Diferencias en las alteraciones funcionales y calidad vida en paciente post COVID con variantes Delta y Omicron de Sarscov 2. Revisión bibliográfica
Barrios Fontalvo, Sebastián de Jesús
De las Aguas Vides, Mayrobis Naydith
Briseño Martínez, Evelyn
Giacometo Montes, Jasnell
Nieto López, Lilibeth
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
La Organización Mundial De La Salud obtuvo conocimientos de un extraño virus el 31 de diciembre del año 2019 en la República Popular de Wuhan, China, donde se avistaron múltiples casos anormales de neumonía vírica, muchos de estos pacientes presentaron alteraciones a nivel multisistemico en el cual las principales alteraciones se encontraron en el Sistema Cardio-Respiratorio, así mismo los síntomas más prevalentes eran La Tos Seca 59,4%, Fiebre 98,6% y la Astenia 69,6%, Luego de varios estudios se identificó que el causante de esta enfermedad era un virus de la familia de los SARS llamado Covid19. Este virus tenía la capacidad la propagarse de forma rápida y fácil, además otra de sus particularidades era su posibilidad de mutar en cada usuario contagiado y esto mismo se daba por medio de la unión de enzimas receptoras y convertidora de angiotensina, ya que el virus tiene una superficie de Glicoproteína, esto mismo facilita la fusión de la membrana vírica y celular favoreciendo a sus variaciones. Entre las mutaciones más relevantes están la Delta B .1.617.2 en donde tuvo su primer avistamiento el 18 de abril del 2021 en un paciente originario de la Nagpur, India y el Omicron que apareció en el pasado 24 de noviembre del 2021, ambas mutaciones sometieron al mundo siendo esta última más contagiosa que la anterior, pero representaba una menor letalidad. Por estas mismas cualidades las vacunas tenían una baja eficiencia en su acción, ya que cada paciente presentaba una sintomatología diferente.
Las variaciones dejadas por el covid19 han traído múltiples impactos en el estilo de vida de los pacientes una vez dados de alta, principalmente aquellos que seguirán presentando alteraciones como por ejemplo Hipertensión Arterial, Cefalea, Problemas en la Flora intestinal, Secuelas Respiratorias y Anginas de Pecho, entre otras más; además de manifestar bastante factores psicológicos como ansiedad por contraer nuevamente el virus, también se declaró que la mayoría de los pacientes POSTCovid19 revelan estados depresivos, ya que su integración a la sociedad se verá en parte restringida debido a que hora debe emplear un estilo de vida diferente al que poseía.
El objetivo de esta investigación es determinar las alteraciones Funcional y calidad de vida en pacientes Post-COVID (Variantes Ómicron y delta de SARS-CoV-2). Con la finalidad de, Identificar cuáles son las diferencias que existen en las alteraciones funcionales y la calidad de vida en pacientes Post-COVID- Variantes Ómicron y delta de SARS-CoV-2)?
La pregunta de investigación se responde a través de un estudio descriptivo de artículos que determinen las diferencias en las alteraciones funcionales y calidad de vida en pacientes post covid19. Se puede concluir que el Covid19 afecta de manera directa la calidad de vida de las personas, razón por la cual es importante conocer las secuelas que este puede generar a corto y largo plazo, para así de esta manera
poder llevar un manejo de sus síntomas y de las afectaciones físicas que podrían presentar las personas
Se puede concluir que el COVID_19 afecta de manera directa la calidad de vida de las personas, razón por la cual es importante conocer las secuelas que este puede generar a corto y largo plazo, para así de esta manera poder llevar un manejo de sus síntomas y de las afectaciones físicas que podrían presentar las personas, además de todas aquellas limitaciones que esta misma podría generar.
The World Health Organization obtained knowledge of a strange virus on December 31, 2019 in the People's Republic of Wuhan, China, where multiple abnormal cases of viral pneumonia were sighted, many of these patients presented alterations at the multisystem level in which the main alterations were found in the Cardio-Respiratory System, likewise the most prevalent symptoms were Dry Cough 59.4%, Fever 98.6% and Asthenia 69.6%. After several studies it was identified that the cause of This disease was a virus from the SARS family called Covid19. This virus had the ability to spread quickly and easily, and another of its peculiarities was its ability to mutate in each infected user, and this occurred through the union of receptor and angiotensin-converting enzymes, since the virus has a glycoprotein surface, this facilitates the fusion of the viral and cellular membrane, favoring its variations. Among the most relevant mutations are the Delta B .1.617.2 where it had its first sighting on April 18, 2021 in a patient from Nagpur, India and the Omicron that appeared on November 24, 2021, both mutations they subdued the world, the latter being more contagious than the former but representing less lethality. Due to these same qualities, the vaccines had a low efficiency in their action, since each patient presented a different symptomatology. The variations left by covid-19 have brought multiple impacts on the lifestyle of patients once discharged, mainly those who will continue to present alterations such as arterial hypertension, headache, intestinal flora problems, respiratory sequelae and angina pectoris. , among others; In addition to manifesting quite a lot of psychological factors such as anxiety about contracting the virus again, it was also declared that the majority of POSTCovid19 patients reveal depressive states, since their integration into society will be partially restricted due to the time they must use a lifestyle. different from the one he had. The objective of this research is to determine the functional alterations and quality of life in Post-COVID patients (Omicron and delta variants of SARS-CoV-2). In order to identify what are the differences that exist in functional alterations and quality of life in Post-COVID patients - Omicron and delta variants of SARS-CoV-2)? The research question is answered through a descriptive study of articles that determine the differences in functional alterations and quality of life in post covid-19 patients. It can be concluded that Covid19 directly affects people's quality of life, which is why it is important to know the consequences that it can generate in the short and long term, in order to be able to manage its symptoms and of the physical affections that people could present It can be concluded that COVID_19 directly affects people's quality of life, which is why it is important to know the consequences that it can generate in the short and long term, in order to be able to manage their symptoms and of the physical affectations that people could present, in addition to all those limitations that it could generate.
The World Health Organization obtained knowledge of a strange virus on December 31, 2019 in the People's Republic of Wuhan, China, where multiple abnormal cases of viral pneumonia were sighted, many of these patients presented alterations at the multisystem level in which the main alterations were found in the Cardio-Respiratory System, likewise the most prevalent symptoms were Dry Cough 59.4%, Fever 98.6% and Asthenia 69.6%. After several studies it was identified that the cause of This disease was a virus from the SARS family called Covid19. This virus had the ability to spread quickly and easily, and another of its peculiarities was its ability to mutate in each infected user, and this occurred through the union of receptor and angiotensin-converting enzymes, since the virus has a glycoprotein surface, this facilitates the fusion of the viral and cellular membrane, favoring its variations. Among the most relevant mutations are the Delta B .1.617.2 where it had its first sighting on April 18, 2021 in a patient from Nagpur, India and the Omicron that appeared on November 24, 2021, both mutations they subdued the world, the latter being more contagious than the former but representing less lethality. Due to these same qualities, the vaccines had a low efficiency in their action, since each patient presented a different symptomatology. The variations left by covid-19 have brought multiple impacts on the lifestyle of patients once discharged, mainly those who will continue to present alterations such as arterial hypertension, headache, intestinal flora problems, respiratory sequelae and angina pectoris. , among others; In addition to manifesting quite a lot of psychological factors such as anxiety about contracting the virus again, it was also declared that the majority of POSTCovid19 patients reveal depressive states, since their integration into society will be partially restricted due to the time they must use a lifestyle. different from the one he had. The objective of this research is to determine the functional alterations and quality of life in Post-COVID patients (Omicron and delta variants of SARS-CoV-2). In order to identify what are the differences that exist in functional alterations and quality of life in Post-COVID patients - Omicron and delta variants of SARS-CoV-2)? The research question is answered through a descriptive study of articles that determine the differences in functional alterations and quality of life in post covid-19 patients. It can be concluded that Covid19 directly affects people's quality of life, which is why it is important to know the consequences that it can generate in the short and long term, in order to be able to manage its symptoms and of the physical affections that people could present It can be concluded that COVID_19 directly affects people's quality of life, which is why it is important to know the consequences that it can generate in the short and long term, in order to be able to manage their symptoms and of the physical affectations that people could present, in addition to all those limitations that it could generate.
Palabras clave
Covid-19, Calidad de vida, Deficiencias, Capacidad