Estrategias de atención a la discapacidad psicosocial de los estudiantes de la Universidad de Pamplona para el rendimiento académico y social
Sarmiento Mendoza, Edith Rocio
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La educación inclusiva implica transformar la cultura, políticas y prácticas pedagógicas, y didácticas en las IES para garantizar la atención a la diversidad y su participación. Porter (citado por Arizabaleta y Ochoa, 2016, p. 4) afirma que la educación inclusiva es un proceso de transformación de los sistemas educativos convencionales, para ofrecer una educación con pertinencia a toda la población estudiantil, para suprimir las barreras de aprendizaje y lograr su participación. En este sentido, la presente investigación analiza la discapacidad psicosocial desde la perspectiva de la inclusión como un concepto eminentemente relacional y estructural, como tal, se convierte en una estrategia de investigación y una práctica crítica para articular una comprensión más compleja del entorno y de sus patologías psicosociales, entre ellas, la opresión, la injusticia social, la exclusión y la desigualdad en su pluralidad de ámbitos. La inclusión como categoría de análisis se convierte en una estrategia para desarrollar formas interpretativas más profundas acerca de la multiplicidad de rostros del poder, reconociendo que cada uno de ellos, son endémicos y articuladores de la experiencia social y son oportunidades de transformación. Desde esta perspectiva este estudio propone estrategias metodológicas y mecanismos innovadores de atención a la discapacidad psicosocial de los estudiantes universitarios. se opta por el Paradigma Interpretativo porque significaba estudiar el tema de la Discapacidad Psicosocial y la Educación Superior Inclusiva desde la perspectiva de los actores, tratando de comprender el marco de referencia de sus actores. Así mismo, por considerar que existe un amplio mundo de posibilidades en la búsqueda del conocimiento y en el complejo universo de la acción educativa y más propiamente, de la discapacidad psicosocial. Por tanto, en este estudio se busca comprender el fenómeno de la discapacidad psicosocial en el contexto de la Educación Superior Inclusiva en la Universidad de Pamplona por consiguiente el enfoque que se adopta en esta investigación es el enfoque cualitativo por medio de las fases: (a) fase de Preparación; (b) fase diseño; (c) fase de interacción; y (d) fase de cierre. En la muestra se propone Muestreos homogéneos: estudiantes que se encuentren en situación de discapacidad psicosocial; y profesores de la Universidad de Pamplona. En atención a las características que presentan los estudiantes con discapacidad psicosocial o de tipo mental en el ámbito universitario se determinó cambios en el estado de ánimo que afectan su estado de salud como son: el deseo de no querer hacer nada o falta de satisfacción en la realización de las actividades de su agrado, presencia de sentimientos de pánico y ansiedad, irritabilidad con las personas alrededor, cambios de alegría y de autodesprecio, afectación del sueño, tristeza y ansiedad. Los resultados de acciones y mecanismos de atención educativa que favorecerán desde el ámbito terapéutico y ocupacional, el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes universitarios es: formas de organización y agrupación en el aula, son, el eje para atender la diversidad para ofrecer diversas oportunidades para que cada uno tenga acceso a los aprendizajes adecuados a sus capacidades, inteligencias múltiples e intereses personales mediante diferentes estrategias metodológicas y con una evaluación que valore y tenga en cuenta las diferencias individuales. Los estudiantes se pueden organizar en grupos heterogéneos y flexibles. Igualmente, las estrategias cooperativas de tutoría entre iguales, la colaboración entre iguales y el aprendizaje cooperativo son estrategias por utilizar en el aula inclusiva. También los aprendizajes dialógicos desarrollados mediante tertulias dialógicas y grupos interactivos son estrategias propias del aula inclusiva. Igualmente, el Aprendizaje Servicio es una estrategia que integra procesos de aprendizaje y servicios a la comunidad para mejorar la realidad abordada mediante proyectos, son un mecanismo idóneo para las aulas inclusivas. La evaluación inclusiva es fundamental para favorecer la inclusión y la atención a la diversidad en el aula. La evaluación debe ser asumida desde la perspectiva de informar y mejorar sobre el proceso de enseñanza y el proceso de aprendizaje, identificando las necesidades específicas, realizando retroalimentación tanto de las estrategias como de los resultados, haciendo ajustes requeridos a tiempo. La evaluación inclusiva es aquella valorización que se utiliza con fines positivos y constructivos, en reemplazo de la evaluación para acreditar, selección o control. Estos resultados son semejantes a los García y Delgado (2017, p. 107) quienes determinaron que las técnicas y estrategias que facilitan las experiencias directas, la reflexión, la ayuda entre iguales y la expresión favorecen la inclusión y la atención a la diversidad. El tipo de estrategia utilizada hace pertinente el tipo de agrupamiento heterogéneo o flexibles, entre las estrategias terapéuticas más
comunes señalan las siguientes: contratos de aprendizaje, métodos cooperativos, los rincones de trabajo, y la agenda. Estos resultados difieren de los Morales (2018, p.33) quien propone como estrategias pedagógicas inclusivas: estrategias de acuerdo con la secuencia de enseñanza; estrategias para activar
conocimientos previos, estrategias para para guiar los aprendices sobre aspectos relevantes hacia el aprendizaje, estrategias para mejorar la codificación sobre la información, estrategias para organizar la información nueva para aprender y estrategias para promover los enlaces entre conocimientos previos y conocimientos nuevos.
Inclusive education implies transforming the culture, policies and pedagogical practices, and didactics in HEIs to guarantee attention to diversity and its participation. Porter (quoted by Arizabaleta and Ochoa, 2016, p. 4) affirms that inclusive education is a process of transformation of conventional educational systems, to offer relevant education to the entire student population, to remove learning barriers and achieve your participation. In this sense, the present investigation analyzes psychosocial disability from the perspective of inclusion as an eminently relational and structural concept, as such, it becomes a research strategy and a critical practice to articulate a more complex understanding of the environment and its consequences. psychosocial pathologies, among them, oppression, social injustice, exclusion and inequality in its plurality of fields. Inclusion as a category of analysis becomes a strategy to develop deeper interpretive forms about the multiplicity of faces of power, recognizing that each of them are endemic and articulators of the social experience and are opportunities for transformation. From this perspective, this study proposes methodological strategies and innovative care mechanisms for the psychosocial disability of university students. The Interpretive Paradigm was chosen because it meant studying the issue of Psychosocial Disability and Inclusive Higher Education from the perspective of the actors, trying to understand the frame of reference of its actors. Likewise, considering that there is a wide world of possibilities in the search for knowledge and in the complex universe of educational action and more properly, of psychosocial disability. Therefore, this study seeks to understand the phenomenon of psychosocial disability in the context of Inclusive Higher Education at the University of Pamplona. Consequently, the approach adopted in this research is the qualitative approach through the phases: (a ) Preparation phase; (b) design phase; (c) interaction phase; and (d) closing phase. Homogeneous samples are proposed in the sample: students who are in a situation of psychosocial disability; and professors from the University of Pamplona. In attention to the characteristics presented by students with psychosocial or mental disabilities in the university environment, changes in the state of mind that affect their state of health were determined, such as: the desire to not want to do anything or lack of satisfaction in the carrying out activities to their liking, presence of feelings of panic and anxiety, irritability with the people around them, changes of happiness and self-contempt, sleep disturbance, sadness and anxiety. The results of actions and mechanisms of educational attention that will favor from the therapeutic and occupational field, the academic performance of university students is: forms of organization and grouping in the classroom, are, the axis to attend to diversity to offer various opportunities for each one has access to learning appropriate to their abilities, multiple intelligences and personal interests through different methodological strategies and with an evaluation that values and takes individual differences into account. Students can be organized into heterogeneous and flexible groups. Likewise, cooperative peer tutoring strategies, peer collaboration and cooperative learning are strategies to be used in the inclusive classroom. Dialogical learning developed through dialogic gatherings and interactive groups are also strategies typical of the inclusive classroom. Likewise, Service Learning is a strategy that integrates learning processes and services to the community to improve the reality addressed through projects, they are an ideal mechanism for inclusive classrooms. Inclusive assessment is essential to promote inclusion and attention to diversity in the classroom. The evaluation must be assumed from the perspective of informing and improving the teaching process and the learning process, identifying specific needs, providing feedback on both strategies and results, making required adjustments on time. The inclusive evaluation is that valuation that is used with positive and constructive purposes, replacing the evaluation to accredit, selection or control. These results are similar to those of García and Delgado (2017, p. 107) who determined that the techniques and strategies that facilitate direct experiences, reflection, peer support and expression favor inclusion and attention to diversity. The type of strategy used makes the type of heterogeneous or flexible grouping relevant.
Inclusive education implies transforming the culture, policies and pedagogical practices, and didactics in HEIs to guarantee attention to diversity and its participation. Porter (quoted by Arizabaleta and Ochoa, 2016, p. 4) affirms that inclusive education is a process of transformation of conventional educational systems, to offer relevant education to the entire student population, to remove learning barriers and achieve your participation. In this sense, the present investigation analyzes psychosocial disability from the perspective of inclusion as an eminently relational and structural concept, as such, it becomes a research strategy and a critical practice to articulate a more complex understanding of the environment and its consequences. psychosocial pathologies, among them, oppression, social injustice, exclusion and inequality in its plurality of fields. Inclusion as a category of analysis becomes a strategy to develop deeper interpretive forms about the multiplicity of faces of power, recognizing that each of them are endemic and articulators of the social experience and are opportunities for transformation. From this perspective, this study proposes methodological strategies and innovative care mechanisms for the psychosocial disability of university students. The Interpretive Paradigm was chosen because it meant studying the issue of Psychosocial Disability and Inclusive Higher Education from the perspective of the actors, trying to understand the frame of reference of its actors. Likewise, considering that there is a wide world of possibilities in the search for knowledge and in the complex universe of educational action and more properly, of psychosocial disability. Therefore, this study seeks to understand the phenomenon of psychosocial disability in the context of Inclusive Higher Education at the University of Pamplona. Consequently, the approach adopted in this research is the qualitative approach through the phases: (a ) Preparation phase; (b) design phase; (c) interaction phase; and (d) closing phase. Homogeneous samples are proposed in the sample: students who are in a situation of psychosocial disability; and professors from the University of Pamplona. In attention to the characteristics presented by students with psychosocial or mental disabilities in the university environment, changes in the state of mind that affect their state of health were determined, such as: the desire to not want to do anything or lack of satisfaction in the carrying out activities to their liking, presence of feelings of panic and anxiety, irritability with the people around them, changes of happiness and self-contempt, sleep disturbance, sadness and anxiety. The results of actions and mechanisms of educational attention that will favor from the therapeutic and occupational field, the academic performance of university students is: forms of organization and grouping in the classroom, are, the axis to attend to diversity to offer various opportunities for each one has access to learning appropriate to their abilities, multiple intelligences and personal interests through different methodological strategies and with an evaluation that values and takes individual differences into account. Students can be organized into heterogeneous and flexible groups. Likewise, cooperative peer tutoring strategies, peer collaboration and cooperative learning are strategies to be used in the inclusive classroom. Dialogical learning developed through dialogic gatherings and interactive groups are also strategies typical of the inclusive classroom. Likewise, Service Learning is a strategy that integrates learning processes and services to the community to improve the reality addressed through projects, they are an ideal mechanism for inclusive classrooms. Inclusive assessment is essential to promote inclusion and attention to diversity in the classroom. The evaluation must be assumed from the perspective of informing and improving the teaching process and the learning process, identifying specific needs, providing feedback on both strategies and results, making required adjustments on time. The inclusive evaluation is that valuation that is used with positive and constructive purposes, replacing the evaluation to accredit, selection or control. These results are similar to those of García and Delgado (2017, p. 107) who determined that the techniques and strategies that facilitate direct experiences, reflection, peer support and expression favor inclusion and attention to diversity. The type of strategy used makes the type of heterogeneous or flexible grouping relevant.
Palabras clave
Educación, Educación inclusiva, Discapacidad psicosocial, Estrategias, Diversidad, Education, Inclusive education, Psychosocial disability, Strategies, Diversity