Perspectiva de intervención: habilidades para la vida en jóvenes de educación técnica
Moreno-Mendoza, Inés-Lizeth
Pérez-Forero, Karen-Yesenia
Salinas, Jean- Freddy
Carrillo-Sierra, Sandra-Milena
Bonilla-Cruz, Nidia-Johanna
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Sociedad Venezolana de Farmacología Clínica y Terapéutica
Objetivo: Describir las habilidades para la vida en los aprendices
del Sena según el sexo, en la ciudad de Cúcuta - Colombia.
Metodología: El estudio se desarrolló desde la perspectiva
positivista y enfoque cuantitativo, el alcance del estudio
descriptivo de nivel comparativo, diseño no experimental. La
muestra fue aleatoria simple compuesta por 350 jóvenes entre
mujeres y hombre, que cumplieran los criterios de edad
18-25 años, estar matriculado en un plan técnico y tecnológico
en la institución de formación para el trabajo el semestre
2018B. La recolección de datos se desarrolló por medio del
test de habilidades para la vida1.
Resultados y Discusión: Teniendo en cuenta los hallazgos
de desempeño en las habilidades para la vida, tanto en hombre
como mujeres escolarizadas en educación para el trabajo
en programas técnicos y tecnólogos, se percibe similar desempeño
en las habilidades de relaciones interpersonales, no
obstante, algunos estudios evidencian diferencias de desempeño
en especial en habilidades específicas como asertividad
y confianza en sí mismo, siendo más alta en los hombres2.
Conclusiones: es pertinente aplicar a los programas de capacitación
laboral para jóvenes, estrategias de habilidades
para la vida para afianzar dichas habilidades a nivel superior.
Objective: To describe the life skills of the apprentices of the Sena according to the sex, in the city of Cucuta -Colombia. Methodology: The study was developed from the positivist perspective and quantitative approach, the scope of the descriptive study of comparative level, non-experimental design. The sample was simple random composed by 350 young people between women and men, who met the criteria of age 18-25 years, being enrolled in a technical and technological plan in the institution of training for work in the semester 2018B. The data collection was developed through the life skills test1. Results and Discussion: Taking into account the findings of performance in life skills, both in men and women enrolled in work education in technical and technologists programs, similar performance in interpersonal relationship skills is perceived, however, some studies show differences in performance especially in specific skills such as assertiveness and self-confidence, being higher in men2. Conclusions: It is pertinent to apply to life training programs for youth, life skills strategies to strengthen these skills at a higher level.
Objective: To describe the life skills of the apprentices of the Sena according to the sex, in the city of Cucuta -Colombia. Methodology: The study was developed from the positivist perspective and quantitative approach, the scope of the descriptive study of comparative level, non-experimental design. The sample was simple random composed by 350 young people between women and men, who met the criteria of age 18-25 years, being enrolled in a technical and technological plan in the institution of training for work in the semester 2018B. The data collection was developed through the life skills test1. Results and Discussion: Taking into account the findings of performance in life skills, both in men and women enrolled in work education in technical and technologists programs, similar performance in interpersonal relationship skills is perceived, however, some studies show differences in performance especially in specific skills such as assertiveness and self-confidence, being higher in men2. Conclusions: It is pertinent to apply to life training programs for youth, life skills strategies to strengthen these skills at a higher level.
Palabras clave
Prevención primaria, Conducta de Riesgo, Adaptación, Adulto joven, Enfermedades transmisibles y no transmisibles, Tendencias de mortalidad, Salud escolar, Educación para la salud, Primary Prevention, Risk Behavior, Young Adult, Mortality Trends, School Health, Health Education