Estrategias didácticas para fortalecer la motricidad fina desde la recreación en estudiantes de transición del Centro Educativo Altair
Mora Saucedo, Leonardo Rafael
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Las actividades donde se fortalece y ejercita la motricidad fina, son cruciales en los individuos que inician su etapa de escolarización y el acercamiento a procesos escriturales. Las investigaciones recientes, sugieren que el desarrollo adecuado de las habilidades motoras finas asegurará el éxito del estudiante, no solo en el ámbito académico sino también en todos los aspectos de su vida diaria. La presente investigación propone una serie de estrategias didácticas desde la recreación para fortalecer la motricidad fina en estudiantes de Transición. Como objetivos específicos se plantearon: en primera medida, identificar el estado motriz en estudiantes de Transición, luego, establecer la pertinencia de la relación motricidad fina y recreación en las estrategias didácticas que se desarrollan con estudiantes de Transición y finalmente, proponer el diseño de estrategias didácticas que fortalezcan la motricidad fina en estudiantes de Transición desde la recreación.
Este proyecto se concibe teóricamente bajo los preceptos de Aguilar y Huamani (2017), Carreño et al (2014), Diaz (2020), Maita (2016), Palacio y Reino (2010) y Ziperovich y Chalita (2008). La investigación de tipo IAE- Investigación Acción Educativa, con enfoque cualitativo y de paradigma socio crítico, tuvo como técnicas e instrumentos: la observación directa participante, la lista de cotejo y la entrevista semiestructurada, con una muestra de 25 de estudiantes de transición del Centro Educativo Altair; con edades entre los 5 y 6 años que fueron seleccionados de forma aleatoria. De acuerdo con el análisis realizado, luego de agotarse los instrumentos y analizarse el estado de adquisición de las habilidades de la motricidad fina, se pudo obtener como resultado que, las habilidades viso manuales, grafo perceptivas y gestuales se adquieren al ser practicadas con constancia. Asimismo, se encontró un bajo nivel de desarrollo de actividades recreativas que incentiven el acercamiento a la motricidad fina como elemento base de la etapa preescolar. En adherencia a lo anterior, se concluye corroborando la necesidad de proponer un conjunto de estrategias didácticas que visionen la motricidad fina como elemento primordial de las actividades académicas preescolares, teniendo como base la fundamentación recreativa.
Activities, where fine motor skills are strengthened and exercised, are crucial in individuals who begin their schooling and approach scriptural processes. Recent research suggests that the proper development of fine motor skills will ensure the success of the student, not only in the academic sphere but also in all aspects of his daily life. This research proposes a series of didact recreation strategies to strengthen transition students' fine motor skill sets. As specific objectives were raised: first, to identify the motor state in Transition students, then establish the relevance of the relationship between fine motor skills and recreation in the didactic strategies that are developed with Transition students, and finally, propose the design of didactic strategies that strengthen fine motor skills in Transition students from recreation. This project is theoretically conceived under the precepts of Aguilar and Huamani (2017), Carreño et al (2014), Diaz (2020), Maita (2016), Palacio y Reino (2010), and Ziperovich and Chalita (2008). The research of type IAE- Educational Action Research, with qualitative approach and socio-critical paradigm, had as techniques and instruments: the participant direct observation, the checklist, and the semi-structured interview, with a sample of 25 transition students from the Altair Educational Center; with ages between 5 and 6 years who were randomly selected. According to the analysis carried out, after exhausting the instruments and analyzing the state of acquisition of fine motor skills, it was possible to obtain as a result that, visual manual skills, perceptive and gestural graphs are acquired by being practiced with constancy. Likewise, a low level of development of recreational activities was found that encourage the approach to fine motor skills as a basis for preschool. In compliance with the foregoing, we conclude by confirming the need to propose a set of didactic strategies that envision fine motor as a primary element of preschool academic activities, based on the recreation foundation.
Activities, where fine motor skills are strengthened and exercised, are crucial in individuals who begin their schooling and approach scriptural processes. Recent research suggests that the proper development of fine motor skills will ensure the success of the student, not only in the academic sphere but also in all aspects of his daily life. This research proposes a series of didact recreation strategies to strengthen transition students' fine motor skill sets. As specific objectives were raised: first, to identify the motor state in Transition students, then establish the relevance of the relationship between fine motor skills and recreation in the didactic strategies that are developed with Transition students, and finally, propose the design of didactic strategies that strengthen fine motor skills in Transition students from recreation. This project is theoretically conceived under the precepts of Aguilar and Huamani (2017), Carreño et al (2014), Diaz (2020), Maita (2016), Palacio y Reino (2010), and Ziperovich and Chalita (2008). The research of type IAE- Educational Action Research, with qualitative approach and socio-critical paradigm, had as techniques and instruments: the participant direct observation, the checklist, and the semi-structured interview, with a sample of 25 transition students from the Altair Educational Center; with ages between 5 and 6 years who were randomly selected. According to the analysis carried out, after exhausting the instruments and analyzing the state of acquisition of fine motor skills, it was possible to obtain as a result that, visual manual skills, perceptive and gestural graphs are acquired by being practiced with constancy. Likewise, a low level of development of recreational activities was found that encourage the approach to fine motor skills as a basis for preschool. In compliance with the foregoing, we conclude by confirming the need to propose a set of didactic strategies that envision fine motor as a primary element of preschool academic activities, based on the recreation foundation.
Palabras clave
Motricidad fina, Niños, Aprendizaje, Habilidades, Estrategias, Educación física, Didáctica, Fine motor skills, Children, Learning, Strategies, Physical education, Didactic