El impacto positivo de las TIC en la administración de justicia en los juzgados civiles municipales de Barranquilla
Gil Daza, Claudia Patricia
Manga Escorcia, Alexander
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La presente investigación de tipo cualitativa con enfoque descriptivo, permite determinar por medio de la recolección de información documental y aplicabilidad de una encuesta de percepción sobre el impacto positivo que genera el uso de las TIC en los Juzgados civiles municipales de Barranquilla, para luego, describir el rol de dichas herramientas tecnológicas y su influencia sobre los principio de economía y celeridad procesal en la Administración de Justicia en los juzgados civiles municipales de Barranquilla. Esto, sabiendo que la emergencia sanitaria del Covid-19, produjo una alta demanda para hacer uso de las TIC, por lo que su implementación ha permitido dar cumplimiento al propósito de garantizar el ejercicio del derecho constitucional que tienen las personas al acudir al aparato judicial por medio de la utilización de mecanismos idóneos que le permitan un fácil acceso a la justicia y a obtener pronta resolución a los problemas que ponen a consideración de los jueces. Ante esto, ha dejado a su disposición la herramienta TYBA, permitiendo aumentar la movilidad y rapidez de los diferentes procesos y además le representa un menor costo a la administración de justicia. Sin embargo, algunos servidores judiciales y quienes ejercen el litigio, debido a que no se han capacitado en el uso de esta herramienta adoptada por la Rama Judicial, retrasan de manera considerable el desarrollo de los procesos. Aunado a ello, la conectividad a internet, no siempre es de buena calidad, todo esto redunda en muchos casos porque los procesos en ocasiones son archivados por desistimiento tácito debido a la falta de impulso de la parte interesada.
The present qualitative research with a descriptive approach allows us to determine, through the collection of documentary information and applicability of a perception survey, the positive impact generated by the use of ICT in the municipal civil courts of Barranquilla, and then describe the role of said technological tools and their influence on the principles of economy and procedural speed in the Administration of Justice in the municipal civil courts of Barranquilla. This, knowing that the Covid-19 health emergency, produced a high demand to use ICT, so its implementation has made it possible to fulfill the purpose of guaranteeing the exercise of the constitutional right that people have when going to the judicial apparatus. Through the use of suitable mechanisms that allow easy access to justice and to obtain prompt resolution to the problems brought to the attention of the judges. Given this, the TYBA tool has been made available to you, allowing you to increase the mobility and speed of the different processes and also represents a lower cost for the administration of justice. However, some judicial servants and those who practice litigation, because they have not been trained in the use of this tool adopted by the Judicial Branch, considerably delay the development of the processes. In addition to this, internet connectivity is not always of good quality, all of this results in many cases because the processes are sometimes archived due to tacit withdrawal due to the lack of drive of the interested party.
The present qualitative research with a descriptive approach allows us to determine, through the collection of documentary information and applicability of a perception survey, the positive impact generated by the use of ICT in the municipal civil courts of Barranquilla, and then describe the role of said technological tools and their influence on the principles of economy and procedural speed in the Administration of Justice in the municipal civil courts of Barranquilla. This, knowing that the Covid-19 health emergency, produced a high demand to use ICT, so its implementation has made it possible to fulfill the purpose of guaranteeing the exercise of the constitutional right that people have when going to the judicial apparatus. Through the use of suitable mechanisms that allow easy access to justice and to obtain prompt resolution to the problems brought to the attention of the judges. Given this, the TYBA tool has been made available to you, allowing you to increase the mobility and speed of the different processes and also represents a lower cost for the administration of justice. However, some judicial servants and those who practice litigation, because they have not been trained in the use of this tool adopted by the Judicial Branch, considerably delay the development of the processes. In addition to this, internet connectivity is not always of good quality, all of this results in many cases because the processes are sometimes archived due to tacit withdrawal due to the lack of drive of the interested party.
Palabras clave
Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (TIC), Procesos Judiciales, Administración de Justicia, Aparato Judicial, Toma de decisiones centradas en TIC en los Juzgados Civiles Municipales