Uso de las energías renovables: una revisión sistemática de la literatura
Benavides Blanco, Isaac Daniel
Escorcia Solano, José Camilo
Meléndez Agamez, Carlos Julio
Rodelo Torres, Roberto Carlos
Villa González, Jean Carlos
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ingenierías
Facultad de Ingenierías
Las fuentes de energía usadas actualmente proceden de combustibles fósiles que están ocasionando daños al medio
ambiente, por lo que se necesita direccionar el camino en el uso de otras fuentes más limpias, disponibles, económicas
y más sostenibles. Teniendo en cuenta la importancia de este tema, el objetivo de esta investigación es analizar el
desarrollo en el uso de energías renovables como alternativa para el desarrollo sostenible. Para ello, se hizo una
descripción de la utilización que se le ha dado a las energías renovables a nivel mundial, América Latina y Colombia,
posteriormente, una identificación de los obstáculos en la implementación de energías renovables y así establecer los
principales retos para el desarrollo en la implementación de energías renovables en Colombia.
La investigación es de tipo descriptiva y está soportada en una revisión documental de los últimos 10 años con la
aplicación de la metodología del PRISMA, que mediante la definición de ecuaciones de búsqueda y criterios de
inclusión y exclusión en bases como Scopus, permitió obtener un conjunto de 20 publicaciones relevantes que
sustentan la investigación.
Los resultados indican que en Europa existe dependencia de generación e energía a través de combustibles fósiles,
presentando cierta debilidad debido a su dependencia en mercados mundiales. Igualmente ocurre con Japón, quien
ha tenido iniciativas muy modestas en el tema de energías renovables debido a que la energía nuclear ha sido su base
en cuanto a masa energética. Por su parte, el centro de la matriz energética de América Latina ha sido históricamente
la energía hidroeléctrica con mayores desarrollos en países como Chile y Argentina. En Colombia, el uso de las
energías renovables ha aumentado. Alrededor del 70% de la energía eléctrica total del país se produce mediante el
uso de la hidroelectricidad, que es la principal fuente de energía renovable, sin embargo, existe mucho potencial para
la energía eólica.
Finalmente se concluye que para que Colombia cuente con mayor avance en materia de energías renovables, se tienen
que superar los retos en materia medioambiental mediante la generación de proyectos que estén regulados por entes
gubernamentales, fortalecer su institucionalidad en esta área para que actúe de forma coordinada afrontando las
dinámicas que impondrá el sector a partir de la transición energética. Así mismo, para soportar toda esta estructura y
alcanzar una mayor capacidad en la generación de energías no convencionales, se hace necesario promover y obtener
mayores recursos económicos, urgiendo la necesidad de contar con mayor inversión económica.
The energy sources currently used come from fossil fuels that are causing damage to the environment, so it is necessary to direct the way in the use of other cleaner, available, cheaper and more sustainable sources. Taking into account the importance of this topic, the objective of this research is to analyze the development in the use of renewable energies as an alternative for sustainable development. For this, a description of the use that has been given to renewable energies worldwide, Latin America and Colombia was made, later, an identification of the obstacles in the implementation of renewable energies and thus establish the main challenges for development. in the implementation of renewable energies in Colombia. The research is descriptive and is supported by a documentary review of the last 10 years with the application of the PRISMA methodology, which by defining search equations and inclusion and exclusion criteria in databases such as Scopus, allowed obtaining a set of of 20 relevant publications that support the research. The results indicate that in Europe there is dependence on energy generation through fossil fuels, presenting some weakness due to its dependence on world markets. The same is the case with Japan, which has had very modest initiatives on the subject of renewable energy because nuclear energy has been its base in terms of energy mass. For its part, the center of the energy matrix of Latin America has historically been hydroelectric power with the greatest developments in countries such as Chile and Argentina. In Colombia, the use of renewable energy has increased. About 70% of the country's total electrical energy is produced through the use of hydroelectricity, which is the main source of renewable energy, however, there is a lot of potential for wind power. Finally, it is concluded that for Colombia to have greater progress in the field of renewable energy, environmental challenges must be overcome through the generation of projects that are regulated by government entities, strengthening its institutionality in this area so that it acts in a coordinated manner. facing the dynamics that the sector will impose from the energy transition. Likewise, to support all this structure and achieve a greater capacity in the generation of non-conventional energies, it is necessary to promote and obtain greater economic resources, urging the need for greater economic investment.
The energy sources currently used come from fossil fuels that are causing damage to the environment, so it is necessary to direct the way in the use of other cleaner, available, cheaper and more sustainable sources. Taking into account the importance of this topic, the objective of this research is to analyze the development in the use of renewable energies as an alternative for sustainable development. For this, a description of the use that has been given to renewable energies worldwide, Latin America and Colombia was made, later, an identification of the obstacles in the implementation of renewable energies and thus establish the main challenges for development. in the implementation of renewable energies in Colombia. The research is descriptive and is supported by a documentary review of the last 10 years with the application of the PRISMA methodology, which by defining search equations and inclusion and exclusion criteria in databases such as Scopus, allowed obtaining a set of of 20 relevant publications that support the research. The results indicate that in Europe there is dependence on energy generation through fossil fuels, presenting some weakness due to its dependence on world markets. The same is the case with Japan, which has had very modest initiatives on the subject of renewable energy because nuclear energy has been its base in terms of energy mass. For its part, the center of the energy matrix of Latin America has historically been hydroelectric power with the greatest developments in countries such as Chile and Argentina. In Colombia, the use of renewable energy has increased. About 70% of the country's total electrical energy is produced through the use of hydroelectricity, which is the main source of renewable energy, however, there is a lot of potential for wind power. Finally, it is concluded that for Colombia to have greater progress in the field of renewable energy, environmental challenges must be overcome through the generation of projects that are regulated by government entities, strengthening its institutionality in this area so that it acts in a coordinated manner. facing the dynamics that the sector will impose from the energy transition. Likewise, to support all this structure and achieve a greater capacity in the generation of non-conventional energies, it is necessary to promote and obtain greater economic resources, urging the need for greater economic investment.
Palabras clave
Energías renovables, Combustibles fósiles, Contaminación, Desarrollo sostenible, Renewable energies, Fossil fuels, Pollution, Sustainable development