Factores laborales que influyen en los problemas de salud mental en los trabajadores de una institución prestadora de servicios de salud del departamento del Atlántico
Peña Castañeda, Andrea Viviana
Sandoval Villamil, Melisa Susana
Peña Escobar, Yesica Yuranis
Peña Diaz, Ricardo José
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
En Colombia el Congreso de la Republica en el año 2013, por medio de la Ley 1616
de 2013 definió la salud mental como un estado dinámico del individuo que se
expresa en su vida cotidiana por medio del comportamiento y la interacción, que le
permite a las personas y grupos desarrollar sus capacidades intelectuales,
emocionales y mentales para vivir, trabajar y establecer vínculos significativos y
aportar a la comunidad. En todas estas definiciones anteriores se ve la influencia de
los enfoques, paradigmas, modelos y/o perspectivas clásicas revisadas.
Son numerosos e importantes los motivos por los que se debe prestar atención a
los problemas de salud mental en el trabajo, el incremento de su frecuencia, los
efectos para la salud de los trabajadores, así como la interacción con la organización
laboral, aumentando el absentismo con un importante coste tanto humano como
económico por ende la atención a la salud mental en el medio laboral se considera
una de las actuaciones prioritarias, teniendo en cuenta el incremento de la
incidencia y su prevalencia, los efectos que causa en la salud del trabajador, en la
organización y su repercusión en la calidad y productividad en el trabajo. El objetivo de este estudio fué identificar los factores laborales que influyen en los
problemas de salud mental en los trabajadores de una Institución Prestadora de
Servicios de Salud del departamento del Atlántico. fue una investigación descriptiva
de corte transversal realizada en 82 trabajadores de una Institución Prestadora de
Servicios de Salud.
In Colombia, the Congress of the Republic in 2013, through Law 1616 of 2013, defined mental health as a dynamic state of the individual that is expressed in their daily life through behavior and interaction, which allows people to individuals and groups develop their intellectual, emotional and mental capacities to live, work and establish meaningful ties and contribute to the community. In all these previous definitions, the influence of the revised approaches, paradigms, models and/or classical perspectives can be seen. There are numerous and important reasons why attention should be paid to mental health problems at work, the increase in their frequency, the effects on the health of workers, as well as the interaction with the labor organization, increasing absenteeism. with a significant human and economic cost, therefore, mental health care in the workplace is considered one of the priority actions, taking into account the increase in incidence and its prevalence, the effects it causes on the health of the worker, in the organization and its impact on quality and productivity at work. The objective of this study was to identify the labor factors that influence mental health problems in the workers of a Health Services Provider Institution in the department of Atlántico. It was a descriptive cross-sectional investigation carried out on 82 workers of a Health Services Provider Institution.
In Colombia, the Congress of the Republic in 2013, through Law 1616 of 2013, defined mental health as a dynamic state of the individual that is expressed in their daily life through behavior and interaction, which allows people to individuals and groups develop their intellectual, emotional and mental capacities to live, work and establish meaningful ties and contribute to the community. In all these previous definitions, the influence of the revised approaches, paradigms, models and/or classical perspectives can be seen. There are numerous and important reasons why attention should be paid to mental health problems at work, the increase in their frequency, the effects on the health of workers, as well as the interaction with the labor organization, increasing absenteeism. with a significant human and economic cost, therefore, mental health care in the workplace is considered one of the priority actions, taking into account the increase in incidence and its prevalence, the effects it causes on the health of the worker, in the organization and its impact on quality and productivity at work. The objective of this study was to identify the labor factors that influence mental health problems in the workers of a Health Services Provider Institution in the department of Atlántico. It was a descriptive cross-sectional investigation carried out on 82 workers of a Health Services Provider Institution.
Palabras clave
Salud mental, Trabajadores, Factores laborales, Mental health, Workers, Occupational factors