Componentes sociales que inciden en la participación social de los niños y niñas de la institución educativa Carlos Ramírez París
Blanco Silva, Nini Johana
Burgos Castro, Maritza
Vargas Carreño, Yasmin Andrea
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Esta investigación busca conocer los componentes sociales que inciden en la participación social de los niños del colegio Carlos Ramírez París. Para ello se utilizaron bases teóricas como la participación infantil de Shier, la escalera de la participación de Hart y la construcción social de la realidad desde Berger y Luckman, bajo lo cual se establecen las categorías para dar respuesta a los objetivos propuestos. Se llevó a cabo con 13 niños y niñas en un rango de edades entre 8 y 12 años. La metodología bajo la cual se enmarca es un enfoque cualitativo, con paradigma interpretativo y diseño etnometodologico a través de herramientas como lo son la observación, entrevista y grupo focal. Los principales resultados fueron que los escenarios socializadores como la familia y la escuela cumplen su rol desde acciones básicas y no se genera motivación para propiciar la participación infantil, sino que al contrario se ve sesgada; en cuanto a los niveles de participación hay mayor presencia de la no participación que de la participación verdadera y finalmente la población abordada desconoce la participación infantil como un derecho y no muestran empoderamiento frente a la participación.
This research seeks to know the social components that affect the social participation of children at the Carlos Ramírez París school to respond to the problem of low participation in children. For the development of this, theoretical bases were used from the theory of child participation of Shier, the ladder of Hart's participation and the social construction of reality from Berger and Luckman, under which the categories are established to respond to the proposed objectives. It was carried out in the Carlos Ramírez Paris educational institution of the Antonia Santos neighborhood in the city of San José de Cúcuta, with 13 boys and girls in a range of ages between 8 and 12 years. The methodology under which it is framed is a qualitative approach, with interpretative paradigm and ethnomethodological design through information gathering tools such as observation, interview and focus group. The main results were that the socializing scenarios such as the family and the school fulfill their role from basic actions and motivation is not generated to encourage child participation, but on the contrary it is biased; in terms of levels of participation, there is a greater presence of non-participation than of true participation and, finally, children are unaware of child participation as a right and are not empowered in terms of communication skills, initiative to get involved in actions and establishment of life project.
This research seeks to know the social components that affect the social participation of children at the Carlos Ramírez París school to respond to the problem of low participation in children. For the development of this, theoretical bases were used from the theory of child participation of Shier, the ladder of Hart's participation and the social construction of reality from Berger and Luckman, under which the categories are established to respond to the proposed objectives. It was carried out in the Carlos Ramírez Paris educational institution of the Antonia Santos neighborhood in the city of San José de Cúcuta, with 13 boys and girls in a range of ages between 8 and 12 years. The methodology under which it is framed is a qualitative approach, with interpretative paradigm and ethnomethodological design through information gathering tools such as observation, interview and focus group. The main results were that the socializing scenarios such as the family and the school fulfill their role from basic actions and motivation is not generated to encourage child participation, but on the contrary it is biased; in terms of levels of participation, there is a greater presence of non-participation than of true participation and, finally, children are unaware of child participation as a right and are not empowered in terms of communication skills, initiative to get involved in actions and establishment of life project.
Palabras clave
Participación, Escenarios socializadores, Capacidades de participación, Familia, Escuela, Derechos de los niños, Participation, Socializing scenarios, Family, School, Children's rights