Significado sobre el concepto de noviazgo en adolescentes y jóvenes de la ciudad de Barranquilla
Ardila Suarez, Lilia Rosa
Peralta Valentierra, Hilda Yaneth
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Antecedentes: El noviazgo es un término que ha venido evolucionando a lo largo del
tiempo producto de diferentes variables, entre esas las luchas femeninas las cuales han
ganado terreno y han conseguido derechos y libertades para las mujeres, en ese sentido, la
concepción machista que justificaba este fenómeno ha cambiado. Objetivo: Conocer, desde
la experiencia, el significado del concepto de noviazgo en adolescentes y jóvenes de la ciudad
de Barranquilla, Colombia. Métodos: Este trabajo de investigación se encuentra orientado
dentro del paradigma histórico hermenéutico pues se busca interpretar una realidad planteada,
a su vez posee un enfoque cualitativo de investigación ya se estudia un grupo social y su
comportamiento. Se contó con una muestra de (n=25) hombres y mujeres con edades
comprendidas entre 14 y 28 años, divididos en dos grupos: adolescentes que hacían parte de
una Institución Educativa Distrital de Barranquilla y jóvenes universitarios de la Universidad
Simón Bolívar en Barranquilla. Resultados: Los participantes reconocen la concepción del
noviazgo como una relación de dos personas que debe estar basada en el respeto y otro tipo
de valores, que la tortura y la violencia no es propia del amor, por lo tanto, no tiene cavidad
dentro del noviazgo. Conclusiones: Estos hallazgos ponen en manifiesto la concepción sobre
el noviazgo que adolescentes y jóvenes barranquilleros presentan en la actualidad y enmarcan
categorías fundamentales para el desarrollo de estrategias enfocadas al mantenimiento y
establecimiento de relaciones basadas en el respeto dejando de lado concepciones románticas
sobre el amor que pueden justificar la presencia de conductas y problemáticas en contra de
los miembros de la relación sentimental.
Background: Courtship is a term that has been evolving over time as a result of different variables, including women's struggles which have gained ground and have achieved rights and freedoms for women, in that sense, the macho conception that justified this phenomenon has changed. Objective: To know, from experience, the meaning of the concept of courtship in adolescents and young people in the city of Barranquilla, Colombia. Methods: This research work is oriented within the historical hermeneutic paradigm since it seeks to interpret a proposed reality, in turn it has a qualitative research approach since it studies a social group and its behavior. There was a sample of (n=25) men and women between 14 and 28 years old, divided into two groups: adolescents who were part of a District Educational Institution in Barranquilla and university students from the Simón Bolívar University in Barranquilla. Results: The participants recognize the conception of courtship as a relationship between two people that should be based on respect and other types of values, that torture and violence is not proper to love, therefore, it has no place within courtship. Conclusions: These findings highlight the conception about courtship that adolescents and young people from Barranquilla currently present and frame fundamental categories for the development of strategies focused on the maintenance and establishment of relationships based on respect leaving aside romantic conceptions about love that can justify the presence of behaviors and problematic against the members of the sentimental relationship.
Background: Courtship is a term that has been evolving over time as a result of different variables, including women's struggles which have gained ground and have achieved rights and freedoms for women, in that sense, the macho conception that justified this phenomenon has changed. Objective: To know, from experience, the meaning of the concept of courtship in adolescents and young people in the city of Barranquilla, Colombia. Methods: This research work is oriented within the historical hermeneutic paradigm since it seeks to interpret a proposed reality, in turn it has a qualitative research approach since it studies a social group and its behavior. There was a sample of (n=25) men and women between 14 and 28 years old, divided into two groups: adolescents who were part of a District Educational Institution in Barranquilla and university students from the Simón Bolívar University in Barranquilla. Results: The participants recognize the conception of courtship as a relationship between two people that should be based on respect and other types of values, that torture and violence is not proper to love, therefore, it has no place within courtship. Conclusions: These findings highlight the conception about courtship that adolescents and young people from Barranquilla currently present and frame fundamental categories for the development of strategies focused on the maintenance and establishment of relationships based on respect leaving aside romantic conceptions about love that can justify the presence of behaviors and problematic against the members of the sentimental relationship.
Palabras clave
Noviazgo, Construcción, Significado, Adolescentes, Jóvenes, Dating, Construction, Meaning, Adolescents, Youth