Efectividad de la conciliación como mecanismo alternativo de solución de conflictos en el Derecho Administrativo
Arrieta Rivera, Victoria Carolina
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El presente artículo, consiste en un estudio de compilación y análisis sobre la figura
de la Conciliación extrajudicial en asuntos de lo contencioso administrativos en
Colombia, enfocándonos en su eficiencia, como medida frente al acceso a la justicia
real de los administrados. Esta figura contemplada en el artículo 161 de la Ley 1437
de 2011- Código de Procedimiento Administrativo y de lo Contencioso
Administrativo colombiano- es considerada un requisito de procedibilidad para el
ejercicio de los medios de control que contemplan los artículos 138, 140 y 141 del
CPACA. La conciliación extrajudicial en lo Contencioso Administrativo fue creada
con el propósito de descongestionar los despachos judiciales y darles relevancia a
los nuevos mecanismos alternativos de solución de conflictos. Es así que,
atendiendo al fin de este análisis, bajo el método hermenéutico documental se
abarca el problema de investigación, a fin de determinar la eficacia o ineficacia de
este tipo especial de conciliación.
The present article consists of a study of compilation and analysis of the figure of the extrajudicial conciliation in matters of administrative disputes in Colombia, focusing on its efficiency, as a measure against access to the real justice of those administered. This figure contemplated in article 161 of Law 1437 of 2011 - Code of Administrative Procedure and Contentious Administrative Matters of Colombia - is considered a procedural requirement for the exercise of the means of control contemplated in articles 138, 140 and 141 of the CPACA . Extrajudicial conciliation in Administrative Litigation was created with the purpose of decongesting judicial offices and giving relevance to new alternative dispute resolution mechanisms. Thus, according to the end of this analysis, under the hermeneutic documentary method we cover the research problem, in order to determine the effectiveness or inefficiency of this special type of conciliation.
The present article consists of a study of compilation and analysis of the figure of the extrajudicial conciliation in matters of administrative disputes in Colombia, focusing on its efficiency, as a measure against access to the real justice of those administered. This figure contemplated in article 161 of Law 1437 of 2011 - Code of Administrative Procedure and Contentious Administrative Matters of Colombia - is considered a procedural requirement for the exercise of the means of control contemplated in articles 138, 140 and 141 of the CPACA . Extrajudicial conciliation in Administrative Litigation was created with the purpose of decongesting judicial offices and giving relevance to new alternative dispute resolution mechanisms. Thus, according to the end of this analysis, under the hermeneutic documentary method we cover the research problem, in order to determine the effectiveness or inefficiency of this special type of conciliation.
Palabras clave
Conciliación extrajudicial, Eficacia, Mecanismo alternativo de solución de conflictos, Medios de control, Requisito de procedibilidad, Extrajudicial conciliation, Effectiveness, Alternative dispute resolution mechanism, Means of control, Procedural requirement