución. Se asumió la ontología desde la intersubjetividad dialógica, la
realidad como un sistema de interrelaciones intra e interdialógicas, inacabada, en constante
construcción desde significados y sentidos subjetivos e intersubjetivos de los actores sociales
involucrados en esa realidad. El paradigma en el cual se inscribe la investigación es el
sociocrítico, el enfoque cualitativo, desde el método de investigación acción educativa IAE (Elliott,
1993, Ander Egg, 2020), en correspondencia con el ciclo conformado por: reflexión, acción y
evaluación. Participaron 3 profesores que administran asignaturas, 5 docentes del área de
currículo, 3 estudiantes y dos actores del área técnica que prestan apoyo al personal de la
modalidad de educación virtual. La información se recogió a través de técnicas medulares:
diálogo, entrevistas en profundidad, trabajo grupal, ilación, ilustración, religación, análisis de
documentos, estadística descriptiva y la devolución sistemática. Con la información recabada se
elaboraron corpus textuales a partir de los cuales se construyeron las categorías y cartografías
conceptuales para sistematizar la problemática, definirla y construir una propuesta didáctica. La
validez de la investigación está avalada por la devolución sistemática, mediante el regreso de las
construcciones textuales a los actores sociales, para su legitimación. Los hallazgos se
constituyeron en una propuesta de didáctica interdisciplinar para la educación en entornos
virtuales de aprendizaje (DIEVA) que promueva la formación integral de los participantes en los
posgrados de la Universidad de Boyacá
The research "Interdisciplinary Didactics in Virtual Postgraduate Education" arises from the investigative interest of responding to the need to improve the quality of virtual postgraduate courses at the University of Boyacá in Colombia. Its objective was aimed at developing an interdisciplinary didactic proposal that promotes comprehensive training, strengthening virtual postgraduate education in said institution. Ontology was assumed from dialogical intersubjectivity, reality as a system of intra and interdialogical interrelationships, unfinished, in constant construction from subjective and intersubjective meanings and senses of the social actors involved in that reality. The paradigm in which the research is inscribed is the socio-critical, the qualitative approach, from the IAE educational action research method (Elliott, 1993, Anser Egg, 2020), in correspondence with the cycle made up of: reflection, action and evaluation. 3 teachers who administer subjects, 5 teachers from the curriculum area, 3 students and two actors from the technical area who provide support to the staff of the virtual education modality participated. The information was collected through core techniques: dialogue, in-depth interviews, group work, drawing, illustration, religation, document analysis, descriptive statistics, and systematic feedback. With the information collected, textual corpora were elaborated from which the categories and conceptual cartographies were constructed to systematize the problem, define it and build a didactic proposal. The validity of the research is guaranteed by the systematic return, through the return of the textual constructions to the social actors, for their legitimization. The findings were constituted in a proposal of interdisciplinary didactics for education in virtual learning environments (DIEVA) that promotes the integral formation of the participants in the postgraduate courses of the University of Boyacá.
The research "Interdisciplinary Didactics in Virtual Postgraduate Education" arises from the investigative interest of responding to the need to improve the quality of virtual postgraduate courses at the University of Boyacá in Colombia. Its objective was aimed at developing an interdisciplinary didactic proposal that promotes comprehensive training, strengthening virtual postgraduate education in said institution. Ontology was assumed from dialogical intersubjectivity, reality as a system of intra and interdialogical interrelationships, unfinished, in constant construction from subjective and intersubjective meanings and senses of the social actors involved in that reality. The paradigm in which the research is inscribed is the socio-critical, the qualitative approach, from the IAE educational action research method (Elliott, 1993, Anser Egg, 2020), in correspondence with the cycle made up of: reflection, action and evaluation. 3 teachers who administer subjects, 5 teachers from the curriculum area, 3 students and two actors from the technical area who provide support to the staff of the virtual education modality participated. The information was collected through core techniques: dialogue, in-depth interviews, group work, drawing, illustration, religation, document analysis, descriptive statistics, and systematic feedback. With the information collected, textual corpora were elaborated from which the categories and conceptual cartographies were constructed to systematize the problem, define it and build a didactic proposal. The validity of the research is guaranteed by the systematic return, through the return of the textual constructions to the social actors, for their legitimization. The findings were constituted in a proposal of interdisciplinary didactics for education in virtual learning environments (DIEVA) that promotes the integral formation of the participants in the postgraduate courses of the University of Boyacá.
Palabras clave
Didáctica interdisciplinar, EVA, Posgrados, Interdisciplinary Didactics, EVA, Postgraduate courses