Estrategia digital dirigida a la empleabilidad de migrantes venezolanos en la ciudad de Barranquilla
Pupo Moreno, Silvana
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Esta investigación tuvo como propósito principal diseñar una estrategia digital dirigida a la empleabilidad de población migrante venezolana residente en la ciudad de Barranquilla para facilitar la inserción laboral de esta población vulnerable. Lo que fue posible por medio de una caracterización a la población migrante venezolana para conocer el perfil y las necesidades, además se buscó identificar sus intereses y barreras laborales para establecer sus preferencias al proponer la estrategia digital. Luego de recopilar la información requerida fue posible definir la estructura de la estrategia digital; que facilite el acceso al mercado laboral de los migrantes de la ciudad de Barranquilla. Se desarrollo bajo una metodología cuantitativa de tipo descriptiva, propositiva. la sistematización de los datos se desarrolló por medio del software de análisis estadístico SPSS versión 25. contó con una muestra de 174 migrantes venezolanos que residen en la ciudad de Barranquilla a quienes se les aplicó una encuesta sociodemográfica, un cuestionario de identificación de barreras e intereses laborales y de acceso a herramientas digitales y se pudo determinar la relación entre las variables de búsqueda de empleo y acceso a tecnología. Esto con el fin de obtener información más cercana que permitieran la definición de la estructura de la estrategia digital. Dentro de los principales hallazgos se encontró en cuanto a los factores sociodemográficos que la mayor parte de la muestra son de género femenino, el nivel académico que prevalece es el bachiller y que la principal fuente de ingresos es el trabajo diario e irregular. Respecto a la identificación de intereses y barreras laborales se encontró que la muestra cuenta con experiencia laboral en Colombia y Venezuela, el principal sector de interés laboral es comercio y ventas, seguido de construcción y
gastronomía y las principales barreras para acceder a un empleo es la falta de oportunidades y la falta de redes de contacto. Además, se propuso un Bot de WhatsApp como estrategia digital que facilitaría el acceso a información de empleo y a la inserción laboral que tiene 6 ejes principales que son el autorreconocimiento de habilidades y capacidad, identificación de intereses laborales y motivación para encontrar empleo, reconocimiento de derechos y deberes laborales, elaboración de hoja de vida, oferta de capacitación disponible, mapa de oportunidades que permite conocer la oferta institucional y las agencias de empleo.
The main objective of this research was to design a digital strategy aimed at employing Venezuelan migrants in the city of Barranquilla to facilitate the employment of this vulnerable population. What was possible through a characterization of the Venezuelan migrant population to know the profile and needs, also sought to identify their interests and labor barriers to establish their preferences when proposing the digital strategy. After collecting the required information, it was possible to define the structure of the digital strategy; to facilitate the employment of migrants from the city of Barranquilla. It was developed under a quantitative methodology of descriptive, propositional type. the systematization of the data was conducted in the statistical analysis package SPSS version 25. had a sample of 174 Venezuelan migrants residing in the city of Barranquilla to whom a sociodemographic survey was applied, a questionnaire to identify barriers and interests in employment and access to digital tools and the association between the variables of job search and access to technology. This in order to obtain closer information that would allow the definition of the structure of the digital strategy. Among the main findings was found in terms of socio-demographic factors that most of the sample are female, the academic level that prevails is the baccalaureate and that the main source of income is the daily and irregular work. Regarding the identification of interests and labor barriers, it was found that the sample has work experience in Colombia and Venezuela, the main sector of labor interest is trade and sales, followed by construction and gastronomy and the main barriers to accessing a job is the lack of opportunities and the lack of contact networks. In addition, a WhatsApp Bot was proposed as a digital strategy that would facilitate access to employment information and employment insertion that has 6 main axes that are self-recognition of skills and capacity, identification of work interests and motivation to find employment, recognition of labor rights and duties, preparation of a resume, available training offer, map of opportunities that allows to know the institutional offer and employment agencies.
The main objective of this research was to design a digital strategy aimed at employing Venezuelan migrants in the city of Barranquilla to facilitate the employment of this vulnerable population. What was possible through a characterization of the Venezuelan migrant population to know the profile and needs, also sought to identify their interests and labor barriers to establish their preferences when proposing the digital strategy. After collecting the required information, it was possible to define the structure of the digital strategy; to facilitate the employment of migrants from the city of Barranquilla. It was developed under a quantitative methodology of descriptive, propositional type. the systematization of the data was conducted in the statistical analysis package SPSS version 25. had a sample of 174 Venezuelan migrants residing in the city of Barranquilla to whom a sociodemographic survey was applied, a questionnaire to identify barriers and interests in employment and access to digital tools and the association between the variables of job search and access to technology. This in order to obtain closer information that would allow the definition of the structure of the digital strategy. Among the main findings was found in terms of socio-demographic factors that most of the sample are female, the academic level that prevails is the baccalaureate and that the main source of income is the daily and irregular work. Regarding the identification of interests and labor barriers, it was found that the sample has work experience in Colombia and Venezuela, the main sector of labor interest is trade and sales, followed by construction and gastronomy and the main barriers to accessing a job is the lack of opportunities and the lack of contact networks. In addition, a WhatsApp Bot was proposed as a digital strategy that would facilitate access to employment information and employment insertion that has 6 main axes that are self-recognition of skills and capacity, identification of work interests and motivation to find employment, recognition of labor rights and duties, preparation of a resume, available training offer, map of opportunities that allows to know the institutional offer and employment agencies.
Palabras clave
Barreras de empleo, Bot de WhatsApp, Empleabilidad, Estrategias digitales, Migración, Employment barriers, WhatsApp bot, Employability, Digital strategies, Migration