Técnicas de afrontamiento en jóvenes adultos diagnosticados con epilepsia una revisión sistemática
Funez Rodríguez, Julieth Carolina
Mendoza Gómez, Betsy Liliana
Padilla Guzmán, Yelenis Paola
Pérez Fontalvo, Paula Andrea
Vecino Pastrana, María Camila
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Ápice, en su publicación web de qué es una crisis epiléptica (s.f.) afirma que la epilepsia es una enfermedad que se caracteriza por un ataque o crisis que tienden alterar la conciencia, las experiencias sensitivas y la actividad motora, es por lo que se define como una enfermedad del sistema nervioso, ya que hay una aparición de actividad eléctrica anormal en la corteza cerebral que provoca ataques repentinos.
Pedraza, Steve, Monsalve, Karina (2007) plantean que a nivel psicológico las personas que presentan un diagnóstico de epilepsia tienden a tener pensamientos y sentimientos disfóricos asociados con la enfermedad, uno de los indicadores principales afectivos y de afrontamiento es la ansiedad, depresión, hostilidad, baja autoestima y así como también diferentes técnicas adaptativas y desadaptativas que se relacionan con el afrontamiento.
Es por eso que al hablar de afrontamiento este se define como diferentes técnicas utilizadas para sobrellevar las distintas situaciones de estrés que se pueden generar en un individuo. Por tal motivo el afrontamiento forma parte de los
recursos psicológicos o psicosociales que el individuo utiliza para hacer frente a situaciones estresantes, y en la cual ejerce un efecto de mediación los rasgos de personalidad (Burgos, Carretero, Elkington, Pascual-Marssetin & Lobaccaro 2000; Hesselink et al., 2004).
En Colombia, la organización mundial de la salud (OMS - 2001) manifestó que la discriminación y la estigmatización social de la cuales son víctimas los pacientes puede ser mucho más grave que la propia enfermedad. Un estudio para la campaña “Epilepsia sin estigmas” avalado por la Asociación Colombiana de Neurología (ACN) en Bogotá indica que más del 50% de los pacientes con epilepsia consideran tener una mala calidad de vida como la de sus cuidadores.
Es por esto que mediante esta revisión se tendrá en cuenta cuales son las técnicas de afrontamiento en los individuos con epilepsia. Teniendo en cuenta cuales son esos recursos psicológicos que las personas utilizan para poder enfrentar su enfermedad.
Este estudio pretende la obtención de datos para tener mayor claridad de las circunstancias de las personas diagnosticadas con epilepsia y el afrontamiento que ellos han desarrollado del mismo, lo cual brinda información relevante para tener en cuenta en futuras investigaciones que se quieran realizar del tema.
Apex, in its web publication of what is an epileptic seizure (n.d.) states that epilepsy is a disease characterized by an attack or crisis that tends to alter consciousness, sensory experiences and motor activity, which is why it is defined as a disease of the nervous system, since there is an appearance of abnormal electrical activity in the cerebral cortex that causes sudden seizures. Pedraza, Steve, Monsalve, Karina (2007) state that at the psychological level, people with a diagnosis of epilepsy tend to have dysphoric thoughts and feelings associated with the disease, one of the main affective and coping indicators is anxiety, depression, hostility, low self-esteem and also different adaptive and maladaptive techniques related to coping. That is why coping is defined as different techniques used to cope with the different stressful situations that can be generated in an individual. For this reason, coping is part of the psychological or psychosocial resources that the individual uses to cope with stressful situations, and in which personality traits have a mediating effect (Burgos, Carretero, Elkington, Pascual-Marssetin & Lobaccaro 2000; Hesselink et al., 2004). In Colombia, the World Health Organization (WHO - 2001) stated that the discrimination and social stigmatization of which patients are victims can be much more serious than the disease itself. A study for the campaign "Epilepsy without stigma" endorsed by the Colombian Association of Neurology (ACN) in Bogota indicates that more than 50% of patients with epilepsy consider that they have a poor quality of life as their caregivers. This is the reason why this review will consider the coping techniques of individuals with epilepsy. Taking into account what are those psychological resources that people use to cope with their disease. This study aims to obtain data to have more clarity on the circumstances of people diagnosed with epilepsy and the coping that they have developed, which provides relevant information to take into account in future research on the subject.
Apex, in its web publication of what is an epileptic seizure (n.d.) states that epilepsy is a disease characterized by an attack or crisis that tends to alter consciousness, sensory experiences and motor activity, which is why it is defined as a disease of the nervous system, since there is an appearance of abnormal electrical activity in the cerebral cortex that causes sudden seizures. Pedraza, Steve, Monsalve, Karina (2007) state that at the psychological level, people with a diagnosis of epilepsy tend to have dysphoric thoughts and feelings associated with the disease, one of the main affective and coping indicators is anxiety, depression, hostility, low self-esteem and also different adaptive and maladaptive techniques related to coping. That is why coping is defined as different techniques used to cope with the different stressful situations that can be generated in an individual. For this reason, coping is part of the psychological or psychosocial resources that the individual uses to cope with stressful situations, and in which personality traits have a mediating effect (Burgos, Carretero, Elkington, Pascual-Marssetin & Lobaccaro 2000; Hesselink et al., 2004). In Colombia, the World Health Organization (WHO - 2001) stated that the discrimination and social stigmatization of which patients are victims can be much more serious than the disease itself. A study for the campaign "Epilepsy without stigma" endorsed by the Colombian Association of Neurology (ACN) in Bogota indicates that more than 50% of patients with epilepsy consider that they have a poor quality of life as their caregivers. This is the reason why this review will consider the coping techniques of individuals with epilepsy. Taking into account what are those psychological resources that people use to cope with their disease. This study aims to obtain data to have more clarity on the circumstances of people diagnosed with epilepsy and the coping that they have developed, which provides relevant information to take into account in future research on the subject.
Palabras clave
Epilepsia, Enfermedad del sistema nervioso, Ansiedad, Depresión