Actividades de fonoaudiología para potenciar el desarrollo del lenguaje en niños con hipoacusia mediante el dispositivo Boop
Santiago Del Portillo, Valery
Berdugo Echeverría, Johzuas
Sarmiento Martínez, Shania
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ingenierías
Facultad de Ingenierías
La hipoacusia es una condición que puede afectar significativamente el desarrollo lingüístico y la comunicación de los niños desde una temprana edad. Para abordar este desafío, se han desarrollado distintas alternativas para mejorar las habilidades lingüísticas de estos. Una de estas es la herramienta Boop, un dispositivo destinado a promover el desarrollo del lenguaje en niños con problemas de audición. Boop utiliza una combinación de elementos visuales y auditivos para crear un entorno enriquecedor que estimula la comunicación y el aprendizaje. La problemática que surge con Boop es la carencia de actividades que permitan el fortalecimiento del lenguaje de sus usuarios. Como resultado de esta investigación se diseñaron tres rutinas diarias que se centran en la fonología y la terapia del habla, brindando a los niños la oportunidad de mejorar sus habilidades lingüísticas mientras se divierten. Boop y las actividades de fonoaudiología se combinan para proporcionar una herramienta integral que ayuda a los niños con dificultades auditivas a desarrollar sus habilidades lingüísticas y comunicativas de manera efectiva desde los primeros años de vida.
Hearing loss is a condition that can significantly impact the linguistic development and communication of children from an early age. To address this challenge, various alternatives have been developed to enhance the language skills of these children. One of these is the Boop tool, a device designed to promote language development in children with hearing impairments. Boop utilizes a combination of visual and auditory elements to create an enriching environment that stimulates communication and learning. The issue with Boop is the lack of activities that allow the strengthening of language skills for its users. As a result of this research, three daily routines were designed, focusing on phonology and speech therapy, providing children with the opportunity to improve their language skills while having fun. Boop and speech therapy activities combine to provide a comprehensive tool that effectively aids children with hearing difficulties in developing their language and communication skills from their early years.
Hearing loss is a condition that can significantly impact the linguistic development and communication of children from an early age. To address this challenge, various alternatives have been developed to enhance the language skills of these children. One of these is the Boop tool, a device designed to promote language development in children with hearing impairments. Boop utilizes a combination of visual and auditory elements to create an enriching environment that stimulates communication and learning. The issue with Boop is the lack of activities that allow the strengthening of language skills for its users. As a result of this research, three daily routines were designed, focusing on phonology and speech therapy, providing children with the opportunity to improve their language skills while having fun. Boop and speech therapy activities combine to provide a comprehensive tool that effectively aids children with hearing difficulties in developing their language and communication skills from their early years.
Palabras clave
Proyecto Boop, Hipoacusia, Desarrollo del lenguaje, Terapia de lenguaje, Niños con discapacidad auditiva, Terapia auditivo-verbal, Project Boop, Hearing impairment, language development, language therapy, Children with hearing disability, Auditory-verbal therapy