Factores socioculturales que influyen en la seguridad alimentaria de los niños, niñas y adolescentes de la Etnia venezolana Yukpa asentados en Cúcuta, Norte de Santander, Colombia
García Acevedo, Alix Cecilia
Melo Barajas, Sandra Liliana
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Los niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNA) que emigran de Venezuela hacía otros países como Colombia, son un grupo poblacional que se ha visto vulnerable por las dificultades internas que atraviesa su país y las complejidades que el proceso migratorio implica, siendo una de estas, la insuficiente cantidad de ingresos por parte de los padres para brindar una alimentación adecuada a los NNA, tanto en Venezuela, como en otros países, lo cual coloca en riesgo su seguridad alimentaria. Así, en medio de la crisis multidimensional que atraviesa Venezuela, un grupo poblacional que ha emigrado de forma creciente pero no se le ha dado tanta visibilidad, han sido los Pueblos Indígenas, dentro de los cuales, sus NNA enfrentan los mismos retos, pero en una escala de mayor gravedad, debido a factores socioculturales en la obtención del alimento e ingresos económicos.
De acuerdo con lo anterior, la presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general el analizar los factores socioculturales que influyen en la seguridad alimentaria de los niños, niñas y adolescentes de la etnia venezolana Yukpa asentados en Cúcuta, Norte de Santander, Colombia, por medio de una metodología de investigación con enfoque cualitativo y diseño etnográfico. Se aplicaron instrumentos de recolección de información como entrevistas a 5 expertos en el área de NNA y a un grupo focal de miembros del Pueblo Yukpa, asentados en la urbanización “Nuevo Escobal” en Cúcuta e igualmente se realizó una visita de campo al lugar donde habitaban los miembros del Pueblo Yukpa para diligenciar una ficha de observación.
De la aplicación de los instrumentos, se obtuvo como resultado que los NNA del asentamiento del Pueblo Yukpa, comen cuatro comidas al día, siendo los principales alimentos la chicha, el maíz cocido, arroz, caña, fruta lechosa, guayaba, caracol de los manantiales, lapa y yuca, con lo que se puede establecer que el número de veces que consumen alimentos supera el mínimo y que dentro de su dieta se encuentran algunos alimentos que los expertos catalogaron como importantes como las frutas, vegetales, tubérculos, derivados lácteos y los alimentos que se puede priorizar temporalmente como el arroz. También, se pudo identificar que todos sus miembros en general carecen de acceso a servicios públicos y condiciones de vivienda optimas, lo que, conjugado con dinámicas de preparación de alimentos poco higiénicas, coloca en riesgo su salud. Por otro lado, los miembros del asentamiento obtienen gran parte sus ingresos de reciclaje de botellas plásticas, actividad que les deja poca ganancia para costear la cantidad de alimentos que necesitan diariamente.
Con lo anteriormente narrado, se puede concluir que la investigación encontró condiciones que le dan existencia a factores socioculturales que influyen en la seguridad alimentaria de los NNA de la etnia venezolana Yukpa asentados en Cúcuta, ya que el nuevo entorno que habitan dada la situación migratoria en la que llegaron, no cuentan en la actualidad con un territorio que les permita desarrollar sus prácticas culturales sin que impacte su normal nutrición, lo que los hace depender de los recursos de la poca naturaleza a su alrededor y de ingresos precarios para la alimentación de los NNA.
Children and adolescents who migrate from Venezuela to other countries such as Colombia, are a population group that has been vulnerable by the internal difficulties that their country is going through and the complexities that the migration process implies, one of these being the insufficient amount of income from parents to provide adequate food for the children and adolescents, both in Venezuela and in other countries, which puts their food security at risk. Thus, during the multidimensional crisis that Venezuela is going through, a population group that has increasingly migrated but has not been given as much visibility has been the Indigenous people, within which their children and adolescents face the same challenges, but on a more serious scale, due to sociocultural factors in obtaining food and economic income. In accordance with the above, the general objective of this research was to analyze the sociocultural factors that influence the food security of children and adolescents of the Venezuelan Yukpa ethnic group settled in Cúcuta, Norte de Santander, Colombia, by means of a research methodology with a qualitative approach and ethnographic design. Information gathering instruments were applied as interviews to 5 experts in the area of children and adolescents and to a focal group of members of the Yukpa town, settled in the "Nuevo Escobal" urbanization in Cúcuta, and a field visit was also made to the place where the members of the Yukpa people lived, in order to fill out an observation form. From the application of the instruments, it was obtained as a result that the children and adolescents of the Yukpa settlement eat four meals a day, the main foods being chicha, cooked corn, rice, sugar cane, milky fruit, guava, snail from the springs, limpet and yucca. This shows that the number of times they consume food exceeds the minimum and that their diet includes some foods that the experts considered important, such as fruits, vegetables, tubers, dairy products and foods that can be temporarily prioritized, such as rice. It was also possible to identify that all members of the settlement generally lack access to public services and optimal housing conditions, which, combined with unhygienic food preparation dynamics, puts their health at risk. On the other hand, the members of the settlement obtain a large part of their income from recycling plastic bottles, an activity that leaves them little income to pay for food they need on a daily basis. With the above narrated, it can be concluded that the research found conditions that give existence to sociocultural factors that influence the food security of the children and adolescents of the Venezuelan Yukpa ethnic group settled in Cúcuta, since the new environment they inhabit given the migratory situation in which they arrived, do not currently have a territory that allows them to develop their cultural practices without impacting their normal nutrition, which makes them depend on the resources of the little nature around them and precarious income to feed the children and adolescents.
Children and adolescents who migrate from Venezuela to other countries such as Colombia, are a population group that has been vulnerable by the internal difficulties that their country is going through and the complexities that the migration process implies, one of these being the insufficient amount of income from parents to provide adequate food for the children and adolescents, both in Venezuela and in other countries, which puts their food security at risk. Thus, during the multidimensional crisis that Venezuela is going through, a population group that has increasingly migrated but has not been given as much visibility has been the Indigenous people, within which their children and adolescents face the same challenges, but on a more serious scale, due to sociocultural factors in obtaining food and economic income. In accordance with the above, the general objective of this research was to analyze the sociocultural factors that influence the food security of children and adolescents of the Venezuelan Yukpa ethnic group settled in Cúcuta, Norte de Santander, Colombia, by means of a research methodology with a qualitative approach and ethnographic design. Information gathering instruments were applied as interviews to 5 experts in the area of children and adolescents and to a focal group of members of the Yukpa town, settled in the "Nuevo Escobal" urbanization in Cúcuta, and a field visit was also made to the place where the members of the Yukpa people lived, in order to fill out an observation form. From the application of the instruments, it was obtained as a result that the children and adolescents of the Yukpa settlement eat four meals a day, the main foods being chicha, cooked corn, rice, sugar cane, milky fruit, guava, snail from the springs, limpet and yucca. This shows that the number of times they consume food exceeds the minimum and that their diet includes some foods that the experts considered important, such as fruits, vegetables, tubers, dairy products and foods that can be temporarily prioritized, such as rice. It was also possible to identify that all members of the settlement generally lack access to public services and optimal housing conditions, which, combined with unhygienic food preparation dynamics, puts their health at risk. On the other hand, the members of the settlement obtain a large part of their income from recycling plastic bottles, an activity that leaves them little income to pay for food they need on a daily basis. With the above narrated, it can be concluded that the research found conditions that give existence to sociocultural factors that influence the food security of the children and adolescents of the Venezuelan Yukpa ethnic group settled in Cúcuta, since the new environment they inhabit given the migratory situation in which they arrived, do not currently have a territory that allows them to develop their cultural practices without impacting their normal nutrition, which makes them depend on the resources of the little nature around them and precarious income to feed the children and adolescents.
Palabras clave
Factores socioculturales, Seguridad alimentaria, Niños/as, Grupos étnicos, Desnutrición, Sociocultural factors, Food security, Children, Ethnic group, Malnutrition