Didáctica de la Enfermería, análisis desde sus componentes en el contexto actual
Medina González, Inarvis
Tafur Castillo, Janery del Socorro
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Editorial Ciencias Médicas
Introducción: En la actualidad la didáctica como ciencia se
debate en diferentes posicionamientos: en primer lugar sí es una
ciencia, en segundo lugar algunos investigadores y analistas ven el
método como categoría rectora y no los objetivos como se había
planteado hasta estos momentos.
Objetivo: Realizar un análisis de lo s componentes de la didáctica
en el contexto actual de la formación de los recursos humanos
Métodos: Se realizó un análisis documental y la sistematización
de la obra de diferentes autores con la utilización de palabras clave
como gestión, enfermería, didáctica, proceso enseñanza -
Resultados : Los componentes del proceso enseñanza -
aprendizaje han transformado sus condiciones a partir del propio
desarrollo de la humnanidad y las tranformaciones que se van
produciendo en el contexto educativo.
Conclusiones: No se trata de una nueva didáctica, sino de, asumir por parte de los claustros las transformaciones que se
despliega en el proceso enseñanza - aprendizaje, desaprender y
aprender el nuevo rol del profesor y el estudiante, en la utilización
de los métodos y medios de enseñanza en la impartición de los
contenidos que favorezca el aprendizaje desarrollador en los
estudiantes de enfermería.
Introduction: At present, didactics as a science is discussed from different positions: first, if it is a science; secondly, some researchers and analysts see the method as a guiding category and not the objectives as it had been proposed up to now. Objective: To carry out an analysis of the components of didactics in the current context of the training of nursing human resources. Methods: A documental analysis and the systematization of the work of different authors was carried out, with the use of keywords such asgestión [management], nursing, didactics, teachinglearning process. Results: The com ponents of the teaching-learning process have transformed their conditions from the very development of humanity and the transformations that take place in the educational context. Conclusions: This is not a new didactics, but the faculty assumption of the transformations widely used in the teachinglearning process, to deconstruct and learn again the student's and professor's new roles in using aids and methods for teaching the contents, in order to promote a type of learning that develops the nursing students' attitude.
Introduction: At present, didactics as a science is discussed from different positions: first, if it is a science; secondly, some researchers and analysts see the method as a guiding category and not the objectives as it had been proposed up to now. Objective: To carry out an analysis of the components of didactics in the current context of the training of nursing human resources. Methods: A documental analysis and the systematization of the work of different authors was carried out, with the use of keywords such asgestión [management], nursing, didactics, teachinglearning process. Results: The com ponents of the teaching-learning process have transformed their conditions from the very development of humanity and the transformations that take place in the educational context. Conclusions: This is not a new didactics, but the faculty assumption of the transformations widely used in the teachinglearning process, to deconstruct and learn again the student's and professor's new roles in using aids and methods for teaching the contents, in order to promote a type of learning that develops the nursing students' attitude.
Palabras clave
Gestión, Enfermería, Didáctica, Proceso enseñanza - apredizaje, Management, Nursing, Didactics, Teaching-learning process