Propuesta estratégica para fomentar la permanencia de los aprendices: Cedagro-Sabanalarga
Navarro Fernández, Carmela Lucia
Olmos Cervantes, Milagros Mercedes
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
En la educación, el desarrollo y bienestar de la sociedad y el crecimiento del país, la deserción juega un papel crucial. Asimismo, se ha visto su impacto en los últimos años en el Centro para El Desarrollo Agroecológico y Agroindustrial (CEDAGRO) del SENA que hace parte de la regional Atlántico. Proponer un plan estratégico de acciones para promover la permanencia de los aprendices del CEDAGRO del SENA y asimismo promover activamente el logro de los objetivos de la certificación y los índices de deserción representa el objetivo general del presente trabajo.
Este documento está compuesto por cuatro capítulos: el capítulo uno detalla el problema de la investigación, los objetivos, alcance; el capítulo dos refiere la exploración literaria del estudio; el tercer capítulo presenta la metodología definida para alcanzar los objetivos del presente trabajo; el cuarto capítulo trata los resultados de los objetivos específicos; el quinto capítulo presenta las conclusiones y limitaciones; por último el capítulo siete relaciona un listado de referencias utilizadas en todo el presente proyecto de investigación.
Esta investigación partió del planteamiento de una idea y abarcó tres fases: identificación, análisis y desarrollo de la propuesta, con un enfoque cualitativo para recopilar toda la información posible sobre la deserción en el centro objeto de estudio. La primera fase de identificación incluye el primer objetivo específico, en el cual se identificaron las causas que motivaron a los aprendices del CEDAGRO del SENAR a abandonar sus estudios. Lo anterior se realizó a través de un ejercicio participativo de encuestas, mediante Google Forms, con una muestra poblacional de 100 aprendices del CEDAGRO del SENA que abandonaron sus estudios.
En la segunda fase de análisis, se desarrolla el segundo objetivo específico en el que se logra diagnosticar la situación del CEDAGRO en cuanto a los aprendices que abandonan sus estudios
y se encuentran matriculados de manera presencial, mediante un análisis DOFA que permitió detectar la situación actual con respecto a las fortalezas, debilidades, oportunidades y amenazas e identificar estrategias para el mejoramiento de los índices de deserción con base en la información obtenida de la primera fase y con apoyo de institucional del CEDAGRO del SENA.
Con la ejecución de la tercera fase se desarrolla el tercer objetivo específico a través del cual se logra proponer acciones para fomentar la permanencia de los estudiantes del CEDAGRO SENA, mediante indicadores que midan el impacto de las estrategias propuestas. Esto se alcanza a través del desarrollo de las actividades: análisis de los recursos y capacidades actuales de la organización para poder llevar a cabo el plan de acciones, mediante el uso de una Matriz VRIO y desarrollo de plan de acciones enfocado en las necesidades y expectativas evidenciadas a través de la encuesta.
Este proyecto de investigación permitió identificar estrategias y aportar acciones que van a contribuir a crecimiento y mejora del centro, y asimismo contribuir de manera positiva a los indicadores de deserción y certificación del centro, esto se logró mediante la identificación de cuatro factores que son los que inciden en la deserción, entre ellos económicos, laborales, académicos individuales y familiares.
In education, the development and well-being of society and the growth of the country, desertion plays a crucial role. Likewise, its impact has been seen in recent years in the Center for Agroecological and Agroindustrial Development (CEDAGRO) of SENA, which is part of the Atlantic region. Proposing a strategic action plan to promote the permanence of SENA's CEDAGRO apprentices and also actively promote the achievement of certification objectives and dropout rates represents the general objective of this work. This document is made up of four chapters: chapter one details the research problem, objectives, scope; chapter two refers to the literary exploration of the study; the third chapter presents the methodology defined to achieve the objectives of this work; the fourth chapter deals with the results of the specific objectives; the fifth chapter presents the conclusions and limitations; Finally, chapter seven relates a list of references used throughout the present research project. This research started from the approach of an idea and covered three phases: identification, analysis and development of the proposal, with a qualitative approach to collect all possible information on desertion in the center under study. The first phase of identification includes the first specific objective, in which the causes that motivated the apprentices of CEDAGRO of SENAR to abandon their studies were identified. This was done through a participatory survey exercise, using Google Forms, with a population sample of 100 apprentices from CEDAGRO of SENA who dropped out of their studies. In the second phase of analysis, the second specific objective is developed in which it is possible to diagnose the situation of CEDAGRO in terms of apprentices who abandon their studies and are enrolled in person, through a SWOT analysis that allowed detecting the current situation. regarding the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and identify strategies to improve the dropout rates based on the information obtained from the first phase and with the institutional support of CEDAGRO of SENA. With the execution of the third phase, the third specific objective is developed through which it is possible to propose actions to promote the permanence of CEDAGRO SENA students, through indicators that measure the impact of the proposed strategies. This is achieved through the development of activities: analysis of the organization's current resources and capabilities in order to carry out the action plan, through the use of a VRIO Matrix and development of an action plan focused on the needs and expectations. evidenced through the survey. This research project made it possible to identify strategies and provide actions that will contribute to the growth and improvement of the center, and also contribute positively to the indicators of desertion and certification of the center, this was achieved by identifying four factors that are the ones that affect dropout, including economic, labor, individual and family academics.
In education, the development and well-being of society and the growth of the country, desertion plays a crucial role. Likewise, its impact has been seen in recent years in the Center for Agroecological and Agroindustrial Development (CEDAGRO) of SENA, which is part of the Atlantic region. Proposing a strategic action plan to promote the permanence of SENA's CEDAGRO apprentices and also actively promote the achievement of certification objectives and dropout rates represents the general objective of this work. This document is made up of four chapters: chapter one details the research problem, objectives, scope; chapter two refers to the literary exploration of the study; the third chapter presents the methodology defined to achieve the objectives of this work; the fourth chapter deals with the results of the specific objectives; the fifth chapter presents the conclusions and limitations; Finally, chapter seven relates a list of references used throughout the present research project. This research started from the approach of an idea and covered three phases: identification, analysis and development of the proposal, with a qualitative approach to collect all possible information on desertion in the center under study. The first phase of identification includes the first specific objective, in which the causes that motivated the apprentices of CEDAGRO of SENAR to abandon their studies were identified. This was done through a participatory survey exercise, using Google Forms, with a population sample of 100 apprentices from CEDAGRO of SENA who dropped out of their studies. In the second phase of analysis, the second specific objective is developed in which it is possible to diagnose the situation of CEDAGRO in terms of apprentices who abandon their studies and are enrolled in person, through a SWOT analysis that allowed detecting the current situation. regarding the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and identify strategies to improve the dropout rates based on the information obtained from the first phase and with the institutional support of CEDAGRO of SENA. With the execution of the third phase, the third specific objective is developed through which it is possible to propose actions to promote the permanence of CEDAGRO SENA students, through indicators that measure the impact of the proposed strategies. This is achieved through the development of activities: analysis of the organization's current resources and capabilities in order to carry out the action plan, through the use of a VRIO Matrix and development of an action plan focused on the needs and expectations. evidenced through the survey. This research project made it possible to identify strategies and provide actions that will contribute to the growth and improvement of the center, and also contribute positively to the indicators of desertion and certification of the center, this was achieved by identifying four factors that are the ones that affect dropout, including economic, labor, individual and family academics.
Palabras clave
Deserción, Factores de deserción, Plan de acciones, Desertion, Desertion factors, Action plan