Prácticas Pedagógicas de los docentes pertenecientes a instituciones educativas públicas y privadas del municipio Fonseca en la Guajira-Colombia
Bonilla Palacio, Diana Carolina
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El presente trabajo se propuso comparar las prácticas pedagógicas de los docentes pertenecientes a instituciones educativas públicas y privadas del municipio Fonseca en la Guajira-Colombia, bajo los aporte teóricos de autores como Flórez (1994), Tamayo (2007), Urbina (2014), Larrive (2008) y otros. Para ello esta investigación se desarrolla en capítulos que se describen a continuación: el Capítulo I comprende el Planteamiento del Problema, y contiene además la justificación, objetivos y delimitación del mismo. Seguidamente se presenta el Capítulo II con el Marco Teórico, el desarrollo del estado del arte, así como la sustentación de autores y fundamentos teóricos relacionados al tema de investigación. En el Capítulo III se expresa el método de investigación seleccionado para bordar la temática, junto con la descripción del enfoque, la población, técnicas y los instrumentos para la recolección de datos e incluso la explicación de las fases del trabajo. Al final, se presentará el Capítulo IV con los resultados obtenidos a partir del contexto educativo en cual se enmarca y desarrolla la investigación, con sus conclusiones en respuestas a los objetivos de propuestos, así como las recomendaciones. Profundizando un poco la metodología empleada fue comparativa, bajo un enfoque cuantitativo, con el uso de técnicas para la recolección de datos validadas por la Universidad Simón Bolívar (2018), cuyos instrumentos fueron un Cuestionario y una Escala, con opciones de respuesta cerradas para su concertación estadística. La población general estuvo conformada por 44 docentes (34 del INSCREY como centro privado y 10 de la Institución Vicente Roig y Villalba de carácter pública), ambas ubicadas en el municipio Fonseca, La Guajira-Colombia. Entre los principales resultados se obtuvo una actividad educativa Tradicional, evaluación de Procesos, organización Comunicativa, participación Co-construida. En cuanto al enfoque de la práctica predomina el Tradicional y la reflexión Superficial de la misma. En Conclucion se descubre una práctica pedagógica en parte orientada a utilizar aspectos educativos que se constituyan diferentes y significativos para los estudiantes, pero aún sin la posibilidad de concretar por parte de la mayoría de los
docentes la praxis del enfoque Constructivista, por ejemplo, así como una reflexión más profunda sobre su quehacer y, por ende, una actividad educativa cargada de elementos que apuesten por la profundización resignificación y optimización del aprendizaje, mucho más que las acciones tradicionales que aun se perciben en ambas instituciones y, en especial, en la de carácter público.)
The present work was proposed to compare the pedagogical practices of teachers belonging to public and private educational institutions of the Fonseca municipality in Guajira-Colombia, under the theoretical contributions of authors such as Flórez (1994), Tamayo (2007), Urbina (2014), Larrive (2008) and others. For this, this research is carried out in chapters that are described below: Chapter I includes the Problem Statement, and also contains the justification, objectives and delimitation of it. Next, Chapter II is presented with the Theoretical Framework, the development of the state of the art, as well as the support of authors and theoretical foundations related to the research topic. Chapter III expresses the research method selected to embroider the theme, together with the description of the approach, the population, techniques and instruments for data collection and even the explanation of the phases of the work. In the end, Chapter IV will be presented with the results obtained from the educational context in which the research is framed and developed, with its conclusions in responses to the proposed objectives, as well as the recommendations. Deepening the methodology used was comparative, under a quantitative approach, with the use of data collection techniques validated by the Simón Bolívar University (2018), whose instruments were a Questionnaire and a Scale, with closed response options for statistical agreement. The general population was made up of 44 teachers (34 from INSCREY as a private center and 10 from the Vicente Roig y Villalba Institution of a public nature), both located in the municipality Fonseca, La Guajira-Colombia. Among the main results, a Traditional educational activity, Process evaluation, Communicative organization, Co-built participation were obtained. As regards the approach of the practice, the Traditional and the Superficial reflection of the same predominate. In Conclucion a pedagogical practice is discovered, partly oriented to use educational aspects that are constituted different and significant for students, but still without the possibility of realizing by the majority of teachers the praxis of the Constructivist approach, for example, as well as a deeper reflection on their work and, therefore, an educational activity loaded with elements that are committed to deepening resignification and optimization of learning, much more than the traditional actions that are still perceived in both institutions and, especially, in the public character
The present work was proposed to compare the pedagogical practices of teachers belonging to public and private educational institutions of the Fonseca municipality in Guajira-Colombia, under the theoretical contributions of authors such as Flórez (1994), Tamayo (2007), Urbina (2014), Larrive (2008) and others. For this, this research is carried out in chapters that are described below: Chapter I includes the Problem Statement, and also contains the justification, objectives and delimitation of it. Next, Chapter II is presented with the Theoretical Framework, the development of the state of the art, as well as the support of authors and theoretical foundations related to the research topic. Chapter III expresses the research method selected to embroider the theme, together with the description of the approach, the population, techniques and instruments for data collection and even the explanation of the phases of the work. In the end, Chapter IV will be presented with the results obtained from the educational context in which the research is framed and developed, with its conclusions in responses to the proposed objectives, as well as the recommendations. Deepening the methodology used was comparative, under a quantitative approach, with the use of data collection techniques validated by the Simón Bolívar University (2018), whose instruments were a Questionnaire and a Scale, with closed response options for statistical agreement. The general population was made up of 44 teachers (34 from INSCREY as a private center and 10 from the Vicente Roig y Villalba Institution of a public nature), both located in the municipality Fonseca, La Guajira-Colombia. Among the main results, a Traditional educational activity, Process evaluation, Communicative organization, Co-built participation were obtained. As regards the approach of the practice, the Traditional and the Superficial reflection of the same predominate. In Conclucion a pedagogical practice is discovered, partly oriented to use educational aspects that are constituted different and significant for students, but still without the possibility of realizing by the majority of teachers the praxis of the Constructivist approach, for example, as well as a deeper reflection on their work and, therefore, an educational activity loaded with elements that are committed to deepening resignification and optimization of learning, much more than the traditional actions that are still perceived in both institutions and, especially, in the public character
Palabras clave
Práctica pedagógica, Institución educativa, Pública y privada, Pedagogical practice, Educational institution, Public and private