Pertinencia curricular del proceso de formación del programa de tecnología en administración marítima de la escuela naval de suboficiales ARC “Barranquilla” con relación al plan de desarrollo naval 2042
Páez Sánchez, Sergio Alejandro
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La presente tesis destaca la importancia de la educación para el avance y progreso de la sociedad, siguiendo los planteamientos de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) sobre el papel de la educación en el desarrollo sostenible. En el contexto de las Fuerzas Militares de Colombia, la Armada Nacional juega un papel fundamental en la construcción, mantenimiento y evolución de la sociedad, La institución cuenta con su propio sistema educativo y tiene la misión de desarrollar operaciones navales para la defensa y seguridad nacional, así como la protección de los intereses marítimos y fluviales, contribuyendo al desarrollo sostenible del Estado.
Se analiza la pertinencia curricular del proceso de formación del programa de Tecnología en Administración Marítima de la Escuela Naval de Suboficiales ARC "Barranquilla" en relación con el Plan de Desarrollo Naval 2042. El objetivo de la investigación es evaluar la situación actual del plan de estudios y proponer mejoras para fortalecer las competencias de los egresados alineadas con los aspectos que abordan en el estudio prospectivo.
El método de investigación utilizado comprende tres etapas: revisión documental, diseño y validación de una encuesta, y desarrollo de un grupo focal. Estas técnicas permiten recopilar información de diferentes fuentes, como estudiantes, egresados, profesores, empleadores y directivos. Para analizar los datos recopilados, se utilizan herramientas de análisis estadístico descriptivo e inferencial, así como el software Atlas ti 23 y matrices de relación. Estas herramientas facilitan la organización y procesamiento de la información obtenida durante la investigación.
This thesis highlights the importance of education for the advancement and progress of society, following the principles set forth by the United Nations (UN) regarding the role of education in sustainable development. In the context of the Colombian Armed Forces, the National Navy plays a fundamental role in the construction, maintenance, and evolution of society. The institution has its own educational system, and its mission is to develop naval operations for national defense and security, as well as the protection of maritime and river interests, contributing to sustainable development of the state. The curricular relevance of the training process of the Technology in Maritime Administration program at the Naval School of Non-commissioned Officers ARC "Barranquilla" is analyzed in relation to the Naval Development Plan 2042. The objective of the research is to evaluate the current situation of the curriculum and propose improvements to strengthen the competencies of the graduates aligned with the aspects addressed in the prospective study. The research methodology comprises three stages: documentary review, design and validation of a survey, and the development of a focus group. These techniques allow for the collection of information from different sources, such as students, graduates, professors, employers, and managers. Statistical analysis tools, including descriptive and inferential analysis, as well as the Atlas TI 23 software and relationship matrices, are used to analyze the collected data. These tools facilitate the organization and processing of the information obtained during the research.
This thesis highlights the importance of education for the advancement and progress of society, following the principles set forth by the United Nations (UN) regarding the role of education in sustainable development. In the context of the Colombian Armed Forces, the National Navy plays a fundamental role in the construction, maintenance, and evolution of society. The institution has its own educational system, and its mission is to develop naval operations for national defense and security, as well as the protection of maritime and river interests, contributing to sustainable development of the state. The curricular relevance of the training process of the Technology in Maritime Administration program at the Naval School of Non-commissioned Officers ARC "Barranquilla" is analyzed in relation to the Naval Development Plan 2042. The objective of the research is to evaluate the current situation of the curriculum and propose improvements to strengthen the competencies of the graduates aligned with the aspects addressed in the prospective study. The research methodology comprises three stages: documentary review, design and validation of a survey, and the development of a focus group. These techniques allow for the collection of information from different sources, such as students, graduates, professors, employers, and managers. Statistical analysis tools, including descriptive and inferential analysis, as well as the Atlas TI 23 software and relationship matrices, are used to analyze the collected data. These tools facilitate the organization and processing of the information obtained during the research.
Palabras clave
Pertinencia Curricular, Educación Militar, Autoevaluación programas tecnológicos, Prospectiva educación militar, Curricular Relevance, Military Education, Technological Programs Selfassessment, Military Education Prospective