Caracterización de indicadores de gestión logística en la cadena de suministro asociados a las áreas de compra y distribución para mejorar los costos de inventario y transporte en la empresa DISER SAS
Peña Muñoz, José David
Martínez Hernández, Andrés Mauricio
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ingenierías
Facultad de Ingenierías
En Colombia uno de los mayores desafíos de las micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas es la competitividad, debido que no se gerencian por procesos y tampoco se planifican estrategias para lograr tener las mejores prácticas empresariales.
La cadena de abastecimiento es el conjunto de operaciones que se interrelacionan para lograr una óptima ejecución de un proceso productivo, en este orden de ideas, una empresa en Colombia destina, en promedio, 13.5% de sus ingresos a los costos logísticos y operaciones de comercio nacional o internacional. Esta es una de las conclusiones que se llegó en la Encuesta Nacional Logística 2018, realizada por el Departamento Nacional de Planeación (DNP) y en la que participaron 2.738 empresas del país (DNP, 2018). La investigación se dará en 4 fases, en la primera se realizará la revisión de la literatura y el estado del arte, en la segunda, se hará un diagnóstico de la situación actual de las áreas de compras y distribución para analizar los procesos establecidos en la empresa, seguido a esto, en la tercera fase se analizarán los indicadores que pueden aplicar de acuerdo a la información que se levantó en la fase anterior, y en la cuarta fase se desarrollarán las
propuestas para mejorar los procesos y los resultados de las operaciones de la cadena de suministro de la empresa DISER SAS.
In Colombia, one of the greatest challenges for micro, small and medium-sized companies is competitiveness, because they are not managed by processes and strategies are not planned to achieve the best business practices. The supply chain is the set of operations that are interrelated to achieve optimal execution of a production process, according to this, a company in Colombia allocates, on average, 13.5% of its income to logistics costs and trade operations national or international. This is one of the conclusions that was reached in the 2018 National Logistics Survey, carried out by the National Planning Department (DNP) and in which 2,738 companies in the country participated (DNP, 2018). The research will be carried out in 4 phases, in the first, a review of the literature and the state of the art will be carried out, in the second, a diagnosis of the current situation of the purchasing and distribution processes will be made to analyze the procedures established in the company, followed by this, in the third phase the indicators that can be applied will be analyzed according to the information that was collected in the previous phase, and in the fourth phase the proposals to improve the processes and results of the operations of the supply chain of the company DISER SAS.
In Colombia, one of the greatest challenges for micro, small and medium-sized companies is competitiveness, because they are not managed by processes and strategies are not planned to achieve the best business practices. The supply chain is the set of operations that are interrelated to achieve optimal execution of a production process, according to this, a company in Colombia allocates, on average, 13.5% of its income to logistics costs and trade operations national or international. This is one of the conclusions that was reached in the 2018 National Logistics Survey, carried out by the National Planning Department (DNP) and in which 2,738 companies in the country participated (DNP, 2018). The research will be carried out in 4 phases, in the first, a review of the literature and the state of the art will be carried out, in the second, a diagnosis of the current situation of the purchasing and distribution processes will be made to analyze the procedures established in the company, followed by this, in the third phase the indicators that can be applied will be analyzed according to the information that was collected in the previous phase, and in the fourth phase the proposals to improve the processes and results of the operations of the supply chain of the company DISER SAS.
Palabras clave
Indicador, Matriz DOFA, Lead time, Nivel de servicio, Productividad, Inventario, Indicator, SWOT matrix, Service level, Productivity, Inventory