Hiponatremia en pacientes hospitalizados con insuficiencia cardiaca descompensada en una IPS de Barranquilla
Chica Valle, David Antonio
Roa Silvera, Natalia Carolina
Contreras Meriño, Víctor Manuel
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Introducción: La insuficiencia cardiaca (IC) es una de las enfermedades más prevalentes en la población adulta. En Colombia, la tasa de mortalidad por IC es de 9.3 por cada 100.000 habitantes. Se define hiponatremia como la concentración de sodio plasmático < 135 mEq/L. La hiponatremia en pacientes con IC demostró ser un importante predictor de complicaciones y muerte a corto y largo plazo en diversos países, sin embargo, en Colombia no hay suficientes estudios que evalúen la relación de éstas. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar si la hiponatremia en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca descompensada representaba un mayor riesgo de mortalidad. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de tipo observacional analítico prospectivo longitudinal no experimental en pacientes hospitalizados con diagnóstico de IC descompensada en una IPS de tercer nivel de Barranquilla en el periodo 2019-2 y 2020-1. Resultados: Se estudiaron 51 pacientes, los cuales tuvieron un promedio de edad de 64,2 años, con predominio del 52,9% del sexo femenino. El 74,5% de los pacientes presentaban valores séricos de sodio normal; solo un 21,6% de estos presentaron hiponatremia. Se reportaron 7 muertes, correspondiente a una mortalidad del 13,7%. El riesgo (OR) no ajustado de muerte teniendo niveles séricos de sodio disminuidos al ingreso a hospitalización de los pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca descompensada es 15 IC (2.350-95.745) veces más, que aquellos que no presentan hiponatremia. Conclusión: La hiponatremia es una alteración frecuente en pacientes hospitalizados y su hallazgo al ingreso se asocia con mayor probabilidad de muerte durante la hospitalización.
Introduction: Heart failure (HF) is one of the most prevalent diseases in the adult population. In Colombia, the mortality rate for HF is 9.3 per 100,000 inhabitants. Hyponatremia is defined as the plasma sodium concentration <135 mEq / L. Hyponatremia in patients with HF proved to be an important predictor of complications and death in the short and long term in various countries, however, in Colombia there are not enough studies evaluating their relationship. The objective of this work was to evaluate if hyponatremia in patients with decompensated heart failure represented a higher risk of mortality. Materials and methods: A non-experimental longitudinal prospective analytical observational study was conducted in patients study was conducted in hospitalized patients with a diagnosis of decompensated HF in a third-level IPS of Barranquilla in the period 2019-2 and 2020-1. Results: 51 patients were studied, who had an average age of 64.2 years, with a predominance of 52.9% of the female sex. 74.5% of the patients presented normal serum sodium values; only 21.6% of these presented hyponatremia. 7 deaths were reported, corresponding to a mortality of 13.7%. The unadjusted risk (OR) of death with decreased serum sodium levels on admission to hospitalization of patients with decompensated heart failure is 15 CI (2,350-95,745) times more than those without hyponatremia. Conclusion: Hyponatremia is a frequent alteration in hospitalized patients and its finding on admission is associated with a greater probability of death during hospitalization.
Introduction: Heart failure (HF) is one of the most prevalent diseases in the adult population. In Colombia, the mortality rate for HF is 9.3 per 100,000 inhabitants. Hyponatremia is defined as the plasma sodium concentration <135 mEq / L. Hyponatremia in patients with HF proved to be an important predictor of complications and death in the short and long term in various countries, however, in Colombia there are not enough studies evaluating their relationship. The objective of this work was to evaluate if hyponatremia in patients with decompensated heart failure represented a higher risk of mortality. Materials and methods: A non-experimental longitudinal prospective analytical observational study was conducted in patients study was conducted in hospitalized patients with a diagnosis of decompensated HF in a third-level IPS of Barranquilla in the period 2019-2 and 2020-1. Results: 51 patients were studied, who had an average age of 64.2 years, with a predominance of 52.9% of the female sex. 74.5% of the patients presented normal serum sodium values; only 21.6% of these presented hyponatremia. 7 deaths were reported, corresponding to a mortality of 13.7%. The unadjusted risk (OR) of death with decreased serum sodium levels on admission to hospitalization of patients with decompensated heart failure is 15 CI (2,350-95,745) times more than those without hyponatremia. Conclusion: Hyponatremia is a frequent alteration in hospitalized patients and its finding on admission is associated with a greater probability of death during hospitalization.
Palabras clave
Insuficiencia cardiaca, Hiponatremia, Péptidos natriuréticos, Mal pronóstico, Mortalidad, Heart failure, Hyponatremia, Natriuretic peptides, Bad prognosis, Mortality