Asociación entre el estado físico e imagen corporal y la presencia de pensamientos automáticos e irracionales en estudiantes de una universidad privada de la ciudad de Barranquilla
Ariza Obregón, Steffy
Caballero Mendoza, Marielys
Franco Arteaga, Olga
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Introducción: La insatisfacción con la imagen corporal es un continuo que va
desde la preocupación por la apariencia física a la existencia de alteraciones
graves en la percepción, cuando esta insatisfacción es elevada, interfiere en la
vida cotidiana. La adolescencia y la juventud temprana han demostrado ser etapas
muy vulnerables para sufrir este tipo de insatisfacción puesto que este periodo se
caracteriza por grandes cambios a nivel físico y búsqueda de identidad. En él se
asienta el autoconcepto o las distorsiones cognitivas y la preocupación por el peso
y la actitud hacia la alimentación tienen un papel importante.
Objetivo: El propósito de esta investigación fue conocer la relación existente entre
el estado físico e imagen corporal con la presencia de pensamientos automáticos
e irracionales en una muestra de 200 estudiantes con edades comprendidas entre
los 18 y los 25 años.
Resultados: Mostraron relación directa entre estado físico e imagen corporal, los
pensamientos distorsionados y la actitud disfuncional, por lo tanto, un buen
porcentaje de la población presenta una insatisfacción personal, relacionado con
la imagen corporal.
Conclusión: La distorsión de la imagen corporal se evidencia por la
sobrestimación del tamaño corporal, lo que indica una percepción distorsionada de
la propia imagen que se vincula a una insatisfacción corporal también la
evaluación de los pensamientos automáticos evidencian que si fluyen en diversas
formas de cómo vemos nuestra imagen corporal y su característica predominante
es la negatividad en los jóvenes.
Introduction: Dissatisfaction with body image is a continuum that goes from concern about physical appearance to the existence of serious alterations in perception, when this dissatisfaction is high, it interferes with everyday life. Adolescence and early youth have proven to be very vulnerable stages to suffer this type of dissatisfaction since this period is characterized by great changes at the physical level and the search for identity. In it, the self-concept or cognitive distortions and the preoccupation with weight and the attitude towards eating have an important role. Objective: The purpose of this research was to find out the relationship between physical state and body image with the presence of automatic and irrational thoughts in a sample of 200 students aged between 18 and 25 years. Results: they showed a direct relationship between physical state and body image, distorted thoughts and dysfunctional attitude, therefore, a good percentage of the population presented personal dissatisfaction, related to body image. Conclusion: The distortion of the body image is evidenced by the overestimation of the body size, which indicates a distorted perception of the image itself that is linked to a body dissatisfaction. The evaluation of automatic thoughts also shows that if they flow in various ways as we see our body image and its predominant characteristic is negativity in young people
Introduction: Dissatisfaction with body image is a continuum that goes from concern about physical appearance to the existence of serious alterations in perception, when this dissatisfaction is high, it interferes with everyday life. Adolescence and early youth have proven to be very vulnerable stages to suffer this type of dissatisfaction since this period is characterized by great changes at the physical level and the search for identity. In it, the self-concept or cognitive distortions and the preoccupation with weight and the attitude towards eating have an important role. Objective: The purpose of this research was to find out the relationship between physical state and body image with the presence of automatic and irrational thoughts in a sample of 200 students aged between 18 and 25 years. Results: they showed a direct relationship between physical state and body image, distorted thoughts and dysfunctional attitude, therefore, a good percentage of the population presented personal dissatisfaction, related to body image. Conclusion: The distortion of the body image is evidenced by the overestimation of the body size, which indicates a distorted perception of the image itself that is linked to a body dissatisfaction. The evaluation of automatic thoughts also shows that if they flow in various ways as we see our body image and its predominant characteristic is negativity in young people
Palabras clave
Insatisfacción corporal, Índice de masa corporal, Estado físico, Imagen corporal, Pensamientos irracionales, Body dissatisfaction, Body mass index, Fitness, Body image, Irrational thoughts