Percepción del embarazo adolescente en el Departamento Norte de Santander, Colombia
Mazuera-Arias, Rina
Trejos-Herrera, Ana M.
Reyes-Ruiz, Lizeth
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Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Objetivo Analizar la percepción del embarazo adolescente en el Departamento Norte de Santander.
Método Se realizó una investigación descriptiva de corte transversal con 406 madres adolescentes entre 10 y 19 años pertenecientes a las 6 subregiones del departamento. Se aplicó una encuesta estructurada y se tabularon los datos en el Paquete Estadístico para las Ciencias Sociales (SPSS [Statical Package for Social Sciencies]; versión No.23)
Resultados El 69 % de las adolescentes considera que la falta de educación sexual está asociada al embarazo no planificado. El 66 % reconoce que los embarazos no planificados se pueden prevenir con el uso de métodos anticonceptivos, pues los embarazos indeseados son la principal causa de deserción escolar para un 62 % de las adolescentes.
Discusión La garantía de un mayor acceso a la educación sexual integral junto con el acceso libre y fácil a los métodos anticonceptivos puede reducir la problemática del embarazo adolescente.
Objetive Analyze the perception of adolescent pregnancy in the Department of North Santander. Method A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted with 406 adolescent mothers between 10 and 19 years old in 6 sub-regions of the department. We used a structured survey and the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS; Version No. 23) was employed for the data tabulation. Results 69 % of adolescents believe that unplanned pregnancy is associated with the lack of sexual education. 66 % say that it is preventable with the use of contraceptive methods. It is known that unwanted pregnancies are the main cause of school dropouts for 62 % of adolescents. Discussion: Ensuring greater access to sex education and facilitating the free and easy access to contraception can reduce the problem of teen pregnancy.
Objetive Analyze the perception of adolescent pregnancy in the Department of North Santander. Method A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted with 406 adolescent mothers between 10 and 19 years old in 6 sub-regions of the department. We used a structured survey and the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS; Version No. 23) was employed for the data tabulation. Results 69 % of adolescents believe that unplanned pregnancy is associated with the lack of sexual education. 66 % say that it is preventable with the use of contraceptive methods. It is known that unwanted pregnancies are the main cause of school dropouts for 62 % of adolescents. Discussion: Ensuring greater access to sex education and facilitating the free and easy access to contraception can reduce the problem of teen pregnancy.
Palabras clave
Sexualidad, Planificación familiar, Conducta del adolescente, Embarazo no planeado, Embarazo en adolescencia, Sexuality, Family planning services, Adolescent behavior, Pregnancy, Unplanned, Pregnancy in adolescence