El pensamiento sistémico desde los principios de equifinalidad y posición en la obra poética de Jorge Artel, explorando los estudios realizados sobre la obra poética centrada en su texto "tambores en la noche"
Artel Alcázar, Miguel Humberto
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Este trabajo se propone redirigir la mirada científica al arte para hallar caminos de reflexión, creación productiva y nuevas maneras de hacer investigación, al tiempo que resolver urgencias vitales en lo humano. En ese sentido, la obra Tambores en la Noche del poeta Jorge Artel (Artel, 1940), permite, a través de datos e información objetiva, elaborar hipótesis sobre el pensamiento sistémico desde principios de equifinalidad y posición, en los criterios de estructura poética, oralidad y relevancia. A Artel se le atribuye el generar un proceso entre sociedad y cultura como transición entre el mundo colonial y la modernidad literaria, además de la construcción de ideas políticas republicanas privilegiando la construcción de un estado-nación. Los principios de equifinalidad y posición están en la revolución intelectual, social y emocional que experimenta el lector que se identifique con la verdad, la justicia, la identidad y la búsqueda de lo propio presentes en la poesía de Artel. En ella, el autor reclama espacios reales para los negros, indios, mestizos y otros individuos desprotegidos, y también reta al lector a escuchar la voz de los ancestros, en una conexión entre pasado y presente que trasciende la identidad y reafirma la personalidad individual y social. Estas características de la poesía arteliana tienen mucho en común con el pensamiento sociocrítico que figura en la realidad académica de la Universidad Simón Bolívar
This work aims to redirect the scientific view towards art to find ways of reflection, productive creation and new ways of doing research, while resolving vital urgencies in the human being. In this sense, the poet Jorge Artel's Tambores en la noche (1940) allows, through data and objective information, developing hypotheses about systemic thinking from principles of equifinality and position, in the criteria of poetic structure, orality and relevance. Artel is credited with generating a process between society and culture as a transition between the colonial world and literary modernity, as well as the construction of republican political ideas privileging the construction of a nation-state. The principles of equifinality and position are in the intellectual, social and emotional revolution experienced by the reader who identifies with truth, justice, identity and the search for the befitting present in Artel's poetry. In it, the author claims real spaces for the black, indian, mestizo and other unprotected individuals, and also challenges the reader to listen to the voice of the ancestors, in a connection between past and present that transcends identity and reaffirms individual and social personality. These characteristics of Artelian poetry have much in common with the sociocritical thought contained in the academic reality of Universidad Simon Bolivar.
This work aims to redirect the scientific view towards art to find ways of reflection, productive creation and new ways of doing research, while resolving vital urgencies in the human being. In this sense, the poet Jorge Artel's Tambores en la noche (1940) allows, through data and objective information, developing hypotheses about systemic thinking from principles of equifinality and position, in the criteria of poetic structure, orality and relevance. Artel is credited with generating a process between society and culture as a transition between the colonial world and literary modernity, as well as the construction of republican political ideas privileging the construction of a nation-state. The principles of equifinality and position are in the intellectual, social and emotional revolution experienced by the reader who identifies with truth, justice, identity and the search for the befitting present in Artel's poetry. In it, the author claims real spaces for the black, indian, mestizo and other unprotected individuals, and also challenges the reader to listen to the voice of the ancestors, in a connection between past and present that transcends identity and reaffirms individual and social personality. These characteristics of Artelian poetry have much in common with the sociocritical thought contained in the academic reality of Universidad Simon Bolivar.
Palabras clave
Pensamiento sistémico, Equiflnalidad y posición, Poesía arteliana, Negritudes, Systemic thinking, Equifinality and position, Artelian poetry, Black communities